Sharing object/state accross transformations

2015-12-02 Thread JayKay
I'm new to Apache Spark and an absolute beginner. I'm playing around with Spark Streaming (API version 1.5.1) in Java and want to implement a prototype which uses HyperLogLog to estimate distinct elements. I use the stream-lib from clearspring ( I planned

Re: Sharing object/state accross transformations

2015-12-10 Thread JayKay
I solved the problem by passing the HLL object to the function, updating it and returning it as new state. This was obviously a thinking barrier... ;-) -- View this message in context:

Want to test spark-sql-kafka but get unresolved dependency error

2016-10-13 Thread JayKay
I want to work with the Kafka integration for structured streaming. I use Spark version 2.0.0. and I start the spark-shell with: spark-shell --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.0.0 As described here: