Crater being upgraded - cvsup will be down for an hour or two

2008-08-31 Thread Matthew Dillon
cvsup access will be down for the next hour or two while crater is
being upgraded.  I'm moving the cvs repository around a little to 
make room for a GIT and SVN mirror.


Re: New mirroring tool / cvsup alternative

2008-06-10 Thread Vincent Stemen
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 07:24:38AM +0200, Nicolas Thery wrote:
> 2008/6/10 Vincent Stemen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 02:20:55AM -0600, Vincent Stemen wrote:
> >> Hi.
> >>
> >> I just thought I would let you guys know, I went ahead and put up
> >> a simple web page for *mirror*.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > In the process of updating our dcvs repository today with *mirror* and
> > thinking about how nice it is to not be dependent on cvsup, I checked
> > our web site today and discovered that the site for *mirror* was missing.
> > I had not checked it in a while.  The only thing I can think of is that
> > it must have gotten overlooked when moving our data across when we
> > changed hosting services a few months ago.
> >
> > Anyway, my apologies if anybody tried to download it and found it
> > missing.  It's back up now.
> By the way, I've switched to mirror for a few months now and I'm very
> happy with it.  Thanks
> for writing it.

Thanks for the feedback.  I wondered if anybody was using it since
nobody told me the web page was missing :-).

Re: Cvsup kernel source only?

2008-04-08 Thread Sascha Wildner

Sascha Wildner wrote:
Replace 'dragonfly-cvs-src' with 'dragonfly-src-sys' in the supfile 
you're using.

Should have been: Replace 'dragonfly-cvs-src' with 'dragonfly-cvs-sys'...



Re: Cvsup kernel source only?

2008-04-08 Thread Sascha Wildner

Andre LeClaire wrote:
Hello, everyone! With the idea of creating a custom router, I've 
installed DragonFly on an older laptop with limited resources (1GB flash 
drive), and wonder if it's possible to build a custom kernel by 
cvsup-ing the kernel source only? This was possible with FreeBSD 4*, but 
all the info I've found describes getting the entire source tree for 
Dragonfly, which wouldn't fit in the space available.

Replace 'dragonfly-cvs-src' with 'dragonfly-src-sys' in the supfile 
you're using. Seems to work (as I just learned recently). Although 
you'll also need the toplevel Makefiles in src/.

Another option is to take the kernel src tarball which is on the LiveCD, 



Re: Cvsup kernel source only?

2008-04-07 Thread Chris Turner

Andre LeClaire wrote:
cvsup-ing the kernel source only? This was possible with FreeBSD 4*, but 
all the info I've found describes getting the entire source tree for 
Dragonfly, which wouldn't fit in the space available.



just do a regular CVS checkout.. e.g. 'co src/sys'

good luck.

Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-31 Thread Bill Hacker

Chris Turner wrote:

I have some benchmark test results comparing rsync to cvsup.  

okay.. so like:

you'd think with all of these repository copies flying around,
there'd be a lot less flaming and a lot more coding going on..


sheesh.. You people are making me want to write this email






and also, just to finish this off (for now:)

People on each side are LIKE NAZIS

etc, etc, etc.


I think I'd rather have polio that either EMACS or VI

But you are right - try for new and better solutions.

On which I say again HAMMER fs to HAMMER fs will probably have neat 
syncing features inbuilt.

Pulling from HAMMER fs to  OTOH, needs new tools if best use 
of HAMMER features is to be used advantageously.

Eiffel should be good for coding that...

(ducks and waddles away)



Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-31 Thread Chris Turner

I have some benchmark test results comparing rsync to cvsup.  


okay.. so like:

you'd think with all of these repository copies flying around,
there'd be a lot less flaming and a lot more coding going on..


sheesh.. You people are making me want to write this email






and also, just to finish this off (for now:)

People on each side are LIKE NAZIS

etc, etc, etc.

Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-31 Thread Bill Hacker

Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:

Garance A Drosihn wrote:

Just use rsync, and shut up about it already.

What are you people blabering about?

Fair question, simple answer.

Not wanting to throw a useful tool out on specious grounds.

> cvsup SUCKS.

Not my field of expertise. Google 'Escort Services'.

> not the idea, but
the language it is implemented in.  and cvsup inherits the suckage.  as 
simple as that.  if it was written in a portable language, nobody would 
bother using rsync.  vince's benchmarks were just to establish one 
realisation: that rsync is not significantly worse than cvsup.  end of 
story.  move on.

?? the *language* [1]?

'inherits the suckage'? (so much for *that* view of birth control.


'..nobody would *bother* using rsync.' [2] ??

'..establish one realisation' ???

'realisation' indeed...

Snort enough dried horeshit up your nose and you could come to believe 
that the whole damn WORLD stinks!

But that's only from the observation point of your *own nose*.
It doesn't make it so.

Give this a think instead:

HAMMER fs is expected to deliver capabilities that can reduce the 
workload required to ascertain what is/was 'of interest' as-at a 
specified tag and/or point in time.

Built-in to the fs.

*But neither cvsup/csup nor rsync as they presently stand are aware of 
that, nor equipped to take advantage of it.*

So the bottom line is that a new 'none of the above' utility could be a 
very good thing to have.

Especially if the client fs is other-than HAMMER fs.

Until such time as that animal is coded, it just *might* be easier to 
adapt cvsup/csup than rsync.


Or an inspiration to go off and code that tool?

There is precedent in Plan9's specialized fs'en. No CVS repository 
needed per se. But please - keep the feet on the matching legs..



[1] See csup. In C.

[2] cvsup/csup affecteth not rsync's utility one wit. Nor the reverse. 
Each is good at what it does best.

Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Garance A Drosihn wrote:

Just use rsync, and shut up about it already.

What are you people blabering about?  cvsup SUCKS.  not the idea, but the 
language it is implemented in.  and cvsup inherits the suckage.  as simple 
as that.  if it was written in a portable language, nobody would bother 
using rsync.  vince's benchmarks were just to establish one realisation: 
that rsync is not significantly worse than cvsup.  end of story.  move on.

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Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Garance A Drosihn

At 4:38 PM -0600 1/30/08, Vincent Stemen wrote:

That's a good point.  It is possible that cvsup would fair better with
a matching sup directory.  I actually forgot about cvsup keeping that
separate state directory when I ran the benchmarks.  However, from my
viewpoint that does not invalidate the test results or convince me that
there is any reason I would want to use cvsup for mirroring because of
several reasons.

  2 Rsync did not have the benefit of a local state directory either, so
it was a one on one fair comparison.  Based on all the cvsup claims,
I would have expected it to at least come close to matching rsync's
performance.  Then I would expect a higher possibility of it being
faster than rsync with the state directory available.

Geez.  Just use rsync if you want to use it.
   But the above reasoning is absurd.

"CVSUP must live up to it's performance claims, even though I refuse to
run CVSUP the way it is designed to run".

"Rsync does not use this method to optimize its performance, so I refuse
to let CVSUP use this method to optimize its performance.  And look,
CVSUP is slower than rsync as long as I make sure cvsup cannot use the
performance enhancements which were designed into it!"

Just use rsync, and shut up about it already.  No one is asking you to
use cvsup.  But stop trying to defend a obviously incomplete benchmark
by pulling out such bizarre reasoning.  If you don't want to do a real
benchmark, then just don't bother doing one.  I can't blame you for that,
as I also don't want to do the amount of work it would take to do a
really useful benchmark.

Garance Alistair Drosehn=   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer   or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Instituteor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Vincent Stemen
On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 09:54:29AM +, Rahul Siddharthan wrote:
> As I understand, cvsup maintains state between updates using checkout
> files in a separate "sup" directory.  If you are missing that
> directory, or it does not correspond to your "aged" tree, cvsup won't
> do very well.  You should test cvsup by checking out the tree, waiting
> a week (or whatever the time is) to age it, and then updating it. 
> Likewise for rsync (though it doesn't require a checkouts directory). 
> Rahul

That's a good point.  It is possible that cvsup would fair better with
a matching sup directory.  I actually forgot about cvsup keeping that
separate state directory when I ran the benchmarks.  However, from my
viewpoint that does not invalidate the test results or convince me that
there is any reason I would want to use cvsup for mirroring because of
several reasons.

  1 The state directory would have to make cvsup almost 4 times as fast
to even match rsync's average performance, which I think is
unlikely, considering it was only half as fast on a full download
starting with an empty repository, and did not even match rsync on
any of the update tests.

  2 Rsync did not have the benefit of a local state directory either, so
it was a one on one fair comparison.  Based on all the cvsup claims,
I would have expected it to at least come close to matching rsync's
performance.  Then I would expect a higher possibility of it being
faster than rsync with the state directory available.

  3 I think doing the comparison under robust conditions, and not under
fragile or undependable circumstances is more realistic.  For
example, if you do an rsync update in between, your state directory
is no longer going to match.  I would not even trust the state
directory not to break if you have to do an update using cvsup from
a different server because the one you used last time is down.  This
is also the reason I did not include the '-s' switch to cvsup (which
is also supposed to increase performance), because in the manual, it

"If the -s option is used when one or more files have been
modified locally, the results are undefined.  Local file dam-
age may remain uncorrected, updates may be missed, or cvsup may
abort prematurely."

I consider that to fragile.

  4 All these fragile conditions to get cvsup up to maximum performance
only applies to cvs repositores.  If you ever decide to use
a different revision control system...

Considering the fragile nature and non-portability of cvsup, I am not
very interested in using it even if it was a little faster than rsync.
So I don't really have the time or motivation to generate benchmarks
with the cvsup state directory.  The way that would have to be tested
would require weeks, and a lot more headache, generating and keeping all
the matching state directories for each test.


Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Garance A Drosihn

At 6:38 AM + 1/30/08, Vincent Stemen wrote:

My conclusions:

The results are dramatic, with rsync performing hundreds of percent faster on
average while only loading the processor on the client side a little over
a third as much as cvsup.  Either the performance claims about cvsup being
faster than rsync are based on theory without real world testing or cvsup has
gotten a lot slower or rsync has gotten a lot faster than in the past.

For those who are concerned about the validity of these results without
including server side load tests and tests under bandwidth congestion
conditions, here are my thoughts on the matter.

No matter where a bottleneck exists in the transfer, whether it
is server side load, client side load, or bandwidth limits, you
are going to experience similar loss of throughput.

The additional testing is nice to see, but you're not thinking the
issues through far enough when it comes to scaling up a service like
this.  It's good to benchmark something which hasn't been tested in
some time, but you have to do pretty extensive benchmarks if you're
going to come to any sweeping conclusions for *all* uses of a program.

Let's say rsync takes 10% of the cpu on the client, and 10% of the
cpu on a server.  Let's say cvsup for the same update takes 15% CPU
on the client, and 7% on the server.  If your benchmarks ignore the
load on the server, then they can not possibly see problems which
could occur when scaling up to more clients.

With a single client connecting to the server, *neither* side is the
bottleneck.  It might be the disk-speed is the main bottleneck at that
point.  The update might take longer with cvsup due to the 15% CPU on
the client, but the CPU isn't much of a *bottleneck* at that point.

But with 10 connections in my fake scenario, rsync could be using 100%
of the CPU on the server.  It's at this point that rsync will see some
bottleneck, while cvsup would only be using 70% of a CPU.  Yes, cvsup
will be using much more on each client, but then each client shows up
with it's own CPU(s) to take up whatever load is thrown at that client.
The server does not receive additional CPU's or network-cards for
each connection that it accepts.

Again, my feeling is that rsync is almost certainly fine for using
with dragonfly's repository, given how much faster machines and
networks have gotten, and how many simultaneous connections are seen
for dragonfly repo-servers.

It makes plenty of sense to stick with rsync if your servers are not
overloaded.  But if you want to prove rsync is better than cvsup for
what the loads that cvsup was *MEANT* to solve, then your tests are
not extensive enough.  Benchmarking a client/server setup like cvsup
is a lot of work to get a complete picture.

Also note that you don't need to "prove" that rsync is "better".  If it
is good-enough for what Dragonfly needs at this point, then use it.  It
would be the people running the servers who will care about the load
there, and if you have enough servers then dragonfly may never notice
any problems from using rsync.  Maybe a dragonfly repo-server will
never see more than 10 simultaneous connections, so you'll never even
hit the situations that freebsd had to deal with when cvsup was written.
(I suspect there's a lot fewer people on dial-up connections now, for
instance, so each individual connection will take a lot less wall-clock
time than it used to, so you're much less likely to see 100 simultaneous

Garance Alistair Drosehn=   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer   or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Instituteor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsync considered superior (was: Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks)

2008-01-30 Thread Rahul Siddharthan
"Simon 'corecode' Schubert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Thank you for these thorough tests!  We finally have some hard numbers to
>work with.  I think it is obvious that rsync should be the preferred
>update mechanism if you want to download the cvs repository. 

