Dear you out there,
I am working on a database (LibreO-Base 3.4.5, Win7Prof/32bit) that will result in a multipage-multicolumn report and have made the report using the Report Builder.
My intention is to
> have the report's name and the column headings & page number on the first page (=> sections 'Report Header' & 'Page Header' visible) > and only column headings & page number(s) on the next pages (=> section 'Page Header' visible)

According to the guides this a real feature and should be possible - like in MSAccess - by means of mixing with the sections 'Report Header/Footer', 'Page Header/Footer', 'Group Header/Footer' and the property options 'Force New Page' and 'visible/not visible'.
There is one group name level above the 'detail' level data.
I think I have tried all possible combinations and have got the pages 2..(n) OK but the first page still fails: > if section 'Page Header' is put to 'not visible' there are no column headings at all nowhere > if section 'Page Header' is 'visible' it is on every page - first page included - but placed above the report name > if the column heading fields are put in the section 'Report Header' all the text in this section is visible on every page

Please somebody, tell me how to do?
Where can I find any instructions about the logic procedure in that mixing?

A minor problem:
There is a tool/button 'horizontal line' but the line drawn is not visible in preview!
Pertti Rönnberg

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