
Looks like a few folks may have missed that FlexJS discussions are now
going on over in the Apache Royale project..

Please subscribe to the d...@royale.apache.org by sending an email to


This link might work: mailto:dev-subscr...@royale.apache.org
You will receive an email from the mailing list robot so be sure to check
your spam folder if you don't start receiving email after subscribing.
You can also follow the dev list and find old emails via




Dev@ is where we discuss ongoing development of Royale.  There are several
other lists you are encouraged to subscribe to as well:

Users@ is the mailing list for folks using releases that have questions.
It is our support line.  Subscribe to it by sending an email to


This link might work: mailto:users-subscr...@royale.apache.org
And users@ is archived by both Apache and Nabble.


Then we also have two other lists:

Commits@ is where notice of every change to code and doc happens. Again,
to subscribe send an email to:


This link might work: mailto:commits-subscr...@royale.apache.org
Archive is only on Apache:

Issues@ will hopefully be where notification of new bug reports and
changes to bugs happen.  We haven't tried it yet because we only just now
got GitHub issues enabled for our repos.  Just like commits@, to
subscribe, send an email to:


This link might work: mailto:issues-subscr...@royale.apache.org
Archive is only on Apache:

We hope to close down all discussion of FlexJS and Royale
on the flex.apache.org mailing lists.  We'll keep watching and redirecting
folks for a while, but Royale is where the active discussions will be.

See you over at Royale,

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