To download, yes, to update, that's not so clear.  To repeat my
earlier mail: Vincent appears only to have installed a tarball of
recent (but not current) sources and used cvsup / rsync to update
them.  But to operate efficiently, cvsup needs checkout files, which
it would have only if it was run previously on those sources.  See the
in particular, numbers 37 and 38:

  In order to update your files efficiently, CVSup needs to know
  what you've already got. It stores this information in files
  called "checkouts" files... If CVSup can't find a checkouts file
  that it needs, it falls back on other methods of determining
  which files you have. One such method is to compute checksums
  (MD5 file signatures) for each of your files, and use those to
  figure out which file revisions you have. This is perfectly
  safe, but it is inefficient. It slows down your update and also
  puts a heavier load on the server.

To compare cvsup minus checkout-files to rsync seems quite misplaced.
Most people will never use cvsup merely to download sources: they will
use it to keep them regularly up-to-date. 


Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Justin C. Sherrill wrote:

The only minor thing I'd bring up is that I recall one reason for cvsup is
that rsync placed a relatively higher load per client on the server.

That needs to be established.  We already heard that cvsup - contrary to 
claims - is not competitive with rsync, on the client side.  So I can very 
well believe that this is also true for the server side.  I for myself 
always notice that when syncing from chlamydia, the server basically 
traverses all 60k files *instantly*, while it takes quite some time on my 
desktop.  So the load doesn't seem to be a problem once the directory 
structure is in the buffer cache.

Of course, that may complaint may date from when people only had 400Mhz
CPUs and older versions of rsync, so I doubt it's a strong reason to stay
with cvsup any more.

Quick test on chlamydia:  rsync of already synced repo:

% time rsync --delete -aH .
rsync --delete -aH .  0.72s user 
1.43s system 36% cpu 5.865 total

considering that rsync spends half of the time on the local side, that's < 
3s of load on the server:

53331 nobody   161   0  4536K  3888K select   0:00 355.68% 33.89% rsync

nobody cares about that.  it might take some more cycles when transfering, 
but so what.  seriously.  I don't care, this is peanuts.


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Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
On Wed, January 30, 2008 1:38 am, Vincent Stemen wrote:
> I have some benchmark test results comparing rsync to cvsup.  I did 12
> client side tests over the last week.  5 against, 3 against
>, and 4 against  All tests were
> mirroring the DragonFly BSD source repository.  The tests were done
> with various aged repositories at different times of the day and
> night, some with compression on and some with it off.  Each test was
> done by unpacking two identical copies of a given aged
> repository, one to run the cvsup test on and one to run the rsync test on.
> Then the rsync and cvsup test was run back to back.

The only minor thing I'd bring up is that I recall one reason for cvsup is
that rsync placed a relatively higher load per client on the server.

Of course, that may complaint may date from when people only had 400Mhz
CPUs and older versions of rsync, so I doubt it's a strong reason to stay
with cvsup any more.

rsync considered superior (was: Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks)

2008-01-30 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Hello Vincent,

Vincent Stemen wrote:

The results are dramatic, with rsync performing hundreds of percent faster on
average while only loading the processor on the client side a little over
a third as much as cvsup.  Either the performance claims about cvsup being
faster than rsync are based on theory without real world testing or cvsup has
gotten a lot slower or rsync has gotten a lot faster than in the past.

Thank you for these thorough tests!  We finally have some hard numbers to 
work with.  I think it is obvious that rsync should be the preferred 
update mechanism if you want to download the cvs repository.  Cvsup might 
still be better suited when only downloading the checked out sources.

To state it clearly for everybody:


  Use rsync to sync your repos!  It is faster and can even be compiled!



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Re: rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-30 Thread Rahul Siddharthan
Vincent Stemen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have some benchmark test results comparing rsync to cvsup.  I did 12 client
>side tests over the last week.  5 against, 3 against,
>and 4 against  All tests were mirroring the DragonFly
>BSD source repository.  The tests were done with various aged repositories at
>different times of the day and night, some with compression on and some with it
>off.  Each test was done by unpacking two identical copies of a given aged
>repository, one to run the cvsup test on and one to run the rsync test on.

As I understand, cvsup maintains state between updates using checkout
files in a separate "sup" directory.  If you are missing that
directory, or it does not correspond to your "aged" tree, cvsup won't
do very well.  You should test cvsup by checking out the tree, waiting
a week (or whatever the time is) to age it, and then updating it. 
Likewise for rsync (though it doesn't require a checkouts directory). 


rsync vs. cvsup benchmarks

2008-01-29 Thread Vincent Stemen

I have some benchmark test results comparing rsync to cvsup.  I did 12 client
side tests over the last week.  5 against, 3 against,
and 4 against  All tests were mirroring the DragonFly
BSD source repository.  The tests were done with various aged repositories at
different times of the day and night, some with compression on and some with it
off.  Each test was done by unpacking two identical copies of a given aged
repository, one to run the cvsup test on and one to run the rsync test on.
Then the rsync and cvsup test was run back to back.

* Environment *

All tests were done in the following environment:

DragonFly 1.10.1-RELEASE system with a 1.11.0-DEVELOPMENT kernel.
CPU:Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.60GHz
Inernet connection: Cox cable
rsync version:  2.6.9
rsync directories:  CVSROOT, doc, and src
rsync flags:--archive --hard-links --delete --verbose
  + --compress (on tests with compression on)
cvsup version:  SNAP_16_1h
cvsup supfile:  DragonFly-cvs-supfile that comes with DragonFly BSD
cvsup file collections:

* Summary *

On average:
cvsup took 3.76 times as long as rsync making rsync 276% faster.
rsync consumed 13.5% of the cpu time on updates to an existing repository.
cvsup consumed 33.7% of the cpu time on updates to an existing repository.

Minimum performance difference: 
cvsup took from 1.34 times as long as rsync.
Maximum performance difference: 
cvsup took 9.1 times as long as rsync

rsync's best performance was on repositories that are less than a week old,
where there was not a large number of updates.  In these cases it was usually
from 4 to 7 times faster than cvsup, except for one test from where
rsync was only about 40% faster.  

On a Full download of the entire repository, where the tools are not having to
check for file differences, the CPU loads were so low and similar enough that
I would consider the differences between rsync and cvsup insignificant, so
I excluded those two tests from the cpu load average calculation above.
However, rsync was still more then twice as fast at completing the entire

cvsup, on average, consumed 250% of the load that rsync consumed but did not
outperform rsync on one single test.  Of course, this is client side only.
I will leave it up to somebody else to do server side load tests.

My conclusions:

The results are dramatic, with rsync performing hundreds of percent faster on
average while only loading the processor on the client side a little over
a third as much as cvsup.  Either the performance claims about cvsup being
faster than rsync are based on theory without real world testing or cvsup has
gotten a lot slower or rsync has gotten a lot faster than in the past.

For those who are concerned about the validity of these results without
including server side load tests and tests under bandwidth congestion
conditions, here are my thoughts on the matter.

No matter where a bottleneck exists in the transfer, whether it is server
side load, client side load, or bandwidth limits, you are going to
experience similar loss of throughput.  So, I would consider client side
only tests reasonably valid at determining overall average performance
differences when both tools are run back to back under the same conditions.

If rsync is shifting more of the processing load to the server than cvsup
or consuming more bandwidth, well, it can bog the server down or consume
more bandwidth by at least an *extra* 150% or more before it even slows
down enough to match cvsup's performance on the average.  And, of course,
that is only if the bandwidth or server load is hitting saturation.

* Test Results *

repository age: about 1.5 hours
(Probably made no difference since there were
 apparently no updates)

date:   Thu Jan 17 20:29:40 CST 2008
rsync time: 1.34s user 3.41s system 13% cpu 34.846 total

date:   Thu Jan 17 20:17:12 CST 2008
cvsup time: 54.17s user 26.03s system 36% cpu 3:40.77 total

cvsup took 6.33 times as long as rsync
rsync was 533% faster
cvsup consumed 2.77 times the cpu load of rsync

repository age: about 2 days

date:   Thu Jan 17 18:50:11 CST 2008
rsync time: 8.29s user 13.31s system 17% cpu 2:03.07 total

date:   Thu Jan 17 19:13:10 CST 2008
cvsup time: 155.08s user 69.40s system 40% cpu 9:14.73 total

cvsup took 4.5 times as long as rsync
rsync was 3

Re: cvsup: missing dragonfly-cvs-doc

2008-01-22 Thread Vincent Stemen
On 2008-01-23, Peter Avalos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 11:41:20PM +, Vincent Stemen wrote:
>> Any idea why is missing the dragonfly-cvs-doc collecti=
> on?
>> I get
>> Server message: Unknown collection "dragonfly-cvs-doc"
>> The doc directory is there via rsync.  It is not missing from other
>> servers such as and
> Probably because the server admin screwed up. ;)
> Try it now and let me know.
> --Peter

Yep.  It's working now :-)

Re: cvsup: missing dragonfly-cvs-doc

2008-01-22 Thread Peter Avalos
On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 11:41:20PM +, Vincent Stemen wrote:
> Any idea why is missing the dragonfly-cvs-doc collection?
> I get
> Server message: Unknown collection "dragonfly-cvs-doc"
> The doc directory is there via rsync.  It is not missing from other
> servers such as and

Probably because the server admin screwed up. ;)

Try it now and let me know.


Description: PGP signature

cvsup: missing dragonfly-cvs-doc

2008-01-22 Thread Vincent Stemen
Any idea why is missing the dragonfly-cvs-doc collection?

I get
Server message: Unknown collection "dragonfly-cvs-doc"

The doc directory is there via rsync.  It is not missing from other
servers such as and

Re: rsync and new mirroring tool (was cvsup)

2008-01-22 Thread Matthew Dillon

:Yah.  Please let's do a round robin entry to all cvsup mirrors.
:   simon

Unfortunately it isn't safe to do that because the mirrors 
will be slightly out of sync with each other.  You would
confuse the hell out of cvsup if you ran it at the wrong time.
It's better to select one manually.

Again, I'm not really all that worried about my meager bandwidth.
My router does fair-share scheduling and my servers all have
net.inet.tcp.inflight_enable turned on.  The net effect is that
the worse that happens is you get a slow download.  Shell
responsiveness shouldn't go down much.

Matthew Dillon 

Re: rsync and new mirroring tool (was cvsup)

2008-01-22 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Dave Hayes wrote:

host is a nickname for has address mail is handled (pri=10) by

Given your desired policy above, I'd say moving that CNAME to a higher
bandwidth mirror would take some of the load off of your link. The CNAME
is, of course, what I use in my automatic cron job...and the principle
of least surprise suggests that I shouldn't be overloading anyone's link
using a provided example.

Yah.  Please let's do a round robin entry to all cvsup mirrors.


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Re: rsync and new mirroring tool (was cvsup)

2008-01-22 Thread Dave Hayes
Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> #2.  It's ok for crater to be listed, but it should be commented out
> for now.  Manual use of crater is fine, its the automatic cron jobs
> that I'd like to avoid :-)


> cd /usr/share/examples/cvsup
> grep "default host" DragonFly*
> host is a nickname for has address mail is handled (pri=10) by

Given your desired policy above, I'd say moving that CNAME to a higher
bandwidth mirror would take some of the load off of your link. The CNAME
is, of course, what I use in my automatic cron job...and the principle
of least surprise suggests that I shouldn't be overloading anyone's link
using a provided example.

Perhaps I was mistaken to presume that the example would point to
something that would tolerate cron jobs? :)
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>> The opinions expressed above are entirely my own <<<

Nasrudin was driving a friend in his car at a spanking
pace. Suddenly, glimpsing a signpost, the friend called out
"Mulla, we're going in the wrong direction!"
"Why don't you ever think of something good?" came the
reply. "Just look, for instance, at the speed we are going at."

Re: rsync and new mirroring tool (was cvsup)

2008-01-21 Thread Matthew Dillon
:Understood.  I suspected something like that might be the case since it
:was not in the download site list on  That is why
:I put it last :-).
:Mirror will use the first site in the list by default unless you specify
:one of the others on the command line.  For the default config file,
:I could do one of three options:
:1. Leave it last in the list and add what you said as a comment to
:   make it convenient for developers and mirrors who might need to
:   use it.
:2. Same as 1 but have crater commented out by default.
:3. Remove crater altogether from the default configuration file.
:What would you guys prefer?

