Re: wiki unbroken

2008-01-30 Thread Hasso Tepper
Justin C. Sherrill wrote:
> How about now?  I think it was missing the language packs that it looks
> for when encountering a browser that's using a language different than
> the default.  (This is not documented in the somewhat unfocused
> install/upgrade docs, so I'm taking a wild stab.)

Nope. It seems to solve problem with languages moinmoin has translations 
to (tested with de), but it's not the case for Estonian (et) I happen to 
use ;).


Re: wiki unbroken

2008-01-30 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
On Tue, January 29, 2008 2:14 am, Hasso Tepper wrote:
> Doesn't work for me with any internationalised browser (tested Konqueror
> and Firefox):
> AttributeError
> 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'
> /usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/
> Switching to en_US fixes the problem.

How about now?  I think it was missing the language packs that it looks
for when encountering a browser that's using a language different than the
default.  (This is not documented in the somewhat unfocused
install/upgrade docs, so I'm taking a wild stab.)

Re: wiki unbroken

2008-01-30 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
On Wed, January 30, 2008 5:35 am, Sdävtaker wrote:
> When i do a full text search, i got this:
>  --> -->

Fixed - moinmoin was trying to access a file as a directory, and blew up
when it couldn't open it as it expected.

Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Garance A Drosihn wrote:

Just use rsync, and shut up about it already.

What are you people blabering about?  cvsup SUCKS.  not the idea, but the 
language it is implemented in.  and cvsup inherits the suckage.  as simple 
as that.  if it was written in a portable language, nobody would bother 
using rsync.  vince's benchmarks were just to establish one realisation: 
that rsync is not significantly worse than cvsup.  end of story.  move on.

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Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Garance A Drosihn

At 4:38 PM -0600 1/30/08, Vincent Stemen wrote:

That's a good point.  It is possible that cvsup would fair better with
a matching sup directory.  I actually forgot about cvsup keeping that
separate state directory when I ran the benchmarks.  However, from my
viewpoint that does not invalidate the test results or convince me that
there is any reason I would want to use cvsup for mirroring because of
several reasons.

  2 Rsync did not have the benefit of a local state directory either, so
it was a one on one fair comparison.  Based on all the cvsup claims,
I would have expected it to at least come close to matching rsync's
performance.  Then I would expect a higher possibility of it being
faster than rsync with the state directory available.

Geez.  Just use rsync if you want to use it.
   But the above reasoning is absurd.

"CVSUP must live up to it's performance claims, even though I refuse to
run CVSUP the way it is designed to run".

"Rsync does not use this method to optimize its performance, so I refuse
to let CVSUP use this method to optimize its performance.  And look,
CVSUP is slower than rsync as long as I make sure cvsup cannot use the
performance enhancements which were designed into it!"

Just use rsync, and shut up about it already.  No one is asking you to
use cvsup.  But stop trying to defend a obviously incomplete benchmark
by pulling out such bizarre reasoning.  If you don't want to do a real
benchmark, then just don't bother doing one.  I can't blame you for that,
as I also don't want to do the amount of work it would take to do a
really useful benchmark.

Garance Alistair Drosehn=   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer   or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Instituteor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Vincent Stemen
On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 09:54:29AM +, Rahul Siddharthan wrote:
> As I understand, cvsup maintains state between updates using checkout
> files in a separate "sup" directory.  If you are missing that
> directory, or it does not correspond to your "aged" tree, cvsup won't
> do very well.  You should test cvsup by checking out the tree, waiting
> a week (or whatever the time is) to age it, and then updating it. 
> Likewise for rsync (though it doesn't require a checkouts directory). 
> Rahul

That's a good point.  It is possible that cvsup would fair better with
a matching sup directory.  I actually forgot about cvsup keeping that
separate state directory when I ran the benchmarks.  However, from my
viewpoint that does not invalidate the test results or convince me that
there is any reason I would want to use cvsup for mirroring because of
several reasons.

  1 The state directory would have to make cvsup almost 4 times as fast
to even match rsync's average performance, which I think is
unlikely, considering it was only half as fast on a full download
starting with an empty repository, and did not even match rsync on
any of the update tests.

  2 Rsync did not have the benefit of a local state directory either, so
it was a one on one fair comparison.  Based on all the cvsup claims,
I would have expected it to at least come close to matching rsync's
performance.  Then I would expect a higher possibility of it being
faster than rsync with the state directory available.

