

    Can I get any help for this ?  


    I just need to know if ACS 4.8 is working with VMware 5.5 using basic
zone, I don't what to spend time without reason.


From: Cristian Ciobanu [mailto:cristian.c@istream.today] 
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2016 12:01 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Command failed while starting virtual router


Hello All,


    I just installed a new environment with ACS 4.8 with VMware 5.5.


   I get the following error in my ACS Web interface : Command:
com.cloud.agent.api.Command failed while starting virtual router   

-         management-server.log:2016-09-16 16:48:00,424 INFO
[c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource] (DirectAgent-317:ctx-47877ec4
oneofmyhostaddress-example.net, job-59/job-60, cmd: CheckSshCommand)
(logid:8fbed51c) Could not connect to 149.xx.xxx.49 ( MY VR IP ) due to
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

-         Resource [Host:1] is unreachable: Host 1: Unable to start instance
due to Unable to start VM:1d3ca64a-074f-4d62-a9b9-f417366e2b6f due to error
in finalizeStart, not retrying  ( I get this error on Management side when I
click on start router after )

-         I'm able to ping VR IP from Management server  when I see online
on Vmware side. 

-         The error it say failed to start VR but i see the VR started on
Vmware side, also after copule of minutes is tunred off and on again ( like
an infinite look )




(I have the same configuration with ACS 4.5 and evething is working fine)





Thank you



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