Re: Activemq consumer is closing

2016-12-02 Thread boday
we set the idleTimeout to 0 in the PooledConnectionFactory config like this... ** - Ben O'Day IT Consultant - -- View this message in context:

Re: Camel production use

2015-03-19 Thread boday
yes. do you have any specific questions about creating routes? on the deployment side, Camel can be embedded in any existing Java app, run in Tomcat, in OSGi or standalone mode... I generally use Tomcat and Spring to bootstrap the context:

Re: general approach to streaming

2014-11-27 Thread boday
Tim, the SEDA component is designed to produce/consume messages quickly and provides a queue (BlockingQueue) in between resources to buffer the flow and provides options such as max size and blockWhenFull to limit memory usage and slow a producer as needed, etc...

Re: question about database querying design pattern

2014-11-16 Thread boday
there isn't a reach through cache design pattern implementation...that said, given that both redis/mongdb components support producing/consuming, this shouldn't be difficult to use along with some simple conditional logic implemented via a filter or content based router... here is a pseudo route

Re: Aggregate up to N ASAP

2014-10-27 Thread boday
bacar, as suggested...use a completionTimeout value greater than 0...this will complete when a max size of 100 is reached OR after no new messages are received for that amount of time...whichever is FIRST... also, if you have a max delay requirement, then use the completionInterval() instead to

Re: can camel throttle messages based a dynamic message key?

2014-10-27 Thread boday
Niels, I think what you are looking for is not throttling, but single threading groups of related messages, correct? If so, then ActiveMQ message groups is designed for exactly that and is trivial to implement... Just route your messages through a JMS queue and set the JMSXGroupId header set to

Re: question about seda component

2014-06-23 Thread boday
yep, SEDA uses a BlockingQueue and is asynchronous from the producer (the process that sends to your seda:trades endpoint) if you specify concurrentConsumers=100 then it will use 100 threads to pull messages off the queue and execute your route in parallel... simafengyun wrote Hi All, I

Re: Camel hang on graceful shutdown - NOT trying to stop a route from a route

2014-06-23 Thread boday
you might try adding a depends-on attribute to the camelContext definition to tell Spring the order to start/stop things... camelContext autoStartup=${} xmlns=; depends-on=activemq, remote.activemq Paul Gale wrote Hi,

Re: Green test, but my RouteBuilder dosent run...

2014-06-19 Thread boday
remove these lines from testSendMatchingMessage(), this is handled by CamelTestSupport automatically and causing duplicate direct:start routes context.addRoutes(createRouteBuilder()); context.start(); Frankiboy wrote What is wrong here Green test, but notning happens i

Re: Green test, but my RouteBuilder dosent run...

2014-06-19 Thread boday
the issue is also with your template/mock are mixing concepts a bit... remove the declarations outside of the method and just do something like this... MockEndpoint mock = getMockEndpoint(mock:result); mock.expectedBodiesReceived(expected result);

Re: Hawtio - ActiveMQ Issue

2014-06-03 Thread boday
you should direct this to the hawtio forum instead: Happy User wrote Could someone help me with the below issue? 1. I gave credentials in preferences for ActiveMQ. 2. I created Queue in the default broker and it was successful. 3. I selected the queue and clicked

Re: Avoiding Serialization in DefaultProducerTemplate

2014-05-31 Thread boday
what endpoint are you producing to? if you are using ActiveMQ with the VM transport, then you can disable serialization by setting this property on the connection factory... ActiveMQConnectionFactory factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(vm://localhost);

Re: Broker definition - activemq.xml - Fuse 6

2014-05-31 Thread boday
sounds like you need to either disable security in the activemq.xml or setup your Camel AMQ factory with the user/pw provided... bean id=activemq class=org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent property name=connectionFactory bean

Re: Apollo support in Camel

2014-05-19 Thread boday
thanks Christian...I'm looking into migrating a Camel 2.13 app from using an external AMQ 5.9 broker to Apollo...just curious what (if any) client code/config changes are required I've played with it just to see if it works.. anything specific? - Ben O'Day IT Consultant

