Re: Storm hive bolt

2017-03-31 Thread Marcin Kasiński
You can dowload my project from link This is simple topology with Kafka spout (it works ), hbase bolt (it works), hive bolt (doesnt work) I've created hive table: CREATE TABLE stock_prices( day DATE, open FLOAT, high FLOAT, low FLOAT, close

Re: Storm hive bolt

2017-03-31 Thread Marcin Kasiński
Hi Eugene. Below yo have my pom file. Can you check it and fix it to use repositories in proper way, please ? I'm working with my problem over 2 weeks and I'm loosing hope.; xmlns:xsi=";

Re: Storm hive bolt

2017-03-30 Thread Eugene Koifman
It maybe because you are mixing artifacts from HDP/F and Apache when compiling the topology. Can you try using Rather than  org.apache.storm storm-hive 1.0.3 Eugene On 3/29/17, 9:47 AM,

Re: Storm hive bolt

2017-03-29 Thread Marcin Kasiński
I've upgraded my environment. I have HIve on HDP 2.5 (environment 1) and storm on HDF 2.1 (environment 2) I have the same eroor: On storm (HDF 2.1): Caused by: org.apache.hive.hcatalog.streaming.TransactionError: Unable to acquire lock on {metaStoreUri='thrift://hdp1.local:9083',

Re: Storm hive bolt

2017-03-27 Thread Marcin Kasiński
Hello. Thank you for reply. I do really want to solve it. I'm sure i compiled sources again with new jars. I've changed source from storm 0.10 ( package backtype.storm.* ) to storm 1.0.1 (package org.apache.storm.*) and I've generated jar again Below you have entire storm worker logs and

Re: Storm hive bolt

2017-03-27 Thread Eugene Koifman has 2016-10-03 23:40:24,322 ERROR [pool-5-thread-114]: metastore.RetryingHMSHandler ( - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unexpected