#2.  It's ok for crater to be listed, but it should be commented out
for now.  Manual use of crater is fine, its the automatic cron jobs
that I'd like to avoid :-)

Matthew Dillon 

Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Bill Hacker

Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:

Bill Hacker wrote:


The bottom line - viewing it not a a coder, which I haven't been for 
around 30 years - but as a Manager of scarce resources - primarily 
*time*, and not even my own in this case - is that:

- Apparent: No readily available 'one size' fits all needs well enough 
to justify excluding others.

- Apparent: There is enough gain to justify running parallel options

- Suspected: There is NOT PRESENTLY enough 'assured' gain to attract the 
support needed to run more than one (or even *any*) as well as they need 
to be run order to secure value. See the comment about the existing git 
repository not being current... A good idea, bed-ridden, is less mobile 
 a bandaged-up idea on crutches.

Even so - it should NOT be necessary to chose 'one and only' one, e.g. 
move off CVS to .

The missing resource is not addressed by taking any one coder away from 
coding to maintain a repository - nor creating a new toolset from scratch.

It *may* be solvable by enlisting several coders to digress long enough 
to invest in the automation that makes it possible for less effort in 
future to keep at least one alternative repository system in top form.

I do not know if that should be git or some other CVS alternative.

But the payback has to become apparent in months if not weeks - no more 
than that - ELSE it is 'faster' to continue to deal with the Devil one 
knows than retrain - and *still* struggle.

Even so - someone with admin skills AND understanding of what matters 
AND how it has to work, AND daily availability to stay on top of it, 
i.e. almost by definition NOT a coder - would be needed to keep it sorted.

That's the issue as I see it - need for what we 'Politically Incorrect' 
old farts used to (be allowed to) call a 'Gal Friday'.

- but analysing  a barrier isn't the same as removing it, and I am in no 
better position to actually fix it than anyone else that has yet spoken.

That said - while one cannot 'herd cats' or 'direct' the efforts of 
volunteers... perhaps 'will' and 'need' can enlist enough consensus to 
move a solution out of 'wish for' and into 'useful' land.

pkgsrc revanche. It has paid-off.

ELSE - do the best that can be done with existing tools for a while longer.


Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

walt wrote:

Anyway, you created a DragonFly-git repo at but it
is out of date now.  They do offer an automatic update service, which
sounds very good:  "In the mirror mode, we will check the remote
repository at the URL you give us every hour and if we spot any changes,
we will grab them, mirror them and show them in our gitweb interface."

Is there any reason not to take advantage of their very kind offer?

It is running in mirror mode, but for that I'd have to keep updating the 
git repo I used to generate upstream.  Now my repo converter is fairly 
complete, but it missed one or the other manual repo activity :/, so the 
git repo is unhappy right now.  Plus there is a bug somewhere which makes 
it eat memory (when converting freebsd), like homer is eating donuts.  So 
either somebody will give me a hand or it'll have to wait until I have 
enough time to fix it myself.


Serve - BSD +++  RENT this banner advert  +++ASCII Ribbon   /"\
Work - Mac  +++  space for low €€€ NOW!1  +++  Campaign \ /
Party Enjoy Relax   |  Against  HTML   \
Dude 2c 2 the max   !   Mail + News   / \

Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread walt

Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:

Oh yes, everybody who EVER tried adding third party software to the
repo, or rather kept maintaining it, has been swearing on CVS...

Heh.  That's ambiguous in colloquial English, which admittedly makes
no sense and therefore is difficult to learn.

You wanted to say 'swearing at', as in hurling epithets 'at' someone.
There is also 'swearing by' something, which means exactly the opposite,
e.g. 'I swear by DragonFly -- it's the best OS I've used'.  There is
also 'swearing on' a Bible to take an oath -- I suppose because you
put your right hand 'on' the Bible during the oath.

Anyway, you created a DragonFly-git repo at but it
is out of date now.  They do offer an automatic update service, which
sounds very good:  "In the mirror mode, we will check the remote
repository at the URL you give us every hour and if we spot any changes,
we will grab them, mirror them and show them in our gitweb interface."

Is there any reason not to take advantage of their very kind offer?

Re: rsync and new mirroring tool (was cvsup)

2008-01-21 Thread Peter Avalos
On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 09:00:31PM +, Vincent Stemen wrote:
> 1. Leave it last in the list and add what you said as a comment to
>make it convenient for developers and mirrors who might need to
>use it.
> 2. Same as 1 but have crater commented out by default.
> 3. Remove crater altogether from the default configuration file.
> What would you guys prefer?


Description: PGP signature

Re: rsync and new mirroring tool (was cvsup)

2008-01-21 Thread Vincent Stemen
On 2008-01-21, Simon 'corecode' Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vincent Stemen wrote:
>> sites +=
> could you please not mirror off crater?  Matt's link is quite resource
> constrained and should mainly be used for feeding mirrors and
> developers.  Typing in a shell with high latency sucks :)
> cheers
>   simon

Understood.  I suspected something like that might be the case since it
was not in the download site list on  That is why
I put it last :-).

Mirror will use the first site in the list by default unless you specify
one of the others on the command line.  For the default config file,
I could do one of three options:

1. Leave it last in the list and add what you said as a comment to
   make it convenient for developers and mirrors who might need to
   use it.
2. Same as 1 but have crater commented out by default.
3. Remove crater altogether from the default configuration file.

What would you guys prefer?

Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Matthew Dillon

:>  Hmm, I haven't used mergemaster since the upgrade target went
:> into /usr/src/Makefile to replace it. I'm mildly surprised to find it's
:> still in the system, is it of any actual use ?
:Absolutely.  There is no other way to merge config files, for instance
:ssh, sshd, inetd, etc.
:  simon

Er.  Well, I haven't kept it up to date for years.  'make upgrade'
(after an installworld) is all I use. 

Matthew Dillon 

Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert
Bill Hacker wrote:
>>  I can't run a patch and work on a different issue
>> myself - I'll mix both.  Or I'll have to check out into another tree and
>> lose the patch.
> Indeed. And have to go find it and manually re-apply, and/or alter and
> re-apply 'coz it no longer fits quite tha same on code that has moved on
> in other details.

And once you've applied it, it is mixed with your existing changes.
That's the main problem.

> But unless and until the patch is vetted and accepted into the
> mainstream that is exactly what a 'production' user wants.

A production user doesn't want patches or something else.  He wants
working binaries.

> As said - developers and production users have different priorities and
> CVS is a fairly effective compromise - ELSE it would have been scrapped
> long ago by a lot more projects than have done so to date.

No, that's not true.  It's just that developers are lazy and don't want
to learn new, potentially better tools.  They are also conservative and
don't want to change one tool for the other without real benefit.
Several projects did the mistake to convert from cvs to svn, which
didn't really improve productivity (I guess).

>>> Rather than 'nag' - set up what you want and see who joins or lends a
>>> hand.
>> It is really cumbersome to keep any repo synchronized, especially if you
>> want to have a nice repo which reflects vendor branches correctly.
> Understood. But *any* repo and any toolset needs effort.

No doubt.  The differences, however, are orders of magnitude.

>> Basically all manual CVS interference has to be dealt with either in the
>> tool or manually.
> Alternatives may provide more comfortable knobs and buttons - but AFAIK,
> none of them yet read minds, let alone cover the sharp edges.

Oh yes, they do cover sharp edges.  They might have other, different
ones, but not as many and not as sharp (I'm obviously biased).

> But if your peer contributors - who must have nearly identical concerns
> - don't yet see CVS as a target for 'real soon now' replacement, there
> must not (yet) be an overwhelming case for change.

Oh yes, everybody who EVER tried adding third party software to the
repo, or rather kept maintaining it, has been swearing on CVS.  Even
Matt decided that CVS was evil and started the whole patch thing.  The
patches helped on one side but are hurting on the other side - much
more.  The real salvation is a version control system which will help
the developers in their tasks - not stand them in the way.

> Change can't take place until it is possible for those involved to eval
> both tools side-by-side - on DragonFly, not 'other project x' - until
> they are convinced the advantage is worthwhile AND will not make it
> harder in general to use.

No doubt.  Bear in mind that every new tool needs some effort to learn.
 This means that everybody involved has to accept the fact that they
need to put some effort in in order to be able to fairly evaluate the
tool.  So a learning curve has to be expected.

> I'm not defending CVS in particular. I'm just saying if *most* folks
> don't see  as broken a fix won't get a lot of followers.

People still program in C.  People keep writing shell scripts.  *Most*
people don't realize the shortcomings of the tools they are using
because they a) they don't reflect on their workflows and they are b)
too lazy to check out alternatives to realize there is help.

> .or we would have left 'C' for something else about fifteen years ago,
> let alone the x86 archeologitecture.

You exactly nailed the point.  People don't want to move.  They don't
want to learn.  Even if the alternative would be orders of magnitude better.


Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert
Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:
>>> Maybe you need to install from a CD to get this makefile?
>> I guess so.  Nothing does a make distribution except for mergemaster,
>> and mergemaster doesn't merge /usr, I think.
>   Hmm, I haven't used mergemaster since the upgrade target went
> into /usr/src/Makefile to replace it. I'm mildly surprised to find it's
> still in the system, is it of any actual use ?

Absolutely.  There is no other way to merge config files, for instance
ssh, sshd, inetd, etc.


Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Steve O'Hara-Smith
On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 13:59:12 +0100
"Simon 'corecode' Schubert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nicolas Thery wrote:

> > Maybe you need to install from a CD to get this makefile?
> I guess so.  Nothing does a make distribution except for mergemaster,
> and mergemaster doesn't merge /usr, I think.

Hmm, I haven't used mergemaster since the upgrade target went
into /usr/src/Makefile to replace it. I'm mildly surprised to find it's
still in the system, is it of any actual use ?

C:>WIN  |   Directable Mirror Arrays
The computer obeys and wins.| A better way to focus the sun
You lose and Bill collects. |licences available see

Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Bill Hacker

Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:

Bill Hacker wrote:

CVS has been the 'compromise' that is at least not harmful or overly

CVS *is* harmful.

To you, and other running experimental differences, perhaps so..

 I can't run a patch and work on a different issue
myself - I'll mix both.  Or I'll have to check out into another tree and
lose the patch.

Indeed. And have to go find it and manually re-apply, and/or alter and 
re-apply 'coz it no longer fits quite tha same on code that has moved on 
in other details.

But unless and until the patch is vetted and accepted into the 
mainstream that is exactly what a 'production' user wants.

As few surprises as possible.

As said - developers and production users have different priorities and 
CVS is a fairly effective compromise - ELSE it would have been scrapped 
long ago by a lot more projects than have done so to date.

The alternatives are no longer new, nor are they without their own set 
of irritants.

Rather than 'nag' - set up what you want and see who joins or lends a hand.

It is really cumbersome to keep any repo synchronized, especially if you
want to have a nice repo which reflects vendor branches correctly.

Understood. But *any* repo and any toolset needs effort.

Basically all manual CVS interference has to be dealt with either in the
tool or manually.

Alternatives may provide more comfortable knobs and buttons - but AFAIK, 
none of them yet read minds, let alone cover the sharp edges.

If it adds enough value to enough people, bandwidth and storage will be
attracted to the solution.

Bandwidth and storage isn't the issue.  I can develop forever in my git
repo, and nobody might ever notice.  And it won't magically make the
project switch from CVS.


From tracking your work, I fully appreciate that you have made a great 
deal of effort, committed a lot of time and resources, and delivered 
much valuable code - so yes = anything that removes barriers to that 
gets some support.

But if your peer contributors - who must have nearly identical concerns 
- don't yet see CVS as a target for 'real soon now' replacement, there 
must not (yet) be an overwhelming case for change.

Change can't take place until it is possible for those involved to eval 
both tools side-by-side - on DragonFly, not 'other project x' - until 
they are convinced the advantage is worthwhile AND will not make it 
harder in general to use.

I'm not defending CVS in particular. I'm just saying if *most* folks 
don't see  as broken a fix won't get a lot of followers.

.or we would have left 'C' for something else about fifteen years ago, 
let alone the x86 archeologitecture.



Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert
Nicolas Thery wrote:
>>>>> What, people didn't know we install a Makefile in /usr?  Well,
>>>>> now you do!
>>>> Er...maybe it's because I'm running 1.8.2 that I don't see one in /usr?
>>>> When did you folks start doing this?
>>> 1.10 IIRC.
>> Eh? I thought that was a joke. There's no /usr/Makefile on this box
>> (1.11.0-PREVIEW).
> I'm pretty sure I used /usr/Makefile yesterday to run cvsup on a
> 1.10.1 box.  I don't have access to that box right now.  I'll check
> tonight.
> Maybe you need to install from a CD to get this makefile?

