On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 7:02 PM, Zojonc, Josh
<josh.zoj...@oregonstate.edu> wrote:
> I'm using the source from 
> apache-cloudstack-4.0.1-incubating-src.tar.bz2<http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/incubator/cloudstack/releases/4.0.1-incubating/apache-cloudstack-4.0.1-incubating-src.tar.bz2>
>  and am unable to add a small (3 machine) test cluster to my zone.  I've 
> tried following the instructions on various sites on the bottom of this email.
> I've copied the vmware-vim.jar, vmware-vim25.jar and vmware-apputils.jar into 
> the deps directory.
> I run `mvn -Dnonoss -P deps` and get this back in the output "[INFO] Apache 
> CloudStack Plugin - Hypervisor VMware ...… SKIPPED"
> Running `mvn -P vmware install` and the output has "[INFO] Apache CloudStack 
> Plugin - Hypervisor VMware ...… SUCCESS"
> I then run `mvn clean install –Dnonoss` and Vmware gets skipped again
> I imagine I'm missing something really simple and if someone could point me 
> the correct direction I'd be very grateful.
> Thanks,
> Josh

Hi Josh:

Did you run this step?
install-non-oss.sh from within the deps directory?
Are you installing all of the nonoss deps?


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