Previous usage does not seem helpful but ..

Then, when you export the PDF, make sure the "Create PDF form" option is
selected on the "General" tab. 10/17/2016 12:44 PM, Ken Springer

What I want to do is mess with the "data" file in the way Adobe does it. It's US tax forms and in the past they could be filled out by calculating the numbers on a spreadsheet and then modifying the little data file that holds blanks, or previously mucked with such as entering "line23", into the value area,

It appears that Adobe has changed things yet again.

So I find that LibreOffice Writer can open the downloaded PDF file and allow changes to be entered but there is no way to read the little data file and install the pre-calculated numbers and names.

Previous text editors working with Ubuntu Linux have worked but they seem to be gone. Older PDF editors have had a menu option to save and re-enter the tiny "data file" which is just data and name pairs in lines of text.

I'd like to have someone show me the way to make that "Create PDF form" change over to "Here is my PDF form"; please use it.


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