I guess so.  Nothing does a make distribution except for mergemaster,
and mergemaster doesn't merge /usr, I think.


Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert
Bill Hacker wrote:
> CVS has been the 'compromise' that is at least not harmful or overly
> demanding.

CVS *is* harmful.  I can't run a patch and work on a different issue
myself - I'll mix both.  Or I'll have to check out into another tree and
lose the patch.

> Rather than 'nag' - set up what you want and see who joins or lends a hand.

It is really cumbersome to keep any repo synchronized, especially if you
want to have a nice repo which reflects vendor branches correctly.
Basically all manual CVS interference has to be dealt with either in the
tool or manually.

> If it adds enough value to enough people, bandwidth and storage will be
> attracted to the solution.

Bandwidth and storage isn't the issue.  I can develop forever in my git
repo, and nobody might ever notice.  And it won't magically make the
project switch from CVS.


Re: rsync and new mirroring tool (was cvsup)

2008-01-21 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert
Vincent Stemen wrote:
> sites +=

could you please not mirror off crater?  Matt's link is quite resource
constrained and should mainly be used for feeding mirrors and
developers.  Typing in a shell with high latency sucks :)


Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Bill Hacker

Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:

Matthew Dillon wrote:
   One of the original reasons for using cvsup was so people could 

   local branches of the repository.  I don't think people do this much
   anymore, if they do it all.  Disk space is so cheap these days that
   keeping a master sync copy and a separate one for local work is not 
a big


People use git or hg nowadays :)  I just can't stop nagging, it is 
unbelievably useful, especially for team work.


Several such options can co-exist. But developers and 
'deployer/maintainer' admins have different needs.

- The devoloper needs fine-grain control of diverse options

- The end-user / admin needs protection from breakage or stupidity, 
doesn't want to know anything about granularity beyond CPU family and 
release number.

CVS has been the 'compromise' that is at least not harmful or overly 

Rather than 'nag' - set up what you want and see who joins or lends a hand.

If it adds enough value to enough people, bandwidth and storage will be 
attracted to the solution.

If not, not. Yet.



Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Bill Hacker

Matthew Dillon wrote:

   People shouldn't worry about server side overhead all that much.  Cpu
   cycles are cheap and the cvs tree is completely cached in memory anyway.
   And the only effect that extra network bandwidth has is that it takes
   a little longer to run the operation.  Now, granted, we don't want people
   to be downloading a whole copy's worth of network bandwidth every day,
   but rsync is close enough that I just don't care.

   One of the original reasons for using cvsup was so people could maintain
   local branches of the repository.  I don't think people do this much
   anymore, if they do it all.  Disk space is so cheap these days that
   keeping a master sync copy and a separate one for local work is not a big


Not that DragonFly is not already usable - but the time is approaching - 
perhaps Q3 or Q4 2008 - when enough 'good stuff' will converge to give 
it a distinct 'edge'. Especially if the 'major' *BSD doesn't soon find 
its way back to a more predictable and less fragile model.

*Then* the bandwidth and all could very much matter.

OTOH, enlisting more mirrors and managing them appropriately can 
probably happen rather rapidly if/as/when that sort of avalanche begins.



Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Nicolas Thery
2008/1/21, Steve O'Hara-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:24:02 +0100
> "Nicolas Thery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2008/1/21, Dave Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > What, people didn't know we install a Makefile in /usr?  Well,
> > > > now you do!
> > >
> > > Er...maybe it's because I'm running 1.8.2 that I don't see one in /usr?
> > > When did you folks start doing this?
> >
> > 1.10 IIRC.
> Eh? I thought that was a joke. There's no /usr/Makefile on this box
> (1.11.0-PREVIEW).

I'm pretty sure I used /usr/Makefile yesterday to run cvsup on a
1.10.1 box.  I don't have access to that box right now.  I'll check

Maybe you need to install from a CD to get this makefile?


Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Matthias Schmidt
* Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:24:02 +0100
> "Nicolas Thery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2008/1/21, Dave Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > > What, people didn't know we install a Makefile in /usr?  Well,
> > > > now you do!
> > >
> > > Er...maybe it's because I'm running 1.8.2 that I don't see one in /usr?
> > > When did you folks start doing this?
> > 
> > 1.10 IIRC.
>   Eh? I thought that was a joke. There's no /usr/Makefile on this box
> (1.11.0-PREVIEW).

Nope, its not :)  Look at the cvs log of src/etc/Makefile.usr:

revision 1.1
date: 2007-08-02 08:53:14 +0200;  author: dillon;  state: Exp;
commitid: 9C2uflYNvgKK29ss;
The distribution installs a Makefile in /usr with easy-to-use targets to
create a pkgsrc distribution and to obtain the DragonFly CVS repository
and checkout/update /usr/src.  A make in /usr with no arguments will
available options.


Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Steve O'Hara-Smith
On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:24:02 +0100
"Nicolas Thery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008/1/21, Dave Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > What, people didn't know we install a Makefile in /usr?  Well,
> > > now you do!
> >
> > Er...maybe it's because I'm running 1.8.2 that I don't see one in /usr?
> > When did you folks start doing this?
> 1.10 IIRC.

Eh? I thought that was a joke. There's no /usr/Makefile on this box

C:>WIN  |   Directable Mirror Arrays
The computer obeys and wins.| A better way to focus the sun
You lose and Bill collects. |licences available see

Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Petr Janda

> People use git or hg nowadays :)  I just can't stop nagging, it is
> unbelievably useful, especially for team work.

It's been now many times I heared great things about git, while I never 
personally used it, as I use rsync to keep my development projects 
syncronized. Why don't we switch to to git now? Think we would be the first 
*BSD OS project to dump CVS and not that it would be a bad thing by the 
sounds of it :)


Re: rsync and new mirroring tool (was cvsup)

2008-01-21 Thread Vincent Stemen
On 2008-01-21, Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We could just add rsync targets in our /usr/Makefile in addition to
> all the cvsup/pkgsrc targets already in there.
> What, people didn't know we install a Makefile in /usr?  Well, now you
> do!
>   -Matt

Also, before you decide anything, I should let you know that I decided
to go ahead and write a general purpose rsync based mirroring tool, both
for keeping our own dcvs copy updated and for doing convenient rsync vs
cvsup benchmark testing.

I have been working on it for two nights now.  It is written in Perl
and, so far is working pretty nice.  I call it *mirror*.  I have
a configuration file for it that is pre-configured for all the DragonFly
rsync repository mirroring sites that I know of so far.  It is even more
convenient than cvsup.

I plan to make it available, hopefully in the next day or two.  I was
going to set it up as a standard installable source package 
(i.e. make install) and write a manual first.  I was considering hosting
it as a project on my own site or one of the project hosting sites or
see if you guys are interested in putting it up on the DragonFly site.
I would be interested in feedback.  

It has some pretty nice features so far.  Just to give you a little
preview, I have included just the configuration file below for DragonFly
dcvs mirroring.


# mirror-dragonfly-cvs.conf
# Settings are specified as
# variable = value
# or
# variable += value
# to append to a variable.
# This mirror file will maintain a copy of the DragonFly BSD CVS tree.
# $Id$

# $sites
# Source URLs or paths for retrieving file updates.
# Example:
#  or: rsync://
sites  =
sites +=
sites +=
sites +=

# $destination
# Specifies where to place the requested files.
destination = /home/dcvs

# $rsync_opts
# Options to pass to rsync
rsync_opts += --archive --hard-links --delete
rsync_opts += --compress
rsync_opts += --verbose
#rsync_opts += --progress

# $files
# Files or directories to mirror
files  = CVSROOT# Basic CVS data.  Required to use cvs.
files += src# The DragonFly source code
files += doc# Documentation
#files += site  # The DragonFly website code

Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Nicolas Thery
2008/1/21, Dave Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What, people didn't know we install a Makefile in /usr?  Well, now you
> > do!
> Er...maybe it's because I'm running 1.8.2 that I don't see one in /usr?
> When did you folks start doing this?

1.10 IIRC.

Re: cvsup

2008-01-21 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Matthew Dillon wrote:

   One of the original reasons for using cvsup was so people could maintain
   local branches of the repository.  I don't think people do this much
   anymore, if they do it all.  Disk space is so cheap these days that
   keeping a master sync copy and a separate one for local work is not a big

People use git or hg nowadays :)  I just can't stop nagging, it is 
unbelievably useful, especially for team work.


Serve - BSD +++  RENT this banner advert  +++ASCII Ribbon   /"\
Work - Mac  +++  space for low €€€ NOW!1  +++  Campaign \ /
Party Enjoy Relax   |  Against  HTML   \
Dude 2c 2 the max   !   Mail + News   / \

Re: cvsup

2008-01-20 Thread Dave Hayes
Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What, people didn't know we install a Makefile in /usr?  Well, now you
> do!

Er...maybe it's because I'm running 1.8.2 that I don't see one in /usr?
When did you folks start doing this?
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>> The opinions expressed above are entirely my own <<<

A king who feared wasps once decreed that they would be

As it happened, they did him no harm. But he was eventually
stung to death by scorpions.

Re: cvsup

2008-01-20 Thread Matthew Dillon
   People shouldn't worry about server side overhead all that much.  Cpu
   cycles are cheap and the cvs tree is completely cached in memory anyway.
   And the only effect that extra network bandwidth has is that it takes
   a little longer to run the operation.  Now, granted, we don't want people
   to be downloading a whole copy's worth of network bandwidth every day,
   but rsync is close enough that I just don't care.

   One of the original reasons for using cvsup was so people could maintain
   local branches of the repository.  I don't think people do this much
   anymore, if they do it all.  Disk space is so cheap these days that
   keeping a master sync copy and a separate one for local work is not a big


Re: cvsup

2008-01-20 Thread Matthew Dillon
We could just add rsync targets in our /usr/Makefile in addition to
all the cvsup/pkgsrc targets already in there.

What, people didn't know we install a Makefile in /usr?  Well, now you


Re: cvsup

2008-01-19 Thread Vincent Stemen
On 2008-01-19, Simon 'corecode' Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --020108070307000905080907
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Vincent Stemen wrote:
>> Also, if nobody has written one or is working on one, I am considering =
> writing
>> a script to provide basic cvsup like features/functionality for reposit=
> ory
>> updates via rsync.
> I'm not sure what you mean with that.  Isn't calling rsync enough?  Maybe=

It wasn't for me.  I had research who the rsync mirrors are, look up and
determine the appropriate command line switches, post on the mailing
list for help because I did not know the repository directory paths on
the rsync servers, was not yet familiar with the rsync commands to get
that information directly from the server (each one is different) and
the instructions were not documented on the DragonFly web site like they
are for cvsup, and write a custom shell script loop to run rsync to
update each directory (CVSROOT, doc, src, etc).

Contrast that with having pre-configured cvsup files that come with the
base system and just running "cvsup -f path/to/cvsup-file".

The updatecvs script you posted looks like it is heading in the
direction that I am talking about.  Although I was considering making it
for just rsync, since we already have cvsup, and setting up
a pre-configured configuration file[s] for each of the available rsync
servers.  It looks like your script is using config files.  I will study
it more closely to see how close it is to what I am thinking about


Re: cvsup

2008-01-19 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
On Sat, January 19, 2008 3:24 am, Vincent Stemen wrote:
> The only actual comparison test results I have found so far, other than
> what I posted, are from Justin Sherril, who posted some test
> results on the dragonfly.users mailing list back in April of 2007
> indicating cvsup was moderately faster at the time.  So far as I can
> tell, he only tested the client side as well.

I was actually surprised to see cvsup faster at the time.  Speed isn't of
paramount importance here - one doesn't exclude the other from being used.
 The 'best' choice is probably the one that is easiest to set up, most
widely available, and the most well-documented.  That will probably be
rsync in the near future.

Interestingly, I was just looking at a tool at my workplace that uses
rsync for daily backups from a good number of systems (~350 or so).  Its
biggest impact was in terms of processing power, especially on the server.
 As Garance said, the effect on the mirroring host is also important.

Re: cvsup

2008-01-19 Thread Garance A Drosihn

At 8:24 AM + 1/19/08, Vincent Stemen wrote:

Also, if nobody has written one or is working on one, I am considering
writing a script to provide basic cvsup like features/functionality
for repository updates via rsync.

You might want to wait a bit.  In freebsd-hackers, there's a thread on
the progress of adding cvsmode support to 'csup' (the re-write of cvsup
in C).  It is actively being worked on and tested.  Of course, 'csup'
probably needs some benchmarks done on it, too.

Garance Alistair Drosehn=   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer   or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Instituteor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cvsup

2008-01-19 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Vincent Stemen wrote:

Also, if nobody has written one or is working on one, I am considering writing
a script to provide basic cvsup like features/functionality for repository
updates via rsync.

