Hi Claus,

thanks for your help. Unfortunately, the data with which I work are secret, and 
so is the connection to our data provider. For that reason, it might be tough 
to construct a reproducible example.

In the meantime, I threw my project into the waste and re-developed it from the 
scratch. And the result is, that there is no memory leak anymore. At least, the 
application is running since Friday and did not have any problems. The original 
software had run into the OutOfMemoryException after only a couple of minutes.

This proves that I must have done something wrong in my usage of Apache Camel.

Kind regards,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Claus Ibsen [mailto:claus.ib...@gmail.com]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Juli 2018 12:38
An: users@camel.apache.org
Betreff: Re: memory leak in Camel


Its a bit hard to help when there is no more details about Camel and
what Camel routes you have etc.
Maybe you can build a sample project that can be used to demonstrate /
reproduce the issue you see.

Also there is some tips on support here in the bulleted list

On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 4:29 PM,  <christian.ja...@innogy.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have the following problem: I’m running a Camel application that is
> triggered by a RESTful POST call. With each trigger, it contacts certain
> http addresses, downloads files to the file system, parses them, and sends
> some parsed informations to another service with a REST call.
> All this is executed on VERY large data amount with many files and so on. My
> problem is: I run into a severe memory leak.
> I’ve installed JProfiler and was trying to catch that leak. What is amazing
> to me is that there are after only a couple of minutes about 100 000 objects
> of the type “TreeMap$Entry”. I drilled down to them in JProbe and found that
> there are lots of message headers in main memory, for example things like
> Connection=keep alive
> CamelFileNameProduced=C:/path/to/the/produced/file
> cache-control=no-cache
> log=F
> getMethod=isStatisticsEnabled
> All these entries waste the main memory, and even garbage collection does
> not get rid of them. My expectation is that after the steps I’ve described
> in my first sentence have finished, the main memory should almost look as
> empty as it was before the first entry of the RESTful call.
> Please find attached an xml file that is exported from JProfiler:
> And this HTML file was also exported by JProfiler and may have a clearer
> view on what was going on:
> I’m having a hard time these days because I’m fighting with my colleagues to
> use Apache Camel. If they’ve found that memory leak, I’m going to lose that
> battle. So please help.
> Many thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Christian Jacob
> Innogy SE
> Retail IT
> Integration and Digital Solutions (AFS-IGI)
> Rellinghauser Str. 37
> 45128 Essen
> T intern: 70-20581
> T extern: +49 (0)201 12 20582
> T mobil: +49 (0)1622843981
> Fax: +49 (0)201 12 24796
> mailto: christian.ja...@innogy.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> innogy SE
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Erhard Schipporeit
> Vorstand: Uwe Tigges (Vorsitzender), Dr. Hans Buenting,
> Dr. Bernhard Guenther, Arno Hahn, Martin Herrmann, Hildegard Mueller
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Essen, Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Essen,
> Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 27091, USt-IdNr. DE304171711

Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2
innogy SE
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Erhard Schipporeit
Vorstand: Uwe Tigges (Vorsitzender), Dr. Hans Buenting,
Dr. Bernhard Guenther, Arno Hahn, Martin Herrmann, Hildegard Mueller
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Essen, Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Essen,
Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 27091, USt-IdNr. DE304171711

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