Thank you!
Yes, that works.
(2013/05/22 14:52), Brian Barker wrote:
At 23:02 21/05/2013 +0900, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
I know you can create templates in Writer and then assign them to other documents, using an extension. Now I tried to do the same thing in Calc. Does not seem to work. Is there a way of "copying" styles from one Calc document to another?

o Open both documents.
o Go to File | Templates > | Organize... .
o Select Documents from the drop-down menus at the foot of both panels.
o Double-click the source document to show the Styles icon.
o Double-click its Styles icon to show the styles included in the source document. o Hold down Ctrl and drag the required style to the destination document, most easily in the other panel (though you can drag within the same panel).

Note that you need to use Ctrl+drag: simple dragging moves the style instead of copying it (if, as above, the source document is open at the time). If you prefer, you can avoid this danger by leaving the source document closed and using the File... button in the Template Management panel to browse to and add the file to the list.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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