Re: ActiveMQ with object store

2014-10-10 Thread Andreas Gies
HI, AFAIK there is no Object Store Support for persisting messages. You have to select one of the existing ones - kahadb - jdbc - replicated level db as described here: It *might* be that there is a JDBC driver for object store, but I doubt it

Re: Configuring ActiveMQ-CPP

2014-10-10 Thread pwalter
For the ActiveMQ servers: Primary (localhost:61616) and Backup (localhost:61617) (for CMS clients) are there any changes needed in the server activemq.xml. When I use CMS (C++) client with the following config: failover:(tcp://localhost:61616,tcp://localhost:61617)?randomize=false The

HawtIO ActiveMQ Plugin - ConstraintMapping

2014-10-10 Thread Justin Reock
Hi all, I'm attempting to set up ConstraintMapping in jetty.xml for non-admin users against jolokia/HawtIO. I'm having trouble tracking down the actual URLs that are used to do create/write/delete operations. Where can I find the HawtIO source code for the ActiveMQ plugin? Or, even better,