Re: Apollo support in Camel

2014-05-10 Thread boday
now that openwire supported has been added to Apollo...anyone using it with Camel JMS yet? if so, any advice/lessons learned? Claus Ibsen-2 wrote A future release of Apollo will support JMS, and thus you can then use the camel-jms component. On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:23 PM, MichaelAtSAG

Re: Apache camel guaranteed delivery - multiple endpoints

2014-01-29 Thread boday
might take a look at the idempotent consumer pattern to filter can be used with a repository (hazelcast, file, etc) to survive servers restarts, etc MichaelAtSAG wrote All, Please provide best practices on supporting

Re: Super basic questions

2014-01-21 Thread boday
the camel-hdfs producer will throw an error if the send operation fails...internally it just uses a standard any step in the route following this send would only be triggered upon successful send operation, and you can use standard Camel onException/doCatch routing exception

Re: Super basic questions

2014-01-20 Thread boday
in short, Camel parses the from/to URIs to call a Java API that knows how to speak that specific component's language (File I/O, HDFS, etc). So, yes...formatting an appropriate (see camel-hdfs examples) URI to your HDFS server will tell Camel to poll for files from ://in directory and send them

Re: Router with DSL

2013-08-08 Thread boday
pannereselvam wrote Great boday! Is it possible to communicate between two contexts. I m from J2EE background, in tomcat container, each web application has unique context. So we can deploy many application in the same container. Is it same in Camel ? Thanks again.. - Ben O'Day

Re: pass input from queue to web service

2013-08-06 Thread boday
start with reading about CXF to wrap the web service interaction: otherwise, checkout some CXF unit tests to see how to setup the necessary message information to invoke a web service

Re: Router with DSL

2013-08-06 Thread boday
#1 - yes, you can use both Spring XML to define routes and also include RouteBuilders that define JavaDSL routes via bean refs or packageScan (see #2 - yes, you can use multiple Camel Contexts in any container pannereselvam wrote Hi, we are new to camel.

Re: Router with DSL

2013-08-06 Thread boday
sure, assuming you are bootstrapping the contexts with Spring, just include multiple camel-context.xml files (or add multiple contexts to a single file) and make sure you give the contexts explicit bean IDs so they can be referenced later... pannereselvam wrote Thanks boday... can multiple

Re: Accessing a local declared hashmap variable in a route

2013-07-14 Thread boday
you can use camel-simple to do this... from(direct:start) .choice() .when().simple(${body.keySet} contains 'foo') .to(mock:king) .otherwise() .to(mock:other); clipod wrote Hi, I have a camel route with a choice block. I

Re: Activemq consumer is closing

2013-06-20 Thread boday
we were seeing similar issues and tracked it back to and ActiveMQConnectionPool idleTimeout issue: the solution for us was to explicitly set the idleTimeout to 0 to disable this ActiveMQMessageConsumer.checkClosed() logic... indrayani wrote Hi ,

camel deployment options...

2013-06-17 Thread boday
I have a complex/high volume (1k msgs/s) Camel application running in ActiveMQ that I need to scale up (2-5x traffic). To date, we scaled by adding more AMQ/Camel VMs and partitioned traffic to each broker. My thought is that decoupling Camel from AMQ and adding nodes independently is a better

Re: Quick question on Exchange

2013-06-04 Thread boday
the end of the route will handle that for you...if you need to explicitly stop the Exchange processing before the end of the route, you can do this by setting exchange.setProperty(Exchange.ROUTE_STOP, Boolean.TRUE)... Cristiano Costantini wrote Hi All, at the end of a route I process

Re: Using ActiveMQ with Camel

2013-06-03 Thread boday
likewise, you can use Camle/AMQ with Servicemix as well and it can provide greater flexibility in terms of deployments (bundles with separate lifecycles, etc) see this guide for setting up AMQ: see this guide for setting up Camel:

Re: Camel Jetty - Performance Issue

2013-06-03 Thread boday
on a side note, you should reuse the ProducerTemplate in your processors across subsequent requests... minimize calls to context.createProducerTemplate() by using a static/class level variable to hold this reference, should help performance... WPk wrote public class ScanningServicesProcessor

Re: Making a route depend on multiple criteria

2013-05-14 Thread boday
sounds like you could just explicitly invoke the 4th route (direct:route4) at the end of the 3rd route and enrich the 4th route with the hold file...see cwhistler wrote I need a way to create a Camel route that uses a file from endpoint but cannot

Re: How do I determine which endpoint validation exception came from?

