Hi Tony,

Tony Thompson wrote:
OK, I think I can reconfigure the 1.5.3 server.xml to match my install.  But, 
it looks like a whole bunch of other stuff has changed.  The first thing is the 
my directory information was in instances/default.  Now it appears that it 
doesn't use that directory structure at all anymore.
Yes, the structure has change. However, you won't be able to reuse the same data files from 1.5.1 and make them work with 1.5.3 : the way we are storing entries has totally changed.

In the 1.5.3 server.xml, I specified the workingDirectory attribute on the 
<defaultDirectoryService> tag but it looks like it only goes one directory deep.  If I specify 
workingDirectory="instances/defualt", it puts all the partition info directly into 
"instances".  If I copy my 1.5.1 partition data from instances/default/partitions to the 1.5.3 
install, it appears that all of my directory data is gone.  How do I get my 1.5.1 directory data into 
There is only one option : export your data from 1.5.1 as a big ldif file, and re-import them in 1.5.3

More to come ...

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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