
für alle, die an der diesjährigen LibreOffice-Konferenz teilnehmen
wollen, leite ich die folgende Mitteilung über die Anmeldung weiter.

Mehr Info zur LibreOffice Conference gibt es hier:


Am 30.08.2013 14:29, schrieb Florian Effenberger:
> Dear community,
> in less than four weeks, the LibreOffice Conference 2013 will take
> place in Milan, Italy. LibOCon is the global and annual event for
> the whole LibreOffice community and ecosystem, with creators,
> adopters and users meeting and gathering, exchanging ideas and
> thoughts.
> After the Call for Papers has been finished, we are currently
> working hard to prepare the schedule out of those many great
> proposals we have received.
> In order to help the organizers with their plannings, we today ask
> you to register if you want to take part in this year's conference.
> This helps us in estimating the amount of attendants and ensuring
> that enough capacities are available for everyone. We also need this
> information to send you last-minute updates via e-mail.
> Registering is easy - just send an e-mail to
>             confere...@libreoffice.org
> and state:
>             1. your first and last name
>             2. your e-mail address
>             3. your organization/affiliation, if applicable
>             4. your IRC nickname, if you want
> Participation at the conference will cost 10 € per person, payable
> directly at the venue, which helps the local organizers in producing
> required material.
> Looking forward to seeing you in Milan!
> On behalf of the community
> Florian

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