  3 I think doing the comparison under robust conditions, and not under
fragile or undependable circumstances is more realistic.  For
example, if you do an rsync update in between, your state directory
is no longer going to match.  I would not even trust the state
directory not to break if you have to do an update using cvsup from
a different server because the one you used last time is down.  This
is also the reason I did not include the '-s' switch to cvsup (which
is also supposed to increase performance), because in the manual, it

"If the -s option is used when one or more files have been
modified locally, the results are undefined.  Local file dam-
age may remain uncorrected, updates may be missed, or cvsup may
abort prematurely."

I consider that to fragile.

  4 All these fragile conditions to get cvsup up to maximum performance
only applies to cvs repositores.  If you ever decide to use
a different revision control system...

Considering the fragile nature and non-portability of cvsup, I am not
very interested in using it even if it was a little faster than rsync.
So I don't really have the time or motivation to generate benchmarks
with the cvsup state directory.  The way that would have to be tested
would require weeks, and a lot more headache, generating and keeping all
the matching state directories for each test.


Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Garance A Drosihn

At 6:38 AM + 1/30/08, Vincent Stemen wrote:

My conclusions:

The results are dramatic, with rsync performing hundreds of percent faster on
average while only loading the processor on the client side a little over
a third as much as cvsup.  Either the performance claims about cvsup being
faster than rsync are based on theory without real world testing or cvsup has
gotten a lot slower or rsync has gotten a lot faster than in the past.

For those who are concerned about the validity of these results without
including server side load tests and tests under bandwidth congestion
conditions, here are my thoughts on the matter.

No matter where a bottleneck exists in the transfer, whether it
is server side load, client side load, or bandwidth limits, you
are going to experience similar loss of throughput.

The additional testing is nice to see, but you're not thinking the
issues through far enough when it comes to scaling up a service like
this.  It's good to benchmark something which hasn't been tested in
some time, but you have to do pretty extensive benchmarks if you're
going to come to any sweeping conclusions for *all* uses of a program.

Let's say rsync takes 10% of the cpu on the client, and 10% of the
cpu on a server.  Let's say cvsup for the same update takes 15% CPU
on the client, and 7% on the server.  If your benchmarks ignore the
load on the server, then they can not possibly see problems which
could occur when scaling up to more clients.

With a single client connecting to the server, *neither* side is the
bottleneck.  It might be the disk-speed is the main bottleneck at that
point.  The update might take longer with cvsup due to the 15% CPU on
the client, but the CPU isn't much of a *bottleneck* at that point.

But with 10 connections in my fake scenario, rsync could be using 100%
of the CPU on the server.  It's at this point that rsync will see some
bottleneck, while cvsup would only be using 70% of a CPU.  Yes, cvsup
will be using much more on each client, but then each client shows up
with it's own CPU(s) to take up whatever load is thrown at that client.
The server does not receive additional CPU's or network-cards for
each connection that it accepts.

Again, my feeling is that rsync is almost certainly fine for using
with dragonfly's repository, given how much faster machines and
networks have gotten, and how many simultaneous connections are seen
for dragonfly repo-servers.

It makes plenty of sense to stick with rsync if your servers are not
overloaded.  But if you want to prove rsync is better than cvsup for
what the loads that cvsup was *MEANT* to solve, then your tests are
not extensive enough.  Benchmarking a client/server setup like cvsup
is a lot of work to get a complete picture.

Also note that you don't need to "prove" that rsync is "better".  If it
is good-enough for what Dragonfly needs at this point, then use it.  It
would be the people running the servers who will care about the load
there, and if you have enough servers then dragonfly may never notice
any problems from using rsync.  Maybe a dragonfly repo-server will
never see more than 10 simultaneous connections, so you'll never even
hit the situations that freebsd had to deal with when cvsup was written.
(I suspect there's a lot fewer people on dial-up connections now, for
instance, so each individual connection will take a lot less wall-clock
time than it used to, so you're much less likely to see 100 simultaneous

Garance Alistair Drosehn=   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer   or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Instituteor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsync considered superior

2008-01-30 Thread Matthew Dillon
Guys, I just don't care about minor differences in client or server
cpu use, or bandwidth.

