Hi - on our test systems, when I query a connection for it's BrokerInfo I
get a BrokerURL of "tcp://activemq00:61616" - our actual host has a fully
qualified domain name that is more like "activemq00.us-east1-1a.foo.bar"

The short host name "activemq00" is largely useless, especially as our
slave broker is on "activemq00.us-east1-1b.foo.bar" - i.e. a different
availability zone, but it also returns a BrokerURL of "activemq00" :-/

This worries me, partly as I can't actually use BrokerURL at all, but also
I wonder if this would affect anything else that might be relying on this

Is there some way to override it and explicitly configure the broker with
it's externally visible host name?

The root cause, from some quick looking at the code, is probably calls
to InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()

As the first answer to

"Any attempt to determine the hostname by an IP address like this is bound
to fail in some circumstances"

- Korny
Kornelis Sietsma  korny at my surname dot com http://korny.info
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