GMavenPlus 1.6.3 has been released to Sonatype OSS
<> and should appear in
Maven Central <> shortly.  This release includes



   - Ability to use Groovy from plugin dependencies (creates a single
   classpath with plugin and project dependencies) (#64
   <> & #86
   - Support for Java 13 bytecode (#123
   - Log executed scripts (#119
   - Log message from exception cause (#112

Potentially breaking changes


The feature for #64 & #86 is controversial for me.  In my humble opinion, I
think it's usually a sign of bad build practices if you have a need for
this feature.  It's potentially dangerous, as if there are differing
dependency versions between GMavenPlus's dependencies and your project
dependencies, you may have compiled against a version that is different
than expected (and won't match runtime -- watch out for
NoClassDefFoundError).  However, since multiple users have requested this
option, and since the philosophy of this project is to provide the user
with reasonable defaults but full control, I've acquiesced to the request.
The defaults retain the same behavior as the previous release.
*Getting help / reporting bugs*

As usual, let me know of any bugs you encounter either on our user mailing
list (, GitHub issues (, or Slack (



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