
Present were: Roland, Erik, Barry, Peter, Frank, and Josh.

Barry prepared a test conversion of CactusBase, including 'trunk/master'
and ET_2014_05 so far. A few minor issues were noted:
 - empty one-line logs: will be fixed
 - empty authors: ok (from cvs2svn)
 - thorn-prefixes to be changed from "[thorn] " to "thorn: "
 - all branches will be included in next test
 - assumption: branch creation among thorns at "same time"
   -> probably ok, and if not conversion scripts will complain

Zach did not have more time for the Illinois code, but expects to within
the next few weeks.

- 1641: Frank will change the default in Slab from AlltoAll to
  irecv/isend. This is expected to work, and changing it now will serve
  as test. (changed)



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