2013-05-14 Thread boday
you generally can isolate individual exceptions by either throwing/catching more explicit exceptions or by using granular doTry/doCatch clauses within routes... another option is to use the Exchange property Exchange.TO_ENDPOINT/FAILURE_ENDPOINT to indicate the last endpoint that was tried before

Re: Transactional batching

2013-04-04 Thread boday
of messages and then publishes the collection. There currently isn't support for XA but that can be mitigated by having applications monitor for the JMSRedelivery=true header. Let me know if this answers your question. Best Regards, Scott ES On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:02 PM, boday

Re: Transactional batching

2013-04-02 Thread boday
this is a really old thread, but I'm wondering if anyone has any updated ideas on this...I have a similar requirement to read from an AMQ queue, batch X messages together and then process. I'm currently doing this with the aggregator/hawtdb repo combination but performance is proving too slow...

Re: Handle exception

2013-03-05 Thread boday
if you don't want the error to propagate back up, then set handled(true) in your doCatch() block... also, don't try to mix try/catch with onException handling of the same error class...just pick one or the other jeff wrote Hey ! I am trying to catch exception from validation properly. In

Re: Redundant Camel Applications

2013-03-05 Thread boday
couple of options...if you want to use ActiveMQ as your deployment container, then you can use its master/slave HA setup ( otherwise, see this article for a camel specific implementation:

RE: default maximum redelivery policy when overridding default error handler not right

2013-02-13 Thread boday
redelivery attempts of 0. from(direct:testscope) .onException(Exception.class) .handled(true) .to(mock:exception) .end() Do you find same if you add this to your route policy? Regards, joanne From: boday [via Camel

Re: Dynamic route : multiple From point

2013-02-12 Thread boday
if you want these to be separate routes altogether, then you can also add routes at runtime by periodically checking for new customer registrations and calling context.addRoutes(new MyRouteBuilder(params)) for more details, see

Re: default maximum redelivery policy when overridding default error handler not right

2013-02-12 Thread boday
I just created a basic test and it seemed to work fine for my scenario. Can you attach a unit test that replicates this? joe82 wrote According the the camel documentation, if you provide a context-scoped error handling policy, and then a route-scoped onException policy also - the

Re: Splitter and Aggregator Query

2013-02-11 Thread boday
the splitter sets the CamelSplitSize header that you should be able to use as your aggregator completion predicate... something like this... from(direct:start) .split(body()) .aggregate(constant(true), new BodyInAggregatingStrategy()).completionSize(header(CamelSplitSize)) gilboy wrote

Re: Content based Routing

2013-01-03 Thread boday
I suggest you start with some simple examples books to get your head around how to use Camel. To your specific flow, see the following links... 1. see camel-file to process a

Re: aggregatorstrategy on specified jms replyto question

2012-09-15 Thread boday
not sure I follow exactly, but here is an example of aggregating based on the JMSCorrelationID in SpringDSL... aggregate strategyRef=aggregatorStrategy completionSize=5 correlationExpression simpleheader.JMSCorrelationID/simple /correlationExpression to uri=mock:aggregated/

Re: how to retrieve the consumer and/or producer created in an endpoint

2012-09-15 Thread boday
I don't see any APIs in the DefaultContext/DefaultEndpoint for can get Consumer information in JMX however suralk wrote Hi All, Suppose I have defined my camel context:   CamelContext camel = new DefaultCamelContext(); after defining routes, I can access the set of end

Re: Cannot figure out routing to a remote web service

2012-09-15 Thread boday
see mjkrumlauf wrote I am having difficulty figuring out how to using any combination of Camel and the CXF or CXF Bean components to route to a remote web service. I would like to do something like this: from(someplace)

Re: Dynamic queue name from header property.