I'm not sure what you mean with that.  Isn't calling rsync enough?  Maybe 
people could be interested in my script to download + update various 
repos.  See attached.  Maybe you can figure out the file formats yourself :)


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#!/bin/sh -e

args=`getopt c:CIs:uv $*`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
printf "usage: updatecvs -cCIsuv\n" >&2
exit 1

set -- $args


PREFIX=`head -n 1 $HOME/.updatecvsrc`

for i
case $i in
CVSDIR=$2; shift
SRCDIR=$2; shift

if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]
verbose_cvsup="-L 2"
verbose_rsync="-v --progress"
verbose_cvsup="-L 0"

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
repos=`cut -f 1 "$CVSDIR/.cvsrepos"`
set -- $repos

cat "$CVSDIR/.cvsrepos" | while read name mode file
case "$name" in

for checkrepo
if [ "$checkrepo" = "$name" ]

if [ $dorepo -eq 0 ]


cd "$SRCDIR/$name"
    case "$mode" in
[ -n "$SKIPSUP" ] || cvsync $verbose_cvsync "$file"
[ -n "$SKIPSUP" ] || cvsup $verbose_cvsup "$file"
if [ -z "$SKIPSUP" ]
for loc in $file
rsync -a --delete -z $verbose_rsync "$loc" 

if [ $docvs -ne 0 ]
[ -n "$RECVS" ] && rm -rf "$SRCDIR/$name/"*
cat .cvsinfo | while read module dir tag _rem
cvs $verbose_cvs -r -R -d "$CVSDIR/$name" \
co -d $dir -PA -r "$tag" $module || true

[ -e .glimpse_exclude ] || echo "CVS/" > .glimpse_exclude
glimpseindex -o -n -B -E -f -M 20 -t ${INDEX} -H "$SRCDIR/$name" `cut 
-f 2 .cvsinfo` > $verbose_glimpse

Re: cvsup

2008-01-19 Thread Vincent Stemen
On 2008-01-18, Bill Hacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vincent Stemen wrote:
> *snip*
>> Unless I am overlooking something obvious,
> It is not likely so many projects would be using cvsup for as long as 
> they have if the rsync advantage was that great, or that simple [1].
> Have you:
> A) compared the loads and bandwidth as well as the time on BOTH end 
> machines - host as well as client?

No.  Only client side.

> B) tested for the 'more common' case where cvsup/csup are applied to 
> rather more sparse pulls of just a fraction of older, larger 
> repositories (older *BSD's) - and by more users simultaneously?
> Unless I am wrong, cvsup/csup places more of the load of determining 
> what to pull on the client, less on the source server.
> > I think I am going to stick
>> with updating our repository via rsync :-).
> It may be the right answer for now, and for what you are doing.
> It may be less so for general end-user use - or even your own if/as/when 
> mirror hosts are under heavier load.
> Most older mirror hosts throttle each connection as well as limit the 
> maximum number permitted simultaneously. The one you are using presently 
> seems not to do so.
> The key is to include measurement of host and bandwidth as well as 
> client.  TANSTAAFL.
> Bill
> [1][ subversion, mercurial, et al alternatives are a different type of 
> issue.

Clearly more testing needs to be done.  I only posted the results of my initial
tests comparing cvsup to rsync because I keep finding postings and
documentation about how cvsup is faster than rsync with cvs repositories, yet
my initial tests were so dramatically in contrast.

Most of the cvsup vs rsync performance claims I have found seem to be based on
architecture and/or protocol but I have yet to find any significant real world
test results supporting them.

The only actual comparison test results I have found so far, other than what
I posted, are from Justin Sherril, who posted some test results on the
dragonfly.users mailing list back in April of 2007 indicating cvsup was
moderately faster at the time.  So far as I can tell, he only tested the client
side as well.  He also added,

Caveats: I didn't test CPU usage.  Also, this was with rsync 2.x - there's
a new version 3 on the way that is supposed to have improvements.

If there is interest, I will try to make time to do more client side comparison
tests (for different aged repositories, to different servers, etc) and post the
results.  I don't have time to setup for doing server side testing, but if my
results continue to contradict the cvsup vs rsync claims, then perhaps it will
spark interest in others in doing additional comparison testing for both client
and server.

Also, if nobody has written one or is working on one, I am considering writing
a script to provide basic cvsup like features/functionality for repository
updates via rsync.

Is there interest in me posting it here if I write it?  It would be something
handy to have available on the DragonFly download site.  

Re: cvsup

2008-01-18 Thread Garance A Drosihn

At 9:16 AM + 1/18/08, Vincent Stemen wrote:

I realize that everything I read comparing cvsup to rsync indicates that
cvsup is faster with mirroring cvs repositories.  So I decided to run my
own tests this evening.  I thought everybody might be interested in the

My results are not even close to what others are claiming.  Rsync was
vastly faster.  Granted, so far as I know, this was not right after
a large number of files have been tagged, but as you mentioned, that
does not happen very often.  If anybody wants to email me after that
does happen, I will try to make time to re-run the tests.

This is a very inadequate benchmark.  Certainly rsync works very well,
and the dragonfly repository's have enough capacity that they can
handle whatever the load is.  So, I realize that it is perfectly fine
to use rsync if that's what works for you.  And I realize that there
is the (unfortunate) headache due to needing modula-3 when it comes to
CVSUP.  So, I'm not saying anyone has to use cvsup, and I am sure that
rsync will get the job done.  I'm just saying that this specific
benchmark is so limited that it is meaningless.

What was the load on the server?  How well does rsync scale when there
are thousands of people updating at the same time?  (in particular, how
well does the *server* handle that?).

How big of an update-interval were you testing with?  If I'm reading
your message right, the largest interval you tested was 2-days-worth
of updates.  For most larger open-source projects, many end-users are
going at least a week between sync's, and many of my friends update
their copy of the freebsd repository once every three weeks.  Some
update their copy only two or three times a year, or after some
significant security update is announced.  Note that this means the
server sees a huge spike right after security updates, because there
are connections from people who haven't sync'ed in months, and who
probably would not have sync'ed for a few more months if it wasn't
for the security update.

Tags occur rarely, but they do occur.  And in the case of dragonfly,
there are also the sliding tags that Matt likes to use.  So while he
doesn't create a new tag very often, he does move the tag in a group
of files.  (Admittedly, I have no clue as to how well cvsup does
with a moved tag, but it would be worthwhile to know when it comes
to benchmarking rsync-vs-cvsup for dragonfly.  It is quite possible
that cvsup will actually get confused by a moved-tag, and thus not
be able to optimize the transfer of those files)

The shorter the update-interval, the less likely that all the
CVS-specific optimizing code in cvsup will do any good.  Note, for

For a 1.5 hour old repository:
rsync total time: 34.846
cvsup total time: 3:40.77
cvsup took 6.33 times as long as rsync

For a 2 day old repository:
rsync total time: 2:03.07
cvsup total time: 9:14.73
cvsup took 4.5 times as long as rsync

Even with just two data points, we see that larger the window, the
less-well that rsync does compared to cvsup.

In that 1.5 hour old repository, how many files were changed?  10?
100?  If there are only 100 files to do *anything* with, then there
isn't much for cvsup to optimize on.  It's pretty likely that rsync
is going to be faster than cvsup at "sync"ing a file which has zero
changes which need to be sync'ed.

If you have users who are regularly sync-ing their repository
every 1.5 hours, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, then there are some
cvsup servers which would block that user's IP address for being such
an annoying pest.  The only people who need to sync *that* often are
people who themselves are running mirrors of the repository.  For all
other users, syncing that often is an undesirable and unwanted load
on the server.  The people running a sync-server wouldn't want to
optimize for behavior patterns which they don't want to see in the
first place.

I would say the *smallest* window that you should bother testing is
an six-hour window (which would be four updates per day), and that
the most interesting window to test would be a 1-week window.

It took more than a year to write cvsup, by someone who was working
basically full-time at it.  (that's what he told me, at least!  :-)
He wouldn't have put in all that work if there was no point to it,
and he would have based his work on a wide range of usage patterns.

Unless I am overlooking something obvious, I think I am going to
stick with updating our repository via rsync :-).

As I said earlier, rsync is certainly a reasonable solution.  I'm just
commenting on the "benchmark".  And I realize I haven't done *any*
benchmarks, so I can't claim much of anything either.  But you would
need a much more elaborate and tedious set of 

Re: cvsup

2008-01-18 Thread Vincent Stemen
On 2008-01-18, Simon 'corecode' Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vincent Stemen wrote:
>> *** using cvsup
>> cvsup -L 3 ./DragonFly-cvs-supfile  155.08s user 69.40s system 40% cpu 
>> 9:14.73 total
> I for sure didn't use cvsup for a long time, but that seems quite long. 
> This can happen for various reasons (just guesses):
> - CVSup not knowing certain tags ("commitid") and thus falling back to a 
> less efficient mechanism
> - not using the list files which store file information.  Be sure to run 
> cvsup -s

Ok.  I was not aware of the -s switch.  That is a good suggestion.
I will see if I can make the time to re-run the comparison tests this
evening with "cvsup -s".

Although, technically it was probably the most fair performance
comparison to rsync without the "-s" because rsync still works properly
if files have been locally modified.  

Re: cvsup

2008-01-18 Thread Bill Hacker

Vincent Stemen wrote:


Unless I am overlooking something obvious,

It is not likely so many projects would be using cvsup for as long as 
they have if the rsync advantage was that great, or that simple [1].

Have you:

A) compared the loads and bandwidth as well as the time on BOTH end 
machines - host as well as client?

B) tested for the 'more common' case where cvsup/csup are applied to 
rather more sparse pulls of just a fraction of older, larger 
repositories (older *BSD's) - and by more users simultaneously?

Unless I am wrong, cvsup/csup places more of the load of determining 
what to pull on the client, less on the source server.

> I think I am going to stick

with updating our repository via rsync :-).

It may be the right answer for now, and for what you are doing.

It may be less so for general end-user use - or even your own if/as/when 
mirror hosts are under heavier load.

Most older mirror hosts throttle each connection as well as limit the 
maximum number permitted simultaneously. The one you are using presently 
seems not to do so.

The key is to include measurement of host and bandwidth as well as 
client.  TANSTAAFL.


[1][ subversion, mercurial, et al alternatives are a different type of 

Re: cvsup

2008-01-18 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Vincent Stemen wrote:

*** using cvsup

cvsup -L 3 ./DragonFly-cvs-supfile  155.08s user 69.40s system 40% cpu 9:14.73 

I for sure didn't use cvsup for a long time, but that seems quite long. 
This can happen for various reasons (just guesses):

- CVSup not knowing certain tags ("commitid") and thus falling back to a 
less efficient mechanism

- not using the list files which store file information.  Be sure to run 
cvsup -s

Unless I am overlooking something obvious, I think I am going to stick 
with updating our repository via rsync :-).

I do advise to stick to rsync, yes :)


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Re: cvsup

2008-01-18 Thread Vincent Stemen
On 2008-01-16, Simon 'corecode' Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You know that you can get a listing with rsync?
> sweatshorts % rsync 

No I did not know that.  I have been using rsync for transferring files
with ssh but had not studied the features for talking to an rsync daemon
on the other end.

Thank you very much Simon, Joerg, and Peter for the information.  It was
all useful and got me going.

> Considering the fact that you only changed one line per file, that's quite 
> a lot.  Plus it doesn't say how many round trips it was needing.
>> As you can see, it took 9 seconds for a full download, but only less than 1.5
>> seconds to update them.  That seems reasonably fast to me.  Is cvsup really
>> faster than that?  I am sceptical that it could be much faster.
> Yes, cvsup is way faster in such a case.  Maybe not necessarily for 8 
> files, but for 800 for sure.  It pipelines communication, so that there is 
> no need to wait for immediate replies, thus saving network roundtrip times.
> cheers
>    simon

I realize that everything I read comparing cvsup to rsync indicates that
cvsup is faster with mirroring cvs repositories.  So I decided to run my
own tests this evening.  I thought everybody might be interested in the 

My results are not even close to what others are claiming.  Rsync was
vastly faster.  Granted, so far as I know, this was not right after
a large number of files have been tagged, but as you mentioned, that
does not happen very often.  If anybody wants to email me after that
does happen, I will try to make time to re-run the tests.

Peter, I decided to take you up on your posting I found from the end of
2006 in a discussion about the same subject, where you said

From: Peter Avalos
Date: 2006-12-26 05:30:30

I'll also extend that if anyone wants to use, go for
it.  It is well-connected, and I don't mind if people go to town on it.

