On 10/16/2016 04:45 AM, Chris Green wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 11:32:51AM +0200, Carsten Schiefner wrote:
>> My experience of getting my certificate signed (for free, BTW! :-) by
>> StartSSL (https://www.startssl.com/) was good, but there are others as
>> well such as Let's Encrypt (https://letsencrypt.org/) - which I haven't
>> yet checked out, though.
> I (OP) use LetsEncrypt to get a certificate for my server, it's worked
> well so far though renewing first time was a little messy.  I've
> written down the procedure for myself so it shouldn't be so bad the
> next time.

I got in on the beta. It was /really/ rough then. The last time I went
though it manually it was super simple. They really mean it when they
say that they want this to be an automated procedure. I am now
comfortable enough that it runs once a week (It won't renew until it
gets within a certain time window; you can force it manually if you need

I highly recommend LetsEncrypt with their certbot for automation. I also
agree that https should _really_ be paired with owncloud.


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