I think the only real issue here is the one Rahul brought up which is,
in fact, the original reason why cvsup was written in the first place,
so cvs tagging wouldn't require a complete redownload of the repository.

I personally do not think its a big deal.  We do a major tagging
operation twice a year, and a week or two before the release anyhow
so there's plenty of time for the servers to work through the update.
Slip tags only change a few files throughout the year... it's really
just the pre-release tagging that creates the issue.

The issue of network bandwidth is more an issue of managing the
data rate, and not so much worrying about the actual volume of
information or how long it takes to settle down again as long as
it isn't too long (like no more then a week or two).

If it becomes a problem there are plenty of solutions in the pipeline,
particularly once I start using HAMMER on the servers (which won't be
soon, but probably some time later this year).  At that point doing
historical diffs will be trivial and clients can simply supply the
last 'sync time' (as in a timestamp) and the server can produce a diff
from then to current, or otherwise tell the client that it can't and
the client falls back to a normal rsync.  Believe me, it isn't something
we have to worry about, the solution is just around the corner.

Matthew Dillon 

Re: rsync considered superior

2008-01-30 Thread Bill Hacker

Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:



Your command of the *language* is superb.

But it isn't about debating skills.

Test 100 simultaneous connections.

Or Not.



Re: rsync considered superior (was: Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks)

2008-01-30 Thread Rahul Siddharthan
"Simon 'corecode' Schubert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Thank you for these thorough tests!  We finally have some hard numbers to
>work with.  I think it is obvious that rsync should be the preferred
>update mechanism if you want to download the cvs repository. 

To download, yes, to update, that's not so clear.  To repeat my
earlier mail: Vincent appears only to have installed a tarball of
recent (but not current) sources and used cvsup / rsync to update
them.  But to operate efficiently, cvsup needs checkout files, which
it would have only if it was run previously on those sources.  See the
in particular, numbers 37 and 38:

  In order to update your files efficiently, CVSup needs to know
  what you've already got. It stores this information in files
  called "checkouts" files... If CVSup can't find a checkouts file
  that it needs, it falls back on other methods of determining
  which files you have. One such method is to compute checksums
  (MD5 file signatures) for each of your files, and use those to
  figure out which file revisions you have. This is perfectly
  safe, but it is inefficient. It slows down your update and also
  puts a heavier load on the server.

To compare cvsup minus checkout-files to rsync seems quite misplaced.
Most people will never use cvsup merely to download sources: they will
use it to keep them regularly up-to-date. 


Re: rsync considered superior

2008-01-30 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Bill Hacker wrote:

To state it clearly for everybody:


  Use rsync to sync your repos!  It is faster and can even be compiled!

To state it even MORE clearly...

" long as you do not give a damn about the extra load you are 
placing on the source server"

wrong.  there is no extra load.  do you have numbers?  if not, don't state 
this like a fact.  I believe that cvsup will produce a higher load on the 
server, but that's up to curious people.

rsync predates CVSUP.

unix predates windows, yet windows is in wide use.  is it good?  who 
cares, we're using bsd.  so who predates whom is no argument.

- cvsup would never have seen the light of day in the first place.

there are thousands of useless and stupid software products out there. 
existance is no argument for superiority.

- NOR been adopted so *very* widely.

very?  it's seemingly only used by the bsds, and of those only intensively 
by freebsd.  other groups use cvsync or rather don't sync the cvs repos.

- NOR have remained in service for so long on so many projects.

never change a running system.  as long as it works, why bother?

- NOR survived challenges from 'Mercurial' and several other similar tools.

which challenges?  mercurial is orthogonal.  if you're stuck with cvs, you 
gotta use a repo syncer or suffer with anoncvs.

A vast supposition about rsync, backed up by half-vast testing doesn't 
change any of that. Not even with a nicely done write-up.

oh come on, seriously.  you believe that?  how can you pull out a couple 
of shady arguments and shoot down a well-founded evaluation?  that's not 
even remotely scientific.

Set up the repo you have mirrored as a source server.

I am running the server.  I checked the load while syncing one client. 
arguably that's not a founded experiment, but it is a data point.

Instrument that server's load with 100 simultaneous rsync clients and 
again with 100 simultaneous cvsup clients.

Post the results.

go ahead, make my day.  I for sure don't have time for such useless 
experiments.  the choice is rsync.  cvsup is dead.  it is written in an 
unmaintainable language and it performs slower on the client.  'nuff said, 
no more data needed.  the facts speak clearly, even if they don't cover 
the server part.


