Hi all,

Source code for the third (and likely final) release candidate for
Pacemaker version 2.1.0 is now available at:


This fixes a couple of minor regressions found in crm_resource and
crm_verify in rc1, and makes a few minor build enhancements.

If there are no issues found in this release candidate over the week or
so, it will become the final.

For details, see the ChangeLog in the source repository and:


Everyone is encouraged to download, compile and test the new release.
We do many regression tests and simulations, but we can't cover all
possible use cases, so your feedback is important and appreciated.

Many thanks to all contributors of source code to this release,
including Chris Lumens, Gao,Yan, Kazunori INOUE, and Ken Gaillot.
Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>

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