
This is probably a Xenserver issue, but maybe someone here can help: I am 
currently upgrading a XenServer cluster with 7 hosts from 6.2 to 6.5 (ACS is 
4.7.1). I have done this on another cluster without problems.

After evacuating and upgrading the master and one slave (having the XS pool in 
a "partially upgraded" state), I started to migrate the VMs from the next two 
hosts. But the virtual routers fail to migrate with a VM_REQUIRES_NETWORK xapi 

Taking a closer look, the public network (which is here a VLAN with name-label 
"PUBLIC" on a VLAN on a Bond) is no longer "attached" on the two upgraded hosts 
(as well as on one of the yet-to-be-upgraded hosts). Instead PUBLIC there 
appears in the Networks list in XenCenter, but it no longer is attached to the 
bond NIC, has no VLAN, and has link status "<None>". On the other four hosts, 
it looks fine (NIC is "Bond 2+3+4+5", VLAN is set and Link status is 

Running "xe pif-list network-name-label=PUBLIC" also results only in four 
entries (one for each of the correctly configured hosts), instead of seven. So 
the pool-wide network configuration seems to be out-of-sync now.

Creating the correct "PUBLIC" network fails because the XS pool "thinks" it is 
already there. Deleting the wrong entry won't be easy, as there are dozens of 
VRs connected (and there's no "migrate systemvmwithvolume" in cloudmonkey to 
move them to another cluster).

Can I manually "attach" the VLAN on "Bond 2+3+4+5" to these stale "PUBLIC" 



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