I hope the offer still stands :-).

My tests were doing identical updates using both rsync and cvsup, back to
back from

DragonFly 1.10.1-RELEASE system with a 1.11.0-DEVELOPMENT kernel.
cvsup  version SNAP_16_1h
rsync  version 2.6.9

The updates included the CVSROOT, doc, and src directories.
"rsup" is the rsync script I used.  It contains:

  cd /home/dcvs || exit 1
  for d in CVSROOT doc src; do
  #   rsync -avHz --delete$d .
  rsync -avH --delete$d .
I did one test with compression (-z) and one without.

For the cvsup tests, I used the standard DragonFly-cvs-supfile that that
comes with DragonFly with the following three file collections

Here are the results

Updating about a 2 day old repository
With compression
cvsup verbose level 3 (-L 3)

Thu Jan 17 18:50:11 CST 2008

*** using rsync

rsup  8.29s user 13.31s system 17% cpu 2:03.07 total

Thu Jan 17 19:13:10 CST 2008

*** using cvsup

cvsup -L 3 ./DragonFly-cvs-supfile  155.08s user 69.40s system 40% cpu 9:14.73 

rsync total time: 2:03.07
cvsup total time: 9:14.73
cvsup took 4.5 times as long as rsync

Updating about a 1.5 hour old repository
Without compression  (Probably made no difference since there were
      apparently no updates)
cvsup default verbose level 1

Thu Jan 17 20:17:12 CST 2008

*** using cvsup

cvsup ./DragonFly-cvs-supfile  54.17s user 26.03s system 36% cpu 3:40.77 total

Thu Jan 17 20:29:40 CST 2008

*** using rsync

rsup  1.34s user 3.41s system 13% cpu 34.846 total

rsync total time: 34.846
cvsup total time: 3:40.77
cvsup took 6.33 times as long as rsync

I am seeing rsync perform from 4 to over 6 times faster than cvsup.
Not only that, from the output of "time" rsync took substantially less
user time, system time, and cpu percentage.

As long as the cvsup file collections are the same as the three
directories I rsync'd, then this should be a one on one fair comparison.

Unless I am overlooking something obvious, I think I am going to stick 
with updating our repository via rsync :-).

Re: cvsup

2008-01-16 Thread Joerg Sonnenberger
On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 02:35:48AM +, Vincent Stemen wrote:
> I am not clear how to access it.

Try something like the attached script.

Description: Bourne shell script

Re: cvsup

2008-01-16 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Vincent Stemen wrote:

On 2008-01-15, Simon 'corecode' Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes.  There are a couple of mirrors which serve the cvs repo via rsync. 
For instance use  There are more, I guess.


I just checked the list, but most of the sites say they only mirror
_Daily snapshots and official ISOs_.  The rsync link to the one you
mentioned, **, does take you to a web page that
says they have the cvsup collections, but they do not provide the full
path to access them via rsync.

I guess you're expected to find out with rsync yourself :)

You know that you can get a listing with rsync?

sweatshorts % rsync 
   dflysnapDragonFlyBSD daily snapshots

dragonfly-cvs   DragonFly CVS repository
freebsd-cvs FreeBSD CVS repository
netbsd-cvs  NetBSD CVS repository
openbsd-cvs OpenBSD CVS repository
sweatshorts % rsync 
   drwxr-xr-x 512 2007/05/07 23:38:22 .

-rwxrwxr-x 321 2003/07/15 06:17:23 fixme
drwxrwxr-x1536 2008/01/16 12:33:43 CVSROOT
drwxrwxr-x 512 2006/06/28 22:24:29 dfports
drwxrwxr-x 512 2007/04/06 22:03:43 doc
drwxrwxr-x 512 2007/12/21 06:39:21 site
drwxrwxr-x 512 2004/06/18 13:23:48 src.sys.alpha.old
drwxrwxr-x1024 2008/01/14 13:39:27 src

Rsync is very slow when you tag a repo, because all the files change, but 
only one line.  It's not really optimized for this task.  But this doesn't 
happen very often, though.

That is interesting.  The rsync docs claim to be very fast and say this

The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the dif-
ferences between two sets of files across the network connection, using an
efficient  checksum-search  algorithm ...

Well, of course in general it is fast.  But CVS repos are a special case, 
consisting of hundreds of thousands of small RCS text files, which only 
get one line added when the repo is tagged.  A general solution is bound 
to perform worse than a special case solution.

I ran a test transfering 8 text files over the internet that are each about
450K and the performance seems pretty good when I changed just one line in each
file.  In my test I told rsync to use ssh, so the transfer was also encrypted.

CVS repos are different:  Imagine 10 files with an average size of 
4-8KB.  I think rsync has to do 10 network roundtrips to negotiate on 
the changesets to be sent.

Total bytes sent: 31162
Total bytes received: 26842

Considering the fact that you only changed one line per file, that's quite 
a lot.  Plus it doesn't say how many round trips it was needing.

As you can see, it took 9 seconds for a full download, but only less than 1.5
seconds to update them.  That seems reasonably fast to me.  Is cvsup really
faster than that?  I am sceptical that it could be much faster.

Yes, cvsup is way faster in such a case.  Maybe not necessarily for 8 
files, but for 800 for sure.  It pipelines communication, so that there is 
no need to wait for immediate replies, thus saving network roundtrip times.


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Re: cvsup

2008-01-15 Thread Peter Avalos
On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 03:22:26AM +, Vincent Stemen wrote:
> _TheShell.com_ is the only other one that lists *Code* under _Mirrored
> Data_.  Their rsync link takes you to
> rsync:// but there are no instructions
> on the full path to access the repository.  I can only guess
> rsync://
> I will experiment with it.

The cvs repository is dcvs/. The directory structure is the same for
http and ftp. If you want the entire DragonFly CVS repo:



Description: PGP signature

Re: cvsup

2008-01-15 Thread Vincent Stemen
On 2008-01-15, Simon 'corecode' Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes.  There are a couple of mirrors which serve the cvs repo via rsync. 
> For instance use  There are more, I guess.


I just checked the list, but most of the sites say they only mirror
_Daily snapshots and official ISOs_.  The rsync link to the one you
mentioned, **, does take you to a web page that
says they have the cvsup collections, but they do not provide the full
path to access them via rsync.

_TheShell.com_ is the only other one that lists *Code* under _Mirrored
Data_.  Their rsync link takes you to
rsync:// but there are no instructions
on the full path to access the repository.  I can only guess
I will experiment with it.

>> Also, has anybody considered writing some front end scripts to rsync to 
>> emulate
>> the necessary features of cvsup?  I have found rsync to be very fast since it
>> efficiently only transfers what has changed.  I also do not see any reason 
>> for
>> the mirroring tool to need any knowledge of a specific repository type (e.g
>> cvs, svn, etc).  You are just mirroring files.
> Rsync is very slow when you tag a repo, because all the files change, but 
> only one line.  It's not really optimized for this task.  But this doesn't 
> happen very often, though.

That is interesting.  The rsync docs claim to be very fast and say this

The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the dif-
ferences between two sets of files across the network connection, using an
efficient  checksum-search  algorithm ...

I ran a test transfering 8 text files over the internet that are each about
450K and the performance seems pretty good when I changed just one line in each
file.  In my test I told rsync to use ssh, so the transfer was also encrypted.

Here are the results.

*Initial download*

$ time rsync --stats  --del --rsh="ssh $wh_ssh_args" -auv $whr:/var/tmp/test .
receiving file list ... done

Number of files: 9
Number of files transferred: 8
Total file size: 3607368 bytes
Total transferred file size: 3607368 bytes
Literal data: 3607368 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 168
File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 202
Total bytes received: 3608346

sent 202 bytes  received 3608346 bytes  379847.16 bytes/sec
total size is 3607368  speedup is 1.00
rsync --stats --del --rsh="ssh $wh_ssh_args" -auv $whr:/var/tmp/test .  0.19s 
user 0.04s system 2% cpu 9.059 total

*After modifying each file*

$ time rsync --stats  --del --rsh="ssh $wh_ssh_args" -auv $whr:/var/tmp/test .
receiving file list ... done

Number of files: 9
Number of files transferred: 8
Total file size: 3607376 bytes
Total transferred file size: 3607376 bytes
Literal data: 5608 bytes
Matched data: 3601768 bytes
File list size: 168
File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 31162
Total bytes received: 26842

sent 31162 bytes  received 26842 bytes  23201.60 bytes/sec
total size is 3607376  speedup is 62.19
rsync --stats --del --rsh="ssh $wh_ssh_args" -auv $whr:/var/tmp/test .  0.08s 
user 0.02s system 6% cpu 1.469 total

As you can see, it took 9 seconds for a full download, but only less than 1.5
seconds to update them.  That seems reasonably fast to me.  Is cvsup really
faster than that?  I am sceptical that it could be much faster.

Re: cvsup

2008-01-15 Thread Vincent Stemen
On 2008-01-15, Joerg Sonnenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 10:23:27PM +, Vincent Stemen wrote:
>> Is the repository available via rsync and, if not, I am curious as to
>> why not?  Rsync is robust, popular, portable, and written in C.
> Yes. Check the mirror list, e.g. allbsd has it.
> Joerg

I am not clear how to access it.  It only says that Daily snapshots and
official ISOs are available from and *rsync* under _Access
methods_ on the Dragonfly site is not a link.  I will look into some of
the sites.


Re: cvsup

2008-01-15 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Vincent Stemen wrote:

I was dismayed to discover that the BSD community (not just DragonFly)
has created such as dependency on a tool written in an obscure
problematic language such as Modula-3 that are not even easily ported to
platforms such as DragonFly, causing us to have to run a binary from
different platform after all this time.

Yes, not only you are upset about this.

I found csup, a cvsup replacement written in C, only to discover it
currently only supports what is called CVS mode, which means I cannot
use it to download/update the repository.

Plus there is do csupd, so for running a cvsupd, you're still stuck with m3.

There is cvsync, however.  It only supports repo syncing (no checkout). 
But it is using a broken algorithm, which leads to RCS files being 
rearranged in a way that CVS can't use them (under certain conditions). 
The authors are aware of this (I told them), but didn't want to fix it.

Is the repository available via rsync and, if not, I am curious as to
why not?  Rsync is robust, popular, portable, and written in C.

Yes.  There are a couple of mirrors which serve the cvs repo via rsync. 
For instance use  There are more, I guess.

Also, has anybody considered writing some front end scripts to rsync to emulate
the necessary features of cvsup?  I have found rsync to be very fast since it
efficiently only transfers what has changed.  I also do not see any reason for
the mirroring tool to need any knowledge of a specific repository type (e.g
cvs, svn, etc).  You are just mirroring files.

Rsync is very slow when you tag a repo, because all the files change, but 
only one line.  It's not really optimized for this task.  But this doesn't 
happen very often, though.


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Re: cvsup

2008-01-15 Thread Joerg Sonnenberger
On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 10:23:27PM +, Vincent Stemen wrote:
> Is the repository available via rsync and, if not, I am curious as to
> why not?  Rsync is robust, popular, portable, and written in C.

Yes. Check the mirror list, e.g. allbsd has it.


RE: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-11 Thread Nigel Weeks
It would be huge! 

I actually meant to key each file, and version of each file with an integer, 
and store it out on disk, and store the metadata(checksums) in the DB for 
speed, but a lack of coffee prevented the conveyance of the full idea. ;-)

...Going away now to read up on git...

Nigel Weeks
Tech Support and Systems Developer
Rural Press Tasmania
The Examiner Newspaper
Ph. 03 6336 7234
Mob. 0408 133 738

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:users-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon 'corecode' Schubert
> Sent: Thursday, 12 April 2007 9:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync
> Nigel Weeks wrote:
> > Just having an idea about this...are there any files in the source tree
> that exceed 32kbytes?
> >
> > What if a database solution were created to:
> > Contain every version of every file of every branch in a nicely indexed
> database table
> > The md5/sha256 of each entry mentioned above
> > 512 byte chunks of each file mentioned above in a nicely indexed table
> > The md5/sha256 of every 512 bytes of the above mentioned file.
> uh-ah.  i guess that's for checkout, but still it seems very wrong.  I
> mean, really.  Uh, I can't stop shuddering.  I just hope you are not
> serious :)
> and the database will be really huge...
> actually, it sounds like git, just worse.
> > File checkins could simply be a file upload, or a mime encoded fetch
> request, or an email message, or an ftp drop, or an scp copy, or an rsync
> push...
> file checkins right now are cvs checkins, and I guess that will stay for
> some time.
> cheers
>   simon
> --
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> Dude 2c 2 the max   !   Mail + News   / \

Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-11 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Nigel Weeks wrote:

Just having an idea about this...are there any files in the source tree that 
exceed 32kbytes?

