I figured this out so wanted to share the solution in case anyone comes across 
the same challenge.

First, the AIR SDK ADT command line tool used to package and sign IPAs prevents 
copying a resource into an IPA packages app locale folder, e.g., 
yourapp.app/en.lproj. This is just wrong, IMO, so I opened a bug on the Adobe 
bug tracker. Please vote for it since having this feature would make it so much 
easier to localize Info.plist values in AIR apps.


The workaround for this ADT issue is you need to write a script to copy your 
localized InfoPlist.strings files to their appropriate locale folders after the 
IPA has been packaged:

1. package the IPA with ADT (or from your IDE that executes ADT)
2. unzip the IPA
3. copy InfoPlist.strings into each locale folder in the app package for which 
you have a translation
4. codesign and zip the IPA

Also note InfoPlist.strings files are specified in the following format:

"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Kullanım sırasında konum servislerine 
izin verin.";
"NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription" = "Uygulama kullanımda değilken konum 
hizmetlerine izin ver."; 



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