Using v. on OSX 10.9

Somehow I'm just not getting this about outlines. People talk about using the navigator but how? The navigator just sits there with a list of things beginning with Headings, Tables, etc. Where is the button you click on to indent the currently marked item - or alternatively outdent it, of course.

Basically what I am looking for is something where each bit of text I type (until the next carriage return) is a body of text which I can drag around as I need. I don't want to have to mark the text and then do Cmd+x and put it down with Cmd+v or drag it after marking it.

I don't need differential numbering depending on the degree of indentation, 1, A, i, a and so on. Simple bullets will do fine. Then I can grab a bullet and move the whole text bit to another place.

I think this functionality, which everyone says is to be found, is not too well documented.


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