Apologies if you've heard this news item from other sources already but the
information contained in the mentioned article is quite important to all
JVM related endeavors going forward. Please read on.

As you may have heard in past months the JDK now has a 6 months release
cadence. Coupled to this speed Oracle has put forward a new scheme
regarding free updates vs. paid support. Other JDK vendors (such as IBM,
RedHat, Azul, et al) have commented on these developments and put forward
their own plans in terms of support. However there’s still a lot of people
out there that are unaware of the change that’s coming to the Java

As a result the Java Champions, in collaboration with Oracle and other JDK
vendors, have created a document whose aim is to explain the different
options at your disposal. This document should be spread as much as
possible, please discuss it with your customers, as the new terms and
conditions will affect their release cycle and budget constraints, among

The following message is from Martjin Verburg, co-lead of the Java London
Community, re-known speaker, and Java Champion:

With the recent changes to Oracle JDK distribution and support, there’s
been considerable uncertainty in the Java ecosystem over the rights to use
Oracle JDK vs Oracle’s OpenJDK builds vs OpenJDK builds from other
providers. Working with the various providers, the Java Champions[1] (an
independent body of Java experts) have put together a comprehensive Java Is
Still Free[2] document on the changes and the choices you have going
forward, and yes Java is Still Free!

The Java Is Still Free[2] document has comments and suggested edit access
switched on and will periodically be updated to reflect the latest accurate
information.  It is being Disseminated[3] widely and we’d appreciate you
sharing this with your colleagues and within your organisations (please do
update the Disseminated[3] doc when you do).



Java Champion; Groovy Enthusiast
JCP EC Associate Seat
What goes up, must come down. Ask any system administrator.
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and
those who don't.
To understand recursion, we must first understand recursion.

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