2012-07-06 Thread boday
you shouldn't need to set/get the extra header value, you can also just do this... route from uri=activemq:IN.QUEUE?preserveMessageQos=true / recipientList simpleactivemq:queue:HLQ.${in.header.Q_NAME}/simple /recipientList /route dube wrote Hello I need to dynamically

Re: SEDA Request Reply

2012-06-30 Thread boday
its based on the Exchange Pattern being used...internally the SEDA producer is calling ExchangeHelper.isOutCapable(exchange) which returns TRUE if the pattern is NOT InOnly/RobustInOnly Edwin wrote Hi Folks, With reference to / section /Use of Request

Re: running ActiveMQ with camel from maven

2012-06-17 Thread boday
don't use the m2-amq plugin, instead just configure your test AMQ broker URL to be vm://localhost (generally configured with a test context file, /src/test/resources/camel-context.xml, etc.) and an embedded broker will be started automatically. Mark Webb wrote I usually use the command mvn

Re: Custom Camel Component instantiated twice

2012-06-11 Thread boday
your CustomComponent class should only be instantiated once per CamelContext, but there can be multiple Consumer Producer instances in a given context (one per route reference) Edwin wrote Hi Folks I am referencing the same camel endpoint from 2 different routes. E.g.

Re: Custom Camel Component instantiated twice

2012-06-11 Thread boday
yes, there are multiple Endpoint instances as well (one per route reference)... If you need to share state between instances, then you can define it in the Component class and pass into into endpoint/producer/consumer instances via constructors. for an example of doing this, see camel-hazelcast,

Re: Aggregation EIP

2012-04-01 Thread boday
why not just lookup/use the in.headers.POLICYID_X property? otherwise, you can manually set another header property prior to calling the bean:kpiWriterBean or even call a different method on the bean based on the policy property (see recipient list pattern, etc) sambardar wrote I am trying

Re: async route

2012-01-23 Thread boday
see Ittay Dror wrote Hi, I have the need to create a route so that the processor that the consumer holds runs 2 steps and then returns while the rest of the route continues. So, if the route is s1, s2, s3, s4, then:

Re: Camel Active Mq - Producer - Broker -COnsumer on separate pc

2011-12-08 Thread boday
what kind of endpoint is recorder? your setup will work fine as long as your to uri=.../ statement points to a valid endpoint try adding to uri=log:+++request received+++/ before (or in place of) your recorder endpoint step. Gnarf wrote I'm trying to do something like this : The Producer is

Re: using camel to call multiple web services asynchronously

2011-12-08 Thread boday
sure, take a look at this EIP... fachhoch wrote I call a webservice for my application for a user action, I have spring,cxf client , I use this client to call the webservice, now our requirement added new webservice call , so I have to call two

Re: Routing Message to remote ActiveMQ

2011-11-18 Thread boday
by default, JMS is InOnly mode and will only return an ACK that the message was received. You need to explicitly set it to InOut to enable request/reply behavior... see this test...

Re: Camel 2.6 (Spring 2.5.6) CXF service

2011-11-16 Thread boday
take a look at the camel-cxf docs and see this example of proxying a request...should get you most of the way there zerdo wrote: I'm already broken. I can not cope with the addition to the design of Camel 2.6

Re: moveFailed in case of a method failure

2011-11-15 Thread boday
you should just be able to throw any exception that is not explicitly handled otherwise (with onException(), etc)...see this unit test ... oritush wrote:

Re: correlationExpression while Aggregating

2011-11-08 Thread boday
Ebe, what does your bean return? If its just a String, then just use the completionSize() like this... from(direct:start) .to(bean:myBean) .aggregate(constant(true), new MyAggregationStrategy()).completionSize(2000) .to(file:myFile); If the bean returns a List of Strings, then you can split

Re: Karaf vs Servicemix 4.x

2011-11-02 Thread boday
Diwakar, here is some more info on running Camel in Karaf or in a web application container... diwakar wrote: Hi, Thanks for the comment. I have 2 more queries.

