On 13/11/2023 13:08, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais via Users wrote:
On Mon, 13 Nov 2023 11:39:45 +0000
"Windl, Ulrich" <u.wi...@ukr.de> wrote:

But shouldn't the RA check for that (and act appropriately)?
Interesting. I'm open to discuss this. Below my thoughts so far.

Why the RA should check that? There's so many way to setup the system and
PostgreSQL, where should the RA stop checking for all possible way to break it?

The RA checks various (maybe too many) things related to the instance itself

I know various other PostgreSQL setups that would trigger errors in the cluster
if the dba doesn't check everything is correct. I'm really reluctant to
add add a fair amount of code in the RA to correctly parse and check the
complex PostgreSQL's setup. This would add complexity and bugs. Or maybe I
could add a specific OCF_CHECK_LEVEL sysadmins can trigger by hand before
starting the cluster. But I wonder if it worth the pain, how many people will
know about this and actually run it?

The problem here is that few users actually realize how the postgresql-common
wrapper works and what it actually does behind your back. I really appreciate
this wrapper, I do. But when you setup a Pacemaker cluster, you either have to
bend to it when setting up PAF (as documented), or avoid it completely.

PAF is all about drawing a clear line between the sysadmin job and the
dba one. Dba must build a cluster of instances ready to start/replicate with
standard binaries (not wrappers) before sysadmin can set up the resource in your


I would be the same/similar mind - which is - adding more code to account for more/all _config_ cases may not be the healthiest approach, however!!

Just like some code-writers out there in around the globe here too, some do seem to _not_ appreciate or seem to completely ignore, parts which are meant do alleviate the TCO burden of any software - documentation best bits which for Unix/Linux... are MAN PAGES. This is rhetorical but I'll ask - what is a project worth when its own man pages miss critical _gotchas_ and similar gimmicks.

If you read here are are a prospective/future coder-writer for Linux please make such note - your 'man pages" ought to be at least!! as good as your code.
many thanks, L.

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