
Found the solution of my problem here :

My namenodes are HA, which was the origin of the problem.
Now it works fine.

Best regards.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Lune Silver <lunescar.ran...@gmail.com>

> Hello !
> I enabled yesterday the plugin HDFS with Ranger 0.5 on HDP
> In Ranger UI, in the hdfs repository definition (with all the parameters
> for the repository), when I click on "test connection", I have an error
> message saying that the test failed.
> And in the xa_portal.log, I can see the following error message :
> ###
> 2016-10-12 09:43:29,030 [timed-executor-pool-0] ERROR
> apache.ranger.services.hdfs.client.HdfsResourceMgr
> (HdfsResourceMgr.java:48) - <== HdfsResourceMgr.testConnection Error:
> org.apache.ranger.plugin.client.HadoopException: Unable to get listing of
> files for directory [/] from Hadoop environment [<MYCLUSTER>_hadoop].
> ###
> I'm wondering what could be the problem with this ?
> Best regards.
> Lune.

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