Hi :)
Have you been able to solve this already?  Did you get any answers?  Many 
apologies but i think the low traffic list went very quiet over Easter.  
Normally it relies on 1 or 2 total stars and if they are not around the rest of 
us feel a bit helpless.

I am forwarding this to the Users List just in case someone there can help
Apols and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Olav Dahlum <odah...@gmail.com>
>To: accessibil...@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Friday, 12 April 2013, 13:15
>Subject: [libreoffice-accessibility] Programmers are unable to extract pressed 
>keys and text sequences in LibreOffice 4.x.
>Software like Lingdys and Lingright from http://lingit.no/ are unable to
>work with 4.x.
>Torbjørn Norgård <torbj...@lingit.no> told me that no text sequences or
>pressed keys can be extracted and thus the software are unable to assist
>the user. I know that some older accessibility API's etc was removed, but
>could someone shed some more light on this subject?
>Olav Dahlum
>PGP key ID: 0xA6BD1795
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