I am having a major problem that started not long ago.

Documents Directory is selected. I click on “New Folder” at top or click on 
documents and choose create new folder from the menu, the try to name the 

I get a consistent error message:

“Can’t find the specified file.

Make Sure you specify the correct path and file name.”

When I click try again, I get a message that the file or folder does not exist.

So weird since I’m not looking for a file or folder.  And the error messages 
make no sense.

I always end up with an empty "New Folder" in my documents.

When I save a new document, I can name it and save it into a current folder, 
but can't make a new (named) folder to put it into.

I’ve checked a few folders in my document directory and they are “read only.” 
The documents inside are readable, but I can’t make a new folder to move them 

I uninstalled LibreOffice and reinstalled: same problem. Tried another 
uninstall and removed everything in my registry pertaining to Libre Office, but 
that didn't help again after I reinstalled.

I’m hoping someone can help.

Thank you!

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