Re: Seamlessly switching from Felix and Equinox - data folder

2011-11-01 Thread boday
try the karaf forum - Ben O'Day IT Consultant - -- View this message in context: Sent from

Re: Karaf vs Servicemix 4.x

2011-11-01 Thread boday
my take is that unless you explicitly need any Servicemix features, then just use Karaf because its lighter weight, etc... diwakar wrote: Hi, Thanks for the replies. has the two primary

Re: Load Balancer is a vitamine or a poison for a basic use case

2011-11-01 Thread boday
what is your question/issue exactly? H Paul wrote: A vitamine is a medicine for one man and poison for another. I am not sure if Load Balancer is a vitamine or a poison for a basic use case: Distribute files from 1 folder among 3 folders. What is your thought? Remember, I'm still

Re: Route question

2011-11-01 Thread boday
not sure what you are asking exactly, but if you are worried about the scalability of topics, then just use a single topic and either a content based router or AMQ message selectors ... otherwise,

Re: how to call route from other route?

2011-10-18 Thread boday
Trop, your example does this already...its just asynchronous because you are using JMS. If you want synchronous behavior, then use direct... Trop wrote: Hello, I have route: route autoStartup=false from uri=ftp://anonymous@localhost/; / to uri=bean:foo / to uri=jms:...

Re: testing CAMEL example in DEV environment

2011-10-03 Thread boday
to run a Camel app in dev mode, just use the camel maven plugin . Otherwise, you can package your app as a WAR and run it with either

Re: CAMEL project in a web application

2011-10-03 Thread boday
same as your other post... to run a Camel app in dev mode, just use the camel maven plugin . Otherwise, you can package your app as a WAR and run it with either

Re: Logging XSLT

2011-09-20 Thread boday
see the camel-xslt component and this unit test for an example of doing the XSLT... not sure what you what you are trying to do with the

Re: Limit number of JMS Processor

2011-09-16 Thread boday
try setting both the concurrentConsumers and maxConcurrentConsumers = 1... from uri=weblogic:queue:jms/xxincqueue?concurrentConsumers=1maxConcurrentConsumers=1/ ... sunderb wrote: Hi We are connecting to weblogic JMS queue - through a standalone camel application - Using the below

Re: Single route inside cluster

2011-09-15 Thread boday
I ran into similar requirements and needed route level locking to single-thread execution across routes that act on the same data. These could be identical routes deployed in a cluster or different routes altogether that act on the same data. I was planning on adding this to Hazelcast (see

Re: how to monitor a route

2011-09-14 Thread boday
you can embed the camel-web console in your app for some basic stats or roll your own route monitoring with JMX. To monitor messages traffic, try adding explicit logging or a wiretap to JMS/file/stream, etc. here are my (slightly dated) notes on this...

Re: Global onCompletion

2011-09-12 Thread boday
one way to do this is to use the aggregator 's completionFromBatchConsumer mode. This will allow you to group exchanges together based on the size of the file batch, etc... from(file:inbound?maxMessagesPerPoll=20) .process(...)

Re: No consumers available for direct endpoint on start.

2011-09-12 Thread boday
try specifying an explicit startup order to your routes to make sure the direct consumer route is started prior to the route that reads from the queue... bbuzzard wrote: I'm receiving files from an ActiveMQ

Re: Calling shell script from Camel

2011-09-12 Thread boday
yep, you should be able to call a shell script directly like this... jeevan.koteshwara wrote: Hi, I have a requirement, where I need to call a shell script (for zipping and unzipping files with associated passwords if any) from the route. I have chosen exec component to do so. I have

Re: How obtain a serial behaviour from a route?

2011-09-07 Thread boday
just set the route to use a single consumer this from(activemq:queue:inbound?concurrentConsumers=1maxConcurrentConsumers=1).process(...); Alberto-2 wrote: Hi, I have a route that consumes messages from a queue. This route is transacted because write to a database calling a

Re: Set response by a second route through direct routing?

