LO, Slackware 14.0, KDE 4.8.5, Linux k3.2.29.

In the past, with KDE3, I was able to leave LO and many files open when I shut down the desktop for the day. Then when I started up the next time, LO ran and opened all the files I left open when I shut down. This was very handy for keeping oft-used files active on the desktop. Once in a while, when starting up, the restore manager would insist on restoring these files, but it wasn't the norm.

I have upgraded to KDE4 and ever since, *every* time I start up again, the restore manager wants to "restore" all these once-open files, which can take a while to process, since some are a bit lengthy. I just tried to "cancel" the restoration, since I knew all of the files were saved when I shut down. In the past, this worked and LO continued to open the files as when they were shut down. However, this time, none of the files were opened and I had to manually go through the list in my mind and open them. Hopefully, I didn't miss any.

It seems to be connected with the auto-save process, since starting up, shutting down immediately, and restarting, does not bring up the restore manager. That implies that some time must elapse before the restore manager "flag" is set, which is probably one or more auto-saves. The most obvious possible solution is to disable the auto-save process. But that seems radical for such a worthwhile process.

Is this a configuration issue, a known problem, a bug with KDE4, or what?

Thanks in advance.
Girvin Herr

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