What if a database solution were created to:
Contain every version of every file of every branch in a nicely indexed 
database table
The md5/sha256 of each entry mentioned above
512 byte chunks of each file mentioned above in a nicely indexed table
The md5/sha256 of every 512 bytes of the above mentioned file.

uh-ah.  i guess that's for checkout, but still it seems very wrong.  I mean, 
really.  Uh, I can't stop shuddering.  I just hope you are not serious :)

and the database will be really huge...

actually, it sounds like git, just worse.

File checkins could simply be a file upload, or a mime encoded fetch request, 
or an email message, or an ftp drop, or an scp copy, or an rsync push...

file checkins right now are cvs checkins, and I guess that will stay for some 


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RE: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-11 Thread Nigel Weeks
Just having an idea about this...are there any files in the source tree that 
exceed 32kbytes?

What if a database solution were created to:
Contain every version of every file of every branch in a nicely indexed 
database table
The md5/sha256 of each entry mentioned above
512 byte chunks of each file mentioned above in a nicely indexed table
The md5/sha256 of every 512 bytes of the above mentioned file.

Then, a small client could be written to:
Check for the existence of a later version of a file.
Calculate the checksum of the local file, and fetch the checksum of the file in 
the repository database.
If the checksums differ, then calculate the checksums for each 512 bytes of the 
local file, and fetch the differing sections, and cat then back together.

You could then do a full sync with the programs find, awk, fetch, and cat.

I build file repositories with version control, so the server side's easy.

File checkins could simply be a file upload, or a mime encoded fetch request, 
or an email message, or an ftp drop, or an scp copy, or an rsync push...

I have a FreeBSD machine that could be used for prototyping...

Nigel Weeks
Tech Support and Systems Developer
Rural Press Tasmania
The Examiner Newspaper
Ph. 03 6336 7234
Mob. 0408 133 738

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:users-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon 'corecode' Schubert
> Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2007 8:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync
> walt wrote:
> > Linus avoided rsync in favor of http in 'git' because he thinks
> > rsync is inherently unreliable.  I have *no* idea if he is right or
> > wrong in his opinions, but I figure you guys will favor me with your
> > own opinions on the subject.
> Possibly for transferring the git objects.  They never change, so rsync is
> not efficient.  RCS files do change, so just transferring deltas saves a
> lot.  Additionally, the http transport in git is quite dumb and needs a
> pre-created file to help the download.
> cheers
>   simon
> --
> Serve - BSD +++  RENT this banner advert  +++ASCII Ribbon   /"\
> Work - Mac  +++  space for low €€€ NOW!1  +++  Campaign \ /
> Party Enjoy Relax   |  Against  HTML   \
> Dude 2c 2 the max   !   Mail + News   / \

Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-11 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

walt wrote:

Linus avoided rsync in favor of http in 'git' because he thinks
rsync is inherently unreliable.  I have *no* idea if he is right or
wrong in his opinions, but I figure you guys will favor me with your
own opinions on the subject.

Possibly for transferring the git objects.  They never change, so rsync is not 
efficient.  RCS files do change, so just transferring deltas saves a lot.  
Additionally, the http transport in git is quite dumb and needs a pre-created 
file to help the download.


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Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-11 Thread Emiel Kollof
On Wednesday 11 April 2007 05:14:43 walt wrote:

> Yes, I'm way off topic here, and I apologize -- but I've seen your
> posts in the 'git' mail-list and you've experimented with Hg, so I
> know you have your own opinions on version control systems.
> Linus avoided rsync in favor of http in 'git' because he thinks
> rsync is inherently unreliable.  I have *no* idea if he is right or
> wrong in his opinions, but I figure you guys will favor me with your
> own opinions on the subject.

Also, http is easier to push through corporate firewalls :)


Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Matthew Dillon

:something is weird with the permissions:
:drwxrwxr-x1024 2005/03/28 05:35:43 .
:-r--rw-r--   20313 2005/03/28 05:35:43 ChangeLog,v
:-r-xrwxr-x3242 2005/03/28 05:35:43 compile,v
:why are they u-w but g+w?  my cvsup gets a little bit confused with that =
:and resets permissions back, so there is always a back-and-forth between =
:rsync and cvsup.  setting "preserved" and not "umask=3D002" hopefully fix=
:es that locally.
:  simon

This is a bug in cvs's SGID handling on commits.  Access is by group and
it doesn't pay much attention to the user, so sometimes the user gets
out of whack.  Many, many cvs files will not have user-write perms
but will have group-write perms because of this.

In fact, the user will be whoever last committed the file, which is
probably not what we want rsync to deliver.


Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread walt
Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
> Matthew Dillon wrote:
>> My only worry is figuring out how to run the rsync daemon safely.
>> I'm a bit paranoid about running things on crater but I do agree
>> that we would have to run the master rsync daemon there.
> You can run rsyncd from inetd or standalone.  If you're really[tm]
> paranoid, a jail with a static rsync binary might be the best.

Yes, I'm way off topic here, and I apologize -- but I've seen your
posts in the 'git' mail-list and you've experimented with Hg, so I
know you have your own opinions on version control systems.

Linus avoided rsync in favor of http in 'git' because he thinks
rsync is inherently unreliable.  I have *no* idea if he is right or
wrong in his opinions, but I figure you guys will favor me with your
own opinions on the subject.


Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:

I am now running an rsync server on, serving
the cvs repository as 'dragonfly_cvs'.

rsync -a rsync:// blahblah

very nice!  will immediatelly switch to rsync operation.  however, i'll 
have to find out how to generate the supfile for cvsupd serving...

okay, that doesn't work.  cvsup changes the RCS files, so I can't simply cvsup 
over them to generate a scan file :/  operation without scan file then.


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Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Matthew Dillon wrote:

I am now running an rsync server on, serving
the cvs repository as 'dragonfly_cvs'.

rsync -a rsync:// blahblah


something is weird with the permissions:

drwxrwxr-x1024 2005/03/28 05:35:43 .
-r--rw-r--   20313 2005/03/28 05:35:43 ChangeLog,v
-r-xrwxr-x3242 2005/03/28 05:35:43 compile,v

why are they u-w but g+w?  my cvsup gets a little bit confused with that and resets permissions 
back, so there is always a back-and-forth between rsync and cvsup.  setting "preserved" 
and not "umask=002" hopefully fixes that locally.


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Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Matthew Dillon wrote:

I am now running an rsync server on, serving
the cvs repository as 'dragonfly_cvs'.

rsync -a rsync:// blahblah

very nice!  will immediatelly switch to rsync operation.  however, i'll have to 
find out how to generate the supfile for cvsupd serving...

Minor issue, but it would be nice if I could get statistics on

I have this in my rsyncd.conf:

syslog facility = local5
transfer logging = yes

and in syslog.conf


(obviously could be made better)


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Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Matthew Dillon
I am now running an rsync server on, serving
the cvs repository as 'dragonfly_cvs'.

rsync -a rsync:// blahblah


Unfortunately I don't know how to get rsyncd to just log statistics
on completion, and it insists on logging a warning '/etc/pwd.db: No
such file or directory' every time due to the chroot option in the
config file, which I can't seem to get rid of.

Minor issue, but it would be nice if I could get statistics on


Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Peter Hessler wrote:

On 2007 Apr 10 (Tue) at 18:03:49 +0200 (+0200), Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
:cvsync does cvs-only (so, 
:like rsync), but it has a bug which breaks the RCS files in some cases.  
:The author didn't want to fix it though :/

Can you describe the bug?  I've been using cvsync for local copies of 
the openbsd source tree and haven't seen any RCS corruption.

It missorders revisions on branches.  CVS then fails to perform a annotate on 
those revisions (try something like 1.X.Y.2 or so).


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Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
On Tue, April 10, 2007 11:32 am, Matthew Dillon wrote:

> We could just distribute the CVS tree and write a front-end utility
> in csh or sh that we distribute along with the rest of the system
> to do the nitty gritty work of actually checking something out into
> /usr/src.  In fact, I think that would be preferable.

I am all for simple upgrades - the closer we can get it to a single
button-push for obvious upgrades like 1.8->1.8.1, the happier I'd be.

> My only worry is figuring out how to run the rsync daemon safely.
> I'm a bit paranoid about running things on crater but I do agree
> that we would have to run the master rsync daemon there.

Is it feasible to run it in a vkernel?  External bandwidth, rather than
CPU or disk, is probably the choke point, so I would think there wouldn't
be much of a tradeoff of performance vs. security.

Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2007 Apr 10 (Tue) at 18:03:49 +0200 (+0200), Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
:cvsync does cvs-only (so, 
:like rsync), but it has a bug which breaks the RCS files in some cases.  
:The author didn't want to fix it though :/

Can you describe the bug?  I've been using cvsync for local copies of 
the openbsd source tree and haven't seen any RCS corruption.

The only real way to look younger is not to be born so soon.
-- Charles Schulz, "Things I've Had to Learn Over and
   Over and Over"

Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Dmitri Nikulin wrote:

We could just distribute the CVS tree and write a front-end utility
in csh or sh that we distribute along with the rest of the system
to do the nitty gritty work of actually checking something out into
/usr/src.  In fact, I think that would be preferable.

NetBSD is distributed on pure CVS, anything else is a convenience.
However, because CVS is so impressively bad for initial checkouts,
they recommend downloading the rather small source and pkgsrc
tarballs, and only using CVS for actual updates. This could work for
DragonFly too, with the added bonus of pre-distributed cvs dotfiles or
shell aliases. Maybe 'make update' (or whatever it is) could be wired
to work that way too.

CVS is a beat concerning performance and CPU load, both for server and client.  
I'd say rsync is the best deal for now.  cvsync does cvs-only (so, like rsync), 
but it has a bug which breaks the RCS files in some cases.  The author didn't 
want to fix it though :/  cvsync with checkout mode and the bug fixed would be 
definitely better than rsync.  Maybe we could do that on a weekend sprint, it 
doesn't seem too complicated to me.


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Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

Matthew Dillon wrote:

My only worry is figuring out how to run the rsync daemon safely.
I'm a bit paranoid about running things on crater but I do agree
that we would have to run the master rsync daemon there.

You can run rsyncd from inetd or standalone.  If you're really[tm] paranoid, a 
jail with a static rsync binary might be the best.


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Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Dmitri Nikulin

On 4/11/07, Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We could just distribute the CVS tree and write a front-end utility
in csh or sh that we distribute along with the rest of the system
to do the nitty gritty work of actually checking something out into
/usr/src.  In fact, I think that would be preferable.

NetBSD is distributed on pure CVS, anything else is a convenience.
However, because CVS is so impressively bad for initial checkouts,
they recommend downloading the rather small source and pkgsrc
tarballs, and only using CVS for actual updates. This could work for
DragonFly too, with the added bonus of pre-distributed cvs dotfiles or
shell aliases. Maybe 'make update' (or whatever it is) could be wired
to work that way too.

This would of course be unecessary if the system could be binary
packaged and updated like Debian is. If that can be harmonised with
the "base system" nature of BSD and the flexibility of source
compilation, so much the better. I suppose that discussion has been up
in the air for ~ever and nobody's actually done it well.

My only worry is figuring out how to run the rsync daemon safely.
I'm a bit paranoid about running things on crater but I do agree
that we would have to run the master rsync daemon there.

From what I've read around, it seems GNU CVS is a real threat as it

is. OpenBSD guys have made some effort in replacing it, but I don't
know much about that either. Besides, as Joerg said, you can limit the
privileges of rsync.

Dmitri Nikulin

Centre for Synchrotron Science
Monash University
Victoria 3800, Australia

Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Joerg Sonnenberger
On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 08:32:55AM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> My only worry is figuring out how to run the rsync daemon safely.
> I'm a bit paranoid about running things on crater but I do agree
> that we would have to run the master rsync daemon there.

rsync allows running chrooted and under unprivileged uid. You specify
the root of the subtrees in the config files, e.g. cvsroot and a cvs
checkout updated via crontab.


Re: comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Matthew Dillon

:I timed repeated retrievals of src from over the past few
:weeks, and here's the result.
:Retrieving all of src:
:cvsup averaged about 11.5 minutes
:rsync averaged about 19 minutes
:Retrieving only the last 24 hours of changes:
:cvsup averaged about 18 seconds
:rsync averaged about 25 seconds
:Caveats: I didn't test CPU usage.  Also, this was with rsync 2.x - there's
:a new version 3 on the way that is supposed to have improvments.
:So, it looks like rsync runs somewhat slower than cvsup, but not
:catastrophically so.  Also, rsync can't do checkouts of particular
:revisions, so we'd have to have a certain checked out version of the
:source to allow people to retrieve given releases of DragonFly.  No big
:surprises here, and no clear indicator we should change.