2011-09-02 Thread boday
Martin, this should work...just make sure you are setting the OUT message on the exchange (exchange.getOut().setBody(RESPONSE), etc)... heinrichheine wrote: Hi, to make my route nicer i created a splitter in my incoming http route. Depending of the content i route the request to different

Re: Embedded web console

2011-09-01 Thread boday
hmmm...I'd think those paths would be relative to the web app context...not sure why you'd need to add the context in explicity... wilsonsjc wrote: Thanks for your reply, I downloaded camel-web-2.8.0-sources.jar and modified java files under org.apache.camel.web.resources package from new

Re: Enpoint associated to a RouteContext

2011-09-01 Thread boday
In theory, you can register/reuse a spring context within a container (service registry, etc). But, I don't recommend it given the complexity involved and the best practice of decoupling application lifecycles from each other... Instead, I'd recommend each deployed application having its own

Re: InOut endoint unit test

2011-09-01 Thread boday
If you have an InOut route, then all you need to do is to assert that the result from the producer template call is as expected. Also, mock is used to validate exchanges are received (generally at the end of a route). Just add .to(mock:output) to the end of your dummy route, then call... //set

Re: Embedded web console

2011-08-31 Thread boday
I see the issue, in camel-web\src\main\java\org\apache\camel\web\resources\, the setStatus() method returns return Response.seeOther(new URI(/routes)).build() after it starts/stops the route...this was to refresh the route list display, but it doesn't play nice with an

Re: Recursive Property Placeholder

2011-08-23 Thread boday
the best way that I've found to do this is to use a default file for common props and just override the differences in an environment specific file. Spring has support for this... bean id=propertyPlaceholderConfigurer

Re: Sending message to different environment

2011-08-23 Thread boday
when you setup your activemq component (generally in spring xml), you have to specify the broker to connect to. this is generally localhost, but can be an external broker, etc. So, just setup multiple activemq components (and give them an appropriate ID) this bean

Re: DeadLetterChannel useOriginalMessage Behaviour

2011-08-23 Thread boday
it should behave as you first glance, not sure why you are seeing otherwise... here is a unit test that I created a while back to validate this... public class UseOriginalMessageRouteTest extends CamelTestSupport { private static final Logger logger =

Re: in camel

2011-08-22 Thread boday
I haven't tried your approach myself, but I agree that being able to see the output in the IDE console is ideal. I just modify the file locally (and ignore it from SVN) to do this...but would be nice to avoid doing this if possible... bvahdat wrote: Hi, while running the

Re: anyone else want changes to the DSL?

2011-07-28 Thread boday
Blair, see this JIRA for a similar discussion on this... Blair wrote: Hi all, I'd like to add expressions to .to in the DSL... this is why My code is littered with .recipientList(constant(activemq:receiving:).append(header(app))

Re: Does can be taken from the queue only messages that meet a condition?

2011-07-24 Thread boday
not sure what you are asking...must there is a selective consumer pattern and also activemq selectors that might be what your are looking for zerdo wrote: Does can be taken from the jms queue only

Re: RouteBuilder Predicate Syntax

2011-07-18 Thread boday
choice and predicate are used to do conditional routing based on attributes of an exchange/message, not static attibutes resolved on route startup... I'm not following what you are trying to do...why would a Processor be NULL exactly? If a code change is required to add/remove/implement a

Re: EIP pattern for blocking messages or delaying messages

2011-07-18 Thread boday
you can also look at Camel Quartz for scheduling and the pollEnrich pattern for retrieving message and passing them along to your queue... srimin wrote: Hi I have a queue on which i'd like to receive JMS

Re: Camel to testQueue.

2011-07-18 Thread boday
see the camel jms page for details or this example unit test zerdo wrote: Can someone hint me how to Calem with the following

Re: RouteBuilder Predicate Syntax

2011-07-15 Thread boday
#1 is correct, you should explicitly call end() after each choice() block... enalposi wrote: [Camel 2.7.2] Sorry, but I am not quite clear about the syntax of inserting Predicates, esp to dynamically wire in processors... I am also not sure about the significance of end() and the newer

Re: Adding properties to an Exchange

2011-07-14 Thread boday
If you want to apply common decoration to all messages/routes, then use an interceptor strategy Otherwise, using a Bean or Processor is fine and can be reused across routes easily as well, etc. Jeff Segal wrote: I'd like to know the best way to add

Re: how to decide a route should be define?

