Please find my responses inline;

Rishi Solanki
Sr Manager, Enterprise Software Development
HotWax Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Direct: +91-9893287847

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 4:34 PM, <> wrote:

> I started testing ofbiz by configuring en empty database to build a data
> model from scratch. I do have first question (more to come I guess):
> (1) How can I update exchange rates and unit of measure conversions?

Please check the UomConversion entity, you can upload your conversion rates
using xml files from webtools. Many example of xml files exists in OFBiz
including conversion xml data.

> (2) How can I create / delete FX rates and units of measures?

Please refer Uom and UomConversion entity. It should be seed data for your

> (3) I created  the admin user using the following command: ./gradlew
> loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=MyUserName
> This allows me to log into ofbiz. I created now an employee and wanted to
> connect this employee with the   MyUserName. This creates an error saying
> the user name already exists. Is there a workaround for this?

>From the party profile screen under party manager application, you can
create a new user and associate the user to FULLADMIN group should solve
your problem.

> (4) I cannot find a howto to configure BIRT. Please point me to one

To enable birt you need to download its plugin. Steps mentioned in the
Quick Reference: gradlew pullPluginSource -PpluginId=ecommerce

> (5) When logging in, ofbiz goes to my portal poage and opens with a very
> long error message. This message does not prevent me from working, but
> still....
> org.apache.ofbiz.widget.renderer.ScreenRenderException: Error rendering
> screen [component://common/widget/PortalPageScreens.xml#
> showPortalPage]:...............
Not sure if this is setup problem or bug. Can you please share your setup
steps or the data you have loaded so far. May be you can file a TIcket and
share the details if setup is correct at your end.

> Thank you.
> Wolfgang

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