Hello.  I am implementing a processor for possible submission to be
accepted into camel-core, and I have some questions.  While I understand
how to implement the Processor interface well enough, one of the parts that
I still need to understand is how to integrate them into the DSL.  For
example, if we look at the ChoiceProcessor, we can see how it is built --
each of the .when() statements are evaluated as the FilterProcessor[]
elements, and the .otherwise() processor is included separately, and used
if none of the filters match.  For MBean management, there's the
ManagedChoiceMBean implementation and the if-branch in the
DefaultManagementObjectStrategy class.  To create the ChoiceProcessor,
there's the ChoiceReifier class.  But (so far) I do not see how these
things are all tied together into the DSL.  Is there somewhere that I can
look to get a better understanding of this part?  And is there anything
else that I am missing, but that I should know in order to successfully
create a new core processor?  Even if this is never ultimately accepted
into camel-core, this will be great knowledge to have.  Thanks in advance!

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