Is there any sane way to handle authentication failure at an sftp endpoint?

I have a camel route with a sftp endpoint, specifically it moves files to sftp. 
When the sftp location is not available, i want to:
* If its an authentication failure, log, and do not retry. Move original files 
to failure folder.
* If the host is unknow, log and dont retry. Move original files to failure 
* Otherwise: retry a couple of times before failure.

Unfortunately SftpOperations always keeps on retrying.  In the case of 
authentication failure (which can easily happen if the person deploying the app 
makes a typo in the properties file) this means repeated attempts with the 
wrong credentials. If it's just the password that is wrong, it may lead to the 
user being blocked.

Any help appreciated. I have seen many related sftp questions on this list but 
no real answers.


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