I'm struggling to work out how best to handle a multipart/form-data using the REST DSL.

My first attempt was to use Camel's MIME-Multipart  data handler [1] which works, but gave me the problem that it automatically keeps the first part of the message (first form field) as the Exchange body, but does not copy the Content-Disposition header of the part to the headers for the message. Without the Content-Disposition header I can't tell which form field this corresponds to, and the client(s) that send the request do not provide the form fields in the same order. Short story - if I could guarantee which is the first part then I'd be OK, but I can't.

My next attempt was to use the commons-fileupload package [2] which works with the raw HttpServletRequest. But this didn't work as I got an IOException with a  'Stream closed' message when trying to read. Seems that Camel is somehow getting to the request first?

My third attempt was to use the Servlet API and call HttpServletRequst.getParts() method [3] to get the parts, but this failed with an IllegalStateException with this message: "Unable to process parts as no multi-part configuration has been provided". Googling [4] tells me that I need to annotate the servlet with the @MultipartConfig annotation, but of course using Camel's REST DSL I don't have access to the servlet class.

Any suggestions for how to handle this. To summarise the needs:
1. need to handle the form fields in any order
2. some of the parts can be large in size so I need an approach that streams the data or does not keep it in memory.

[1] http://camel.apache.org/mime-multipart.html
[2] https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-fileupload/
[3] https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest.html#getParts-- [4] https://www.moreofless.co.uk/unable-process-parts-no-multi-part-configuration-provided/

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