Thanks Richard,

oversimplifying the scenario and bringing it down to felix related parts,
what I did can be described as "build -> start felix -> demo something ->
stop felix -> build -> start felix > ..." loop! What I observed was ... hmm
I guess I should call it ... inconsistent behavior. Sometimes after restart
it will realize the bundles have changed and sometimes it will not. As I
wrote earlier this is my only case where I use pure felix. It is only for a
simple demo and I made it a habit to always clean the cache before starting
felix to avoid it. So this observation is an year old now and I don't
remember the details. It may be that it depends on what exactly changes in
the bundles or it may be me doing something wrong/stupid (the fact that I'm
used to use fileinstall normally, may have influenced my expectations). I
don't claim there is a bug in felix I was just sharing an observation. If I
find some time in the next few days I'll try to reproduce it and provide
more details.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 9:01 PM, <> wrote:

> I'll take a look, thx!
> Citeren Raymond Auge <>:
>> It may serve you well to chose an alternative "osgi gradle plugin"
>> (perhaps
>> the official bnd gradle plugin [2]).
>> Just sayin...
>> - Ray
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