2016-09-30 Thread Trinadh Kaja
Hi All, I am facing different problem using spark, i am using spark-sql. below are the details, sqlcontext.sql("""create external table location '/' as select * from XXX""" ) this is my query table success fully done but in hive command describe formatted showing MANAGETABLE,


2016-09-21 Thread Trinadh Kaja
Hi all, how to increase spark performance ,i am using pyspark. cluster info : Total memory :600gb Cores:96 command : spark-submit --master yarn-client --executor-memory 10G --num-executors 50 --executor-cores 2 --driver-memory 10g --queue thequeue please help on this -- Thanks

increase spark performance

2016-09-21 Thread Trinadh Kaja
Hi all, how to increase spark performance , cluster info : total memory :600gb cores -- Thanks K.Trinadh Ph-7348826118

Spark job failing with Adjusted frame length exceeds 2147483647: 2222367317 - discarded

2016-09-15 Thread Trinadh Kaja
Hi Team, I am encountering the below error while running a spark i am mentioning spark submit command for reference. I request you to suggest me to avoid the below error and to let the program to run with out errors. CDH version: 5.6.0 Spark version: 1.5.0 spark-submit --deploy-mode