Hi Cameleers,
FOSDEM[1] is free as in beer grassroots event for free software/open
source communities to meet, share ideas and collaborate. You'll find
over 800 talks spread over 35 rooms of Université libre de Bruxelles
campus over the first weekend of February. And building on last year's
well-received BoF session Camel is returning to FOSDEM.

FOSDEM 2020 is on 1st (from 9:30 to 19:00) and 2nd (from 9:00 to
18:00) of February.

Aside from all the interesting talks[2], your favorite even-toed
ungulate is going to be represented there.

First, at the Integration Process Community stand[3] in the building K
both days of the conference. Come by to say hi, learn from the
Cameleers about all the new and exciting developments on Camel 3,
Camel K, Camel Quarkus and Camel Kafka Connector. There might even be
some Camel swag for you to grab :)

The Camel BoF session at FOSDEM 2019 was very well received last year
and we're repeating it: the Camel birds of a feather[4] will be on
Saturday from 11 to 12 in the room H.3242. Let's meet, discuss and
exchange ideas. Anyone wishing to share can present on any topic
relating to Apache Camel is welcome to do so, though please be mindful
of the time - we have one hour in this session and would like that
everyone would have the chance to participate.

Lastly, we're planning on having a social event on Saturday a chance
to wind down and discuss more in one of many Belgian pubs. Watch this
space for details on that.

I hope to see many of you at FOSDEM 2020!


p.s. this is text is also available on the website[5]

[1] https://fosdem.org/2020/about/
[2] https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/
[3] https://fosdem.org/2020/stands/
[4] https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/bof_apache_camel/
[5] https://camel.apache.org/blog/FOSDEM-2020/
Zoran Regvart

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