At this point in time I think I would actually like to switch to
a more mainstream distribution system, and rsync seems to be that
system.  I'm getting a bit tired of going through loops to support

We could just distribute the CVS tree and write a front-end utility
in csh or sh that we distribute along with the rest of the system
to do the nitty gritty work of actually checking something out into
/usr/src.  In fact, I think that would be preferable.

My only worry is figuring out how to run the rsync daemon safely.
I'm a bit paranoid about running things on crater but I do agree
that we would have to run the master rsync daemon there.

Matthew Dillon 

comparing cvsup vs. rsync

2007-04-10 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
Since cvsup is somewhat of a hassle to build, discussion comes up from
time to time about switching to rsync.  Rsync is generally accepted as
slower/more resource intensive, but how much hasn't been quantified.  I
wanted to look into this in as un-bikesheddy a way as possible...

I timed repeated retrievals of src from over the past few
weeks, and here's the result.

Retrieving all of src:
cvsup averaged about 11.5 minutes
rsync averaged about 19 minutes

Retrieving only the last 24 hours of changes:
cvsup averaged about 18 seconds
rsync averaged about 25 seconds

Caveats: I didn't test CPU usage.  Also, this was with rsync 2.x - there's
a new version 3 on the way that is supposed to have improvments.

So, it looks like rsync runs somewhat slower than cvsup, but not
catastrophically so.  Also, rsync can't do checkouts of particular
revisions, so we'd have to have a certain checked out version of the
source to allow people to retrieve given releases of DragonFly.  No big
surprises here, and no clear indicator we should change.

Re: obtaining kernel src with cvsup

2007-02-08 Thread Gergo Szakal
On Thu, 8 Feb 2007 12:57:44 -0600
"Mire, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks, that bit of info seemed to escape me.
> Damn, I've been using FBSD so long, I expect everything to be like it :(
> By the by,
> was my reference from both the homepage and the wiki. 
> was driving me
> 'round the bend.
> And was informative
> on so many nonrelated levels I shall post a HowTo for the sick, lame
> and lazy former freebsd administrator.

Ah, this would be great, SwitchingFromFreeBSD...

> I haven't had this much fun
> since I first installed FBSD 2.0.5 and thought it was the greatest thing
> since sliced bread.

I hate sliced bread. :-P

Gergo Szakal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University Of Szeged, HU
Faculty Of General Medicine

/* Please do not CC me with replies, thank you. */

Re: obtaining kernel src with cvsup

2007-02-08 Thread Gergo Szakal

Gergo Szakal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University Of Szeged, HU
Faculty Of General Medicine

/* Please do not CC me with replies, thank you. */

RE: obtaining kernel src with cvsup

2007-02-08 Thread Mire, John
>On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 05:35:35PM -0600, John Mire wrote:
>> how do I get the kernel src through cvsup?
>> =used the following command to cvsup the most recent release src:
>> cvsup -g -L 2 -h
>> /usr/share/examples/cvsup/DragonFly-release1_8-supfile
>> the cvsup completed without errors but no /usr/src/sys/i386/conf 
>> directory so building a kernel is out of the question.
>Try /usr/src/sys/config/.

Thanks, that bit of info seemed to escape me.
Damn, I've been using FBSD so long, I expect everything to be like it :(
By the by,
was my reference from both the homepage and the wiki. was driving me
'round the bend.
And was informative
on so many nonrelated levels I shall post a HowTo for the sick, lame
and lazy former freebsd administrator.  I haven't had this much fun
since I first installed FBSD 2.0.5 and thought it was the greatest thing
since sliced bread.

RE: obtaining kernel src with cvsup

2007-02-08 Thread Mire, John

 Thanks, guess you didn't read the diary entry for Tue Feb 6 08:19:03
CST 2007

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of walt
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: obtaining kernel src with cvsup

John Mire wrote:
> how do I get the kernel src through cvsup?
> here's my diaryfile:
> Thu Feb 1 02:50:54 CST 2007
> =inital install from iso-image
> =setup the pkgsrc tree as per the Handbook:


The pkgsrc project is separate from DragonFly.  You need the sources for

It would be nice if you could use one of the mirror sites listed on the
same webpage to preserve Matt's bandwidth.

Re: obtaining kernel src with cvsup

2007-02-07 Thread walt
John Mire wrote:
> how do I get the kernel src through cvsup?
> here's my diaryfile:
> Thu Feb 1 02:50:54 CST 2007
> =inital install from iso-image
> =setup the pkgsrc tree as per the Handbook:


The pkgsrc project is separate from DragonFly.  You need the sources for

It would be nice if you could use one of the mirror sites listed on the
same webpage to preserve Matt's bandwidth.

Re: obtaining kernel src with cvsup

2007-02-07 Thread Peter Avalos
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 05:35:35PM -0600, John Mire wrote:
> how do I get the kernel src through cvsup?


> =used the following command to cvsup the most recent release src:
> cvsup -g -L 2 -h
> /usr/share/examples/cvsup/DragonFly-release1_8-supfile


> the cvsup completed without errors but no /usr/src/sys/i386/conf directory
> so building a kernel is out of the question.

Try /usr/src/sys/config/.


Description: PGP signature

obtaining kernel src with cvsup

2007-02-07 Thread John Mire
how do I get the kernel src through cvsup?

here's my diaryfile:

Thu Feb 1 02:50:54 CST 2007

=inital install from iso-image

=setup the pkgsrc tree as per the Handbook:

# cd /usr/

# cvs -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot co pkgsrc

seemed to hang after copying 2 directories, the following got further and

# env CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot checkout pkgsrc


Mon Feb 5 05:54:05 CST 2007

=setup sshd as per standard guidelines:

PermitRootLogin without-password

=installed perl5.8.8 using pkgsrc


Tue Feb 6 08:19:03 CST 2007

=used the following command to cvsup the most recent release src:

cvsup -g -L 2 -h


Wed Feb 7 04:28:48 CST 2007

the cvsup completed without errors but no /usr/src/sys/i386/conf directory
so building a kernel is out of the question.

dragon# ls -aCF /usr/src/sys

./ compile/ ddb/ net/ platform/ ../ conf/ dev/ netgraph/ sys/ Makefile
config/ emulation/ netinet/ tools/ Makefile.modules contrib/ kern/ netinet6/
vfs/ boot/ cpu/ libiconv/ netproto/ vm/ bus/ crypto/ libkern/ opencrypto/


Re: about cvsup and supfile...

2006-11-17 Thread Erik Wikström

On 2006-11-17 18:32, Saverio Iacovelli wrote:

I want update DFly with cvsup, but I want to optimize
the upgrade operation. I don't want to upgrade all
system, but only kernel and some application.
1 - Is it possible to set cvsup for thos operation?
2 - How can I find howto about supfile?

I believe that there are a sup-file for only the kernel sources, however 
if you want to upgrade an application you'll have to upgrade the whole 
world too. Depending on how old your kernel sources are you might need a 
new world to be able to use the new kernel too, I'm not sure about that.

However, if you already have quite recent sources on your computer than 
using cvsup will be quite efficient even if you download both world and 
kernel, since it only download that which has changed.

As for learning about cvsup, there really is not much to it. Take a look 
in /usr/share/examples/cvsup, there you'll find a couple of different 
sup-files ready for use that will download different things (you can 
open them with an editor if you want). Then, when you have found one 
that suits your needs, you run

#cvsup -h  /path/to/sup-file
To find a host near you take a look at in the 
download section.

If you don't have any recent sources you might want to download a 
snapshot of the sources (find a mirror in the download section) and 
extract that on your computer and then run cvsup to update them to the 
very latest.

More information can be found in the cvsup manual page (man cvsup):§ion=ANY

You might also be interested in the Updating section in the Handbook:

Erik Wikström

about cvsup and supfile...

2006-11-17 Thread Saverio Iacovelli
I want update DFly with cvsup, but I want to optimize
the upgrade operation. I don't want to upgrade all
system, but only kernel and some application.
1 - Is it possible to set cvsup for thos operation?
2 - How can I find howto about supfile?


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Re: Spurious results from using cvsup?

2006-10-29 Thread Matthew Dillon

:I discovered that using cvsup on DF-current will give some
:stragely wrong results while updating my pkgsrc tree, but
:no error messages of any kind.
:One notable example:
: Checkout pkgsrc/misc/gnome-user-docs/DESCR
: Checkout pkgsrc/misc/gnome-user-docs/Makefile
: Checkout pkgsrc/misc/gnome-user-docs/PLIST
: Checkout pkgsrc/misc/gnome-user-docs/distinfo
:I'm wondering how many other errors may be slipping
:past without any error messages to alert me.
:I'm using cvsup from cvsup-bootstrap-20051229.tgz which
:(IIRC) I got from Corecode's package repository.
:Can anyone else confirm this result?

My guess is that they performed some CVS surgery to rename
gnom2-user-docs to gnome-user-docs and it wound up confusing

I normally do not cvsup source checkouts.  Instead I cvsup the
CVS repository itself and then do the checkout manually.

Matthew Dillon 

Spurious results from using cvsup?

2006-10-29 Thread walt
I discovered that using cvsup on DF-current will give some
stragely wrong results while updating my pkgsrc tree, but
no error messages of any kind.

One notable example:

 Checkout pkgsrc/misc/gnome-user-docs/DESCR
 Checkout pkgsrc/misc/gnome-user-docs/Makefile
 Checkout pkgsrc/misc/gnome-user-docs/PLIST
 Checkout pkgsrc/misc/gnome-user-docs/distinfo

The part that worries me is that the gnome-user-docs
directory is completely empty afterwards, and this is
repeatable using two different cvsup servers.  (Note
that most other directories update properly -- I have
no clue why that directory is peculiar.)

I'm wondering how many other errors may be slipping
past without any error messages to alert me.

I'm using cvsup from cvsup-bootstrap-20051229.tgz which
(IIRC) I got from Corecode's package repository.

Can anyone else confirm this result?

Re: where is cvsup?

2006-10-08 Thread YONETANI Tomokazu
On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 08:34:33PM -0700, walt wrote:
> > updater.c lacks support for two commands that are needed to deal
> > with newphrases(any unknown phrases in the current implementation)
> > in RCS file.
> >
> > Please try this:
> > $ cd
> > $ fetch
> > $ cd /usr/src
> > $ tar zxf ~/dly-csup.tar.gz
> > $ cpdup ~freebsd/projects/csup contrib/csup
> > $ cd usr.bin/csup
> > $ make obj && make depend && make && make install
> >
> > The csup source in contrib/csup directory in FreeBSD tree
> > doesn't have the fix to queue.h, so it produces (unharmful) warnings.
> Now I see this:
> Updating collection dragonfly-cvs-src/cvs
>  Edit src/etc/defaults/periodic.conf
> newphrase commitid ignored
>  Edit src/share/man/man5/periodic.conf.5
> newphrase commitid ignored
> Finished successfully
> When I re-run cvsup I get no new updates -- so I guess that
> means it's working in spite of the warnings, right?

Yes, it merely means that it doesn't know about a newphrase `commitid'.
Since commitid happens to have nothing to do with checkout mode, it can
be safely ignored.  I'm not 100% sure if *any* newphrase can be ignored,
but I doubt one would want to add a new RCS phrase that requires special
handling to older implementations without breaking compatibility.
When the first time I talked to Maxime in private e-mail about this problem,
he didn't seem to be convinced about ignoring newphrase, but rather cvsup
and/or its protocol should be adjusted to recognize the commitid keyword to
get things done correctly.  He also said he was going to take care about
it after a few more conversations, but I haven't heard from him or seen
a commit since then.


Re: where is cvsup?

2006-10-06 Thread Simon 'corecode' Schubert

On 06.10.2006, at 10:37, Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:

Last I checked csup didn't handle repository mode, there are
alternatives to cvsup for repository copies - but when I used cvsync I
wound up with a repository copy that missed some updates and rsync is
slower and harder on the servers than cvsup I think.

cvsync is broken as it re-oders the cvs files so that they are 
incompatible with cvs (in some cases).  cvsup does maintain a supfile, 
so the server doesn't have to scan the repo all the time, so that's 
less resource consuming that rsync, i agree.  nevertheless I don't 
think it is a problem for servers to serve rsync.  when I update my cvs 
tree from chlamydia, the server scans the tree faster than my local 
(faster) box, probably because the tree is already cached in memory.

I think the times for optimizing every last single bit to transfer or 
not are quite over (considering amounts of bandwidth wasted by spam).


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