On Tue, 20 Aug 2019, 09:29 Shital A, <brightuser2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Need advise on below situation:
> Postgres 9.6
> Pacemaker 1.1.19
> Corosync 2.4.3
> We are testing HA setup on a two node cluster using pacemaker, corosync
> stack. The replication is streaming replication in async mode.
> Whenever there is a failover to standby, pgsql created a PGSQL.lock file
> in /var/lib/pgsql/tmp/ folder. We noticed that this file is created at
> random on any one of the nodes.
> Want to know:
> - Is there any logic behind which node it creates the lock file?
> - When a node in kept in HS:alone state ?
> - How can we check if failed node is at a log location behind current
> primary? So that we can force RA to start by deleting lock file?
> Please help to understand
> Thanks.
Hello all,

Any inputs on above queries please?

I now noticed that the lock file gets created on the new node that is being
promoted and eventually becomes primary.

In that case what is the significance of lock file. Because its supposed to
prevent startup of postgres on faulty node ...in this case old failed
primary. Confused. Any inputs will help.


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