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Dude 2c 2 the max   !   Mail + News   / \

Re: rsync considered superior

2008-01-30 Thread Bill Hacker

Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:

Hello Vincent,

Vincent Stemen wrote:
The results are dramatic, with rsync performing hundreds of percent 
faster on

average while only loading the processor on the client side a little over
a third as much as cvsup.  Either the performance claims about cvsup 
faster than rsync are based on theory without real world testing or 
cvsup has

gotten a lot slower or rsync has gotten a lot faster than in the past.

Thank you for these thorough tests!  We finally have some hard numbers 
to work with.  I think it is obvious that rsync should be the preferred 
update mechanism if you want to download the cvs repository.  Cvsup 
might still be better suited when only downloading the checked out sources.

To state it clearly for everybody:


  Use rsync to sync your repos!  It is faster and can even be compiled!

To state it even MORE clearly...

" long as you do not give a damn about the extra load you are 
placing on the source server"




Think about it.

rsync predates CVSUP.

If rsync plus a bit of scripting or 'steering' code was better 'all around'?

- cvsup would never have seen the light of day in the first place.

- NOR been adopted so *very* widely.

- NOR have remained in service for so long on so many projects.

- NOR survived challenges from 'Mercurial' and several other similar tools.

A vast supposition about rsync, backed up by half-vast testing doesn't 
change any of that. Not even with a nicely done write-up.

It is all still one-ended.

Set up the repo you have mirrored as a source server.

Instrument that server's load with 100 simultaneous rsync clients and 
again with 100 simultaneous cvsup clients.

Post the results.


Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Justin C. Sherrill wrote:

The only minor thing I'd bring up is that I recall one reason for cvsup is
that rsync placed a relatively higher load per client on the server.

That needs to be established.  We already heard that cvsup - contrary to 
claims - is not competitive with rsync, on the client side.  So I can very 
well believe that this is also true for the server side.  I for myself 
always notice that when syncing from chlamydia, the server basically 
traverses all 60k files *instantly*, while it takes quite some time on my 
desktop.  So the load doesn't seem to be a problem once the directory 
structure is in the buffer cache.

Of course, that may complaint may date from when people only had 400Mhz
CPUs and older versions of rsync, so I doubt it's a strong reason to stay
with cvsup any more.

Quick test on chlamydia:  rsync of already synced repo:

% time rsync --delete -aH .
rsync --delete -aH .  0.72s user 
1.43s system 36% cpu 5.865 total

considering that rsync spends half of the time on the local side, that's < 
3s of load on the server:

53331 nobody   161   0  4536K  3888K select   0:00 355.68% 33.89% rsync

nobody cares about that.  it might take some more cycles when transfering, 
but so what.  seriously.  I don't care, this is peanuts.


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Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
On Wed, January 30, 2008 1:38 am, Vincent Stemen wrote:
> I have some benchmark test results comparing rsync to cvsup.  I did 12
> client side tests over the last week.  5 against, 3 against
>, and 4 against  All tests were
> mirroring the DragonFly BSD source repository.  The tests were done
> with various aged repositories at different times of the day and
> night, some with compression on and some with it off.  Each test was
> done by unpacking two identical copies of a given aged
> repository, one to run the cvsup test on and one to run the rsync test on.
> Then the rsync and cvsup test was run back to back.

The only minor thing I'd bring up is that I recall one reason for cvsup is
that rsync placed a relatively higher load per client on the server.

Of course, that may complaint may date from when people only had 400Mhz
CPUs and older versions of rsync, so I doubt it's a strong reason to stay
with cvsup any more.

Re: wiki unbroken

2008-01-30 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
On Wed, January 30, 2008 5:35 am, Sdävtaker wrote:
> When i do a full text search, i got this:
>  --> -->
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File

I'll work on this, along with the language issues Hasso reported - I
didn't get a chance last night.

rsync considered superior (was: Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks)

2008-01-30 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Hello Vincent,

Vincent Stemen wrote:

The results are dramatic, with rsync performing hundreds of percent faster on
average while only loading the processor on the client side a little over
a third as much as cvsup.  Either the performance claims about cvsup being
faster than rsync are based on theory without real world testing or cvsup has
gotten a lot slower or rsync has gotten a lot faster than in the past.

