On Mon, 2019-05-27 at 14:12 +0900, 飯田雄介 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am verifying the operation of the cluster with RHEL8.
> In the verification, I noticed that resource-agents log was not
> output to /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log.
> "/etc/sysconfig/pacemaker" is used by default.
> I know that resource-agents logs are output when passing the
> HA_logfile environment variable.

That's an interesting side effect ... with pacemaker 2.0 (which is in
RHEL 8), one of the changes was that pacemaker now always uses its own
log rather than using any corosync log that is configured.

Before that change, when pacemaker detected corosync's log, it would
set HA_logfile in the environment. Since it's not looking for that log
anymore, all that code is gone.

Pacemaker on RHEL7 has confirmed that this environment variable is
> set.
> ```
> # cat /proc/$(pidof /usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd)/environ | tr '\0'
> '\n' | sort
> HA_LOGD=no
> HA_cluster_type=corosync
> HA_debug=0
> HA_logfacility=daemon
> HA_logfile=/var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> HA_mcp=true
> HA_quorum_type=corosync
> HA_use_logd=off
> LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
> NOTIFY_SOCKET=/run/systemd/notify
> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
> PCMK_cluster_type=corosync
> PCMK_debug=0
> PCMK_logfacility=daemon
> PCMK_logfile=/var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> PCMK_mcp=true
> PCMK_quorum_type=corosync
> PCMK_service=pacemakerd
> PCMK_use_logd=off
> PCMK_watchdog=false
> VALGRIND_OPTS=--leak-check=full --tresource-agentsce-children=no --
> vgdb=no --num-callers=25 --log-file=/var/lib/pacemaker/valgrind-%p --
> suppressions=/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/valgrind-pcmk.suppressions --
> gen-suppressions=all
> ```
> However, it seems that this environment variable is not set in RHEL8.
> ```
> # cat /proc/$(pidof /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pacemaker-execd)/environ |
> tr '\0' '\n' | sort
> HA_cluster_type=corosync
> HA_debug=0
> HA_logfacility=daemon
> HA_mcp=true
> HA_quorum_type=corosync
> INVOCATION_ID=6204f0841b814f6c92ea20db02b8ec9e
> JOURNAL_STREAM=9:1314759
> LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
> NOTIFY_SOCKET=/run/systemd/notify
> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
> PCMK_cluster_type=corosync
> PCMK_debug=0
> PCMK_logfacility=daemon
> PCMK_mcp=true
> PCMK_quorum_type=corosync
> PCMK_service=pacemakerd
> PCMK_watchdog=false
> SBD_TIMEOUT_ACTION=flush,reboot
> SBD_WATCHDOG_DEV=/dev/watchdog
> VALGRIND_OPTS=--leak-check=full --tresource-agentsce-children=no --
> vgdb=no --num-callers=25 --log-file=/var/lib/pacemaker/valgrind-%p --
> suppressions=/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/valgrind-pcmk.suppressions --
> gen-suppressions=all
> ```
> Is this the intended behavior?
> By the way, when /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log is explicitly set
> in the PCMK_logfile, it is confirmed that the resource-agents log is
> output to the file set in the PCMK_logfile.

Interesting ... the resource-agents library must look for PCMK_logfile
as well as HA_logfile. In that case, the easiest solution will be for
us to set PCMK_logfile explicitly in the shipped sysconfig file. I can
squeeze that into the soon-to-be-released 2.0.2 since it's not a code

> Regards,
> Yusuke
Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>

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