Camel 1.6 and Spring 3

2010-01-13 Thread efender
Spring's ServerSessionFactory has been removed in Spring 3. There's a related issue that made it in to 2.0. It seems that the changes to JmsConfiguration and JmsComponent from that issue should be (almost) enough to get this working correctly.

1.6 equivalent of interceptFrom/interceptSendToEndpoint

2009-10-07 Thread efender
I think this would be the correct syntax to intercept all exchanges on ContentManagerClearCacheTopic, converting beans to JSON on the way in, and JSON back to beans on the way out. dataFormats json id=json/ /dataFormats interceptFrom uri=activeMq:topic:ContentManagerClearCacheTopic

Redeliver to end of Endpoint/Queue?

2009-02-17 Thread efender
Is it possible to have an exchange/message that threw an exception during processing be redelivered to the end of the queue instead of staying at the front of the queue and holding up all messages that are behind it? Some sort of interceptor or callback or customization to DeadLetterChannel?

Re: Redeliver to end of Endpoint/Queue?

2009-02-17 Thread efender
After thinking about this some more, what I'd really like is to be able to consume a message at some time in the future. If an exception occurs during processing, instead of the processing thread sleeping for the delay period, the message should be re-delivered with something like a consume_time