Dear colleagues,

I have a couple of questions regarding LXC support if anyone doesn't mind. The 
first question seems to be really simple, but I'd like to make sure that I'm on 
the right way.

I've added an LXC-zone to the ACS setup where I already have a KVM-zone. OK. 
I've added a host, but now I can't find the System VM template installed. I see 
this template in the list of templates and it even said that its' download is 
 but there are no files in my secondary storage which I've set up for the new 
zone. The directory is empty, so, when I'm enabling the zone, the 
cloudstack-agent's log shows the following:
--- 8< ---
2017-05-10 22:53:05,857 INFO  [] 
(agentRequest-Handler-3:null) (logid:c98f90c7) Attempting to create storage poo
l 974cb6d1-7064-3a53-9d37-698037e367d0 (NetworkFilesystem) in libvirt
2017-05-10 22:53:05,858 WARN  [] 
(agentRequest-Handler-3:null) (logid:c98f90c7) Storage pool 974cb6d1-7064-3a53-
9d37-698037e367d0 was not found running in libvirt. Need to create it.
2017-05-10 22:53:05,859 INFO  [] 
(agentRequest-Handler-3:null) (logid:c98f90c7) Didn't find an existing storage
pool 974cb6d1-7064-3a53-9d37-698037e367d0 by UUID, checking for pools with 
duplicate paths
2017-05-10 22:53:05,891 ERROR [] 
(agentRequest-Handler-3:null) (logid:c98f90c7) org.libvirt.LibvirtException: in
ternal error Child process (/bin/mount 
/mnt/974cb6d1-7064-3a53-9d37-698037e367d0) unexpected
exit status 32: mount.nfs: mounting failed, reason given by 
server: No such file or directory

2017-05-10 22:53:05,892 ERROR [] 
(agentRequest-Handler-3:null) (logid:c98f90c7) Internal error occurred when att
empting to mount: specified path may be invalid
2017-05-10 22:53:05,892 ERROR [] 
(agentRequest-Handler-3:null) (logid:c98f90c7) Failed to create netfs mount: 17
org.libvirt.LibvirtException: internal error Child process (/bin/mount 
/mnt/974cb6d1-7064-3a53-9d37-698037e367d0) unexpected exit status 32: 
mount.nfs: mounting failed, 
reason given by server: No such file or directory
--- >8 ---

In the same time I see the following records in the database:
--- 8< ---
mysql> SELECT * FROM vm_template WHERE id = 10;
| id | unique_name | name                    | uuid                             
    | public | featured | type   | hvm | bits | url                             
                                                 | format | created             
| removed | account_id | checksum                         | display_text        
    | enable_password | enable_sshkey | guest_os_id | bootable | prepopulate | 
cross_zones | extractable | hypervisor_type | source_template_id | template_tag 
| sort_key | size | state  | update_count | updated | dynamically_scalable |
| 10 | routing-10  | SystemVM Template (LXC) | 
a15d620e-bd31-11e6-b74f-06973a00088a |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM |   0 |   64 
 | QCOW2  | 2016-12-08 12:32:33 | NULL    |          1 | 
c059b0d051e0cd6fbe9d5d4fc40c7e5d | SystemVM Template (LXC) |               0 |  
           0 |          15 |        1 |           0 |           1 |           0 
| LXC             |               NULL | NULL         |        0 | NULL | 
Active |            0 | NULL    |                    0 |

mysql> SELECT * FROM template_store_ref WHERE template_id = 10;
| id   | store_id | template_id | created             | last_updated        | 
job_id | download_pct | size | store_role | physical_size | download_state | 
error_str | local_path | install_path        | url                              
                                                | state | destroyed | is_copy | 
update_count | ref_cnt | updated | download_url_created | download_url |
| 1111 |       11 |          10 | 2017-05-10 19:23:38 | 2017-05-10 19:23:38 | 
NULL   |          100 |    0 | Image      |             0 | DOWNLOADED     | 
NULL      | NULL       | template/tmpl/1/10/ |
 | Ready |         0 |       0 |            0 |       0 | NULL    | NULL        
         | NULL         |
--- >8 ---

Does that mean that I need to create the template/tmpl/1/10 directory and 
download the template file manually?

Or should I seed the system VM template as I always do for a new ACS setup 
 Won't it break anything in the KVM-zone that I already have?

Lots of thanks in advance for your hints and clues!


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