Thank you for these thorough tests!  We finally have some hard numbers to 
work with.  I think it is obvious that rsync should be the preferred 
update mechanism if you want to download the cvs repository.  Cvsup might 
still be better suited when only downloading the checked out sources.

To state it clearly for everybody:


  Use rsync to sync your repos!  It is faster and can even be compiled!



Serve - BSD +++  RENT this banner advert  +++ASCII Ribbon   /"\
Work - Mac  +++  space for low €€€ NOW!1  +++  Campaign \ /
Party Enjoy Relax   |  Against  HTML   \
Dude 2c 2 the max   !   Mail + News   / \

Re: wiki unbroken

2008-01-30 Thread Sdävtaker
When i do a full text search, i got this:
 --> -->

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 1283, in run
handler(, self)
line 188, in execute
results = searchPages(request, query, sort, mtime, historysearch)
line 33, in searchPages
line 459, in run
hits = self._moinSearch()
line 611, in _moinSearch
hits = self._getHits(pages, self._moinMatch)
line 660, in _getHits
matches = matchSearchFunction(page=page, uid=uid)
line 621, in _moinMatch
line 323, in search
body = page.get_raw_body()
  File "/usr/local/www/wiki/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/",
line 266, in get_raw_body
return self.body
  File "/usr/local/www/wiki/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/",
line 209, in get_body
f =, 'rb', config.charset)
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/", line 666, in open
file =, mode, buffering)
IOError: [Errno 20] Not a directory:

Additionally cgitb raised this exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/www/wiki/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/",
line 168, in handle
line 576, in handle
doc = view.format(formatter, self.context)
line 354, in format
return formatter.section(self.formatContent(), {'class': 'cgitb'})
  File "/usr/local/www/wiki/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/",
line 35, in formatContent
content = (
  File "/usr/local/www/wiki/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/",
line 96, in formatDebugInfo
info = [self.debugInfoHideScript(),
  File "/usr/local/www/wiki/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/",
line 110, in formatTraceback
return self.formatAllTracebacks(self.formatOneTraceback)
  File "/usr/local/www/wiki/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/",
line 122, in formatAllTracebacks
tracebacks.append(formatFuction((ttype, tvalue, tb)))
line 432, in formatOneTraceback
output = [self.formatter.subTitle('Traceback'),
line 445, in tracebackFrames
line 201, in format
vars, highlight = self.scan()
line 290, in scan
vars = self.scanVariables(reader)
line 305, in scanVariables
value = getattr(parent, token, __UNDEF__)
  File "/usr/local/www/wiki/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/",
line 209, in get_body
f =, 'rb', config.charset)
  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/", line 666, in open
file =, mode, buffering)
IOError: [Errno 20] Not a directory:

The term i was looking for was irc :-(

On Jan 29, 2008 10:52 AM, Justin C. Sherrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, January 29, 2008 3:58 am, Dario 'Capn Sonic' Banno wrote:
> > Oh my...Fred is gone!
> >
> > I can't see the DragonFly logo on top.
> The default layout back to 'modern', the default it ships with.  I had the
> 'dfly' layout as default before; I'll re-add it after I take another stab
> at improving it, as it was showing the logo but not the background when I
> tested it last night.
> You can switch to the dfly layout in your preferences now if you are
> suffering Fred-based anxiety.

Sdävtaker prays to Rikku goddess for a good treasure.

Sdävtaker prays to Rikku goddess for a good treasure.

Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Rahul Siddharthan
Vincent Stemen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have some benchmark test results comparing rsync to cvsup.  I did 12 client
>side tests over the last week.  5 against, 3 against,
>and 4 against  All tests were mirroring the DragonFly
>BSD source repository.  The tests were done with various aged repositories at
>different times of the day and night, some with compression on and some with it
>off.  Each test was done by unpacking two identical copies of a given aged
>repository, one to run the cvsup test on and one to run the rsync test on.

As I understand, cvsup maintains state between updates using checkout
files in a separate "sup" directory.  If you are missing that
directory, or it does not correspond to your "aged" tree, cvsup won't
do very well.  You should test cvsup by checking out the tree, waiting
a week (or whatever the time is) to age it, and then updating it. 
Likewise for rsync (though it doesn't require a checkouts directory). 
