On 2021-01-21 06:37, Dave Howorth wrote:
On Thu, 21 Jan 2021 03:17:38 -0500 John Kaufmann wrote:

This is a meta-question about help for LibreOffice questions.

(1) LibreOffice has a comprehensive array of mailing lists
(2) There is another great resource, the AskLibO system
... There are some really thoughtful people in both communities,
but [with notable exceptions] most do not seem to mix from one to
the other, though both communities cover the same scope of
questions. It makes sense that people are not active in both
places: there are limited hours in the day. But I'm never sure
where is the best place to ask a use question, and at the same time
would like to pay back something in the form of information to
whichever community I use. How do others handle that issue?

I can only speak for myself, although I suspect others also think
similarly. I prefer the medium of mailing lists to that of forums in
general. It may be to do with previous experience and age in general.
So I use mailing lists whenever they are available, and forums only if
I must. Hence I subscribe to this list, and ask questions here when I
need to and otherwise use a search engine to find relevant pages on the
web, which might include hits on the forums.

That's certainly my inclination (likely for the same reasons) -- though both 
communities are so valuable that it almost seems that each deprives the other 
of excellent resources. Also, it's telling that it seemed easier to ask this 
meta-question in this mailing list rather than on the AskLibO forum. However, I 
guess the follow-on question, about the discrepancies between AskLibO's 
web-based questions and emailed question digests, will have to be put in that 

As I try to think about how to make best use of these resources, Thanks for 
your reply,

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