You may want to look into getting nexus set up in order to avoid these kind
of problems. You can create a repository group which includes both central
and As a bonus you should see faster build times.


On 28 Jan 2010 14:25, "David Legg" <> wrote:

Here are some notes I made while trying to get started with the Cocoon 3
alpha 2 sample apps running under Windows XP using Maven.

Hopefully it might help others like me starting down the C3 road and serve
as a record of the corrections needed to the current documentation ;-)

The place to go for documentation on running the sample apps is the Cocoon 3
download page [1].  The simplest way to get the sample app up and runnning
is to use Maven to do the heavy lifting.  As the documentation mentions
under the 'Maven 2 archetypes' heading you have to type the following line
to create the sample block: -

 mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:1.0-alpha-7:create

-DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0-alpha-2   -DgroupId=com.mycompany
Note: you have to place everything on one line before pasting it into a
windows DOS box or else only the first line will get executed.

This should proceed correctly and a new directory will appear called
'mysample' which you should change into for the next part.

I tried typing 'mvn jetty:run' to execute the sample app but I kept getting
a couple of Maven dependency errors: -


Never having heard of Jersey[2] before (the new Restful API reference
implementation and not the place or the item of clothing!) I looked it up
and noticed the dependencies page[3] which led me to add the following to
the pom.xml file just below the <packaging> tag: -

  <name> Repository for Maven</name>
 </repository>  <repository>
  <name> Maven 1 Repository (legacy)</name>

After this I could successfully run the sample app... but only after looking
in the correct URL ;-)  The documentation[1] gives the wrong one.  The Jetty
server is set up to actually run at http://localhost:8888

Hope this helps.

David Legg


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