2011-07-14 Thread boday
here is my generally want a distinct endpoint/route for each technology you are interfacing with, but can encapsulate common functionality in direct routes, beans, processors, etc. for example, if you want to expose a given route via soap, ftp and socket could do so

Re: how to design which routes be start in my application?

2011-07-13 Thread boday
you can use the autoStartup attribute along with properties to do this route id=foo autoStartup={{}} xiangqiuzhao wrote: if my application use route config like : routes route1 enable=yes/route1 route2 enable=yes/route2 route3

Re: Best component to use for a synchronous InOut route?

2011-07-13 Thread boday
James, direct is synchronous and can return a response...just use a ProducerTemplate in your processor to call the route like also should reuse the producer template if there is a high volume of calls Object result =

Re: Embedded web console

2011-07-11 Thread boday
hmmm...anyone try to package camel-web within an existing app (lately)? I tried adding the dependency (below) in my web app and deployed to Tomcat...but, I can't seem to get to the console (tried http://localhost:8080/ and http://localhost:8080/my app context, etc). What is the URL/context to

Re: Each concurrentConsumer on JMS Topic receives ALL msgs

2011-07-07 Thread boday
you can always use AMQ virtual topics instead, then you can do concurrent consumption because they are queues...see the camel durable subscriber EIP for an example... ___ Ben O'Day On Jul 7, 2011, at 6:18 AM, enalposi [via Camel] wrote:

Re: I search example where Camel return Web Service

2011-07-06 Thread boday here is an example of creating/processing a basic web service in Camel see the camel-cxf page for more info... zerdo wrote:

Re: Each concurrentConsumer on JMS Topic receives ALL msgs

2011-07-06 Thread boday
yep, you need to make the downstream route do configure multi-threading, otherwise you will get duplicate messages instead of this... from(jms:topic:super_topic?concurrentConsumers=10)... do this... from(jms:topic:super_topic?concurrentConsumers=1maxConcurrentConsumers=1).threads(10)...

Re: Endpoint is disposed

2011-07-06 Thread boday
you need to clarify what you want to do a about some pseudo code? zerdo wrote: How i make save to file when endpoint is disposed and return exceptions? - Ben O'Day IT Consultant - -- View this message in context:

Re: Answer multiplication/ConnectionPooling/Whats that for ?

2011-07-01 Thread boday
As Ashwin said, you are mixing things a bit when using a topic, you only want a single concurrent consumer or you will get duplicates. you can either change the overall JMS Config (used by all routes) or explicitly set these on any routes in question...

Re: URI Escaping in HTTP (and other Producers)

2011-07-01 Thread boday
I can't find a DSL API to do this either. And yes, the value in the HTTP_QUERY header is assumed to be encoded by design (so it doesn't double encode, etc). Log a JIRA (and submit a patch if you'd like)...and I'll take a look. For now, just throw in a simple processor and be done with it...

Re: Maximum Number of Routes

2011-06-30 Thread boday
same question...same answer krishy wrote: This might be question that falls in the premature optimization category. I am working on a project where users create watch lists

Re: camel-cxf in tomcat cannot process multiple parameters

2011-06-30 Thread boday
for #1, did you follow this guide ( ?? plowry wrote: Just to put this in context, there is a bigger problem I'm trying to solve... I have two requirements: 1) deploy my Camel-CXF web service using Tomcat 2) accept calls from a JAX-RPC

Re: concurrentConsumers basic question

2011-06-29 Thread boday
you are getting duplicates because the topic has up to 10 concurrent consumers based on your jmsConfig... so should either change the jmsConfig (used by all routes) or explicitly set these on any routes in question... from(activemq:topic:xmlOrders?maxConcurrentConsumers=1concurrentConsumers=1)

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