Hi Harish,

The <unique number> should be the line number where the problem is. How are
you setting context that doesn't show file name? The code you're running
that has the error can't possibly extract something from the context since
there is an error (I am guessing syntax error?).

I am the developer of HiveMind, it is a JSR223 based web app platform for
Groovy and other JVM languages. You can access:

url: http://demo.crudzilla.com:7000/
login: developer/developer

I have created a test file in: /com/crudzilla/cloudTest/web/dewan/test.ste

You can test the code by right clicking on the test.ste file and selecting
"Open In Browser".

Put your code in there and save, I can review it for you.


On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 6:47 AM, Harish Dewan <harish.de...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I am trying to run a groovy script from my Java code using JSR223 and I am
> using 'groovy-all-2.4.9.jar' .
> In case of any exception occurring, it gives a generic name as
> Script<unique number>.groovy , where as the script file name was
> differently given.
> I checked for possible solutions, like I need to set the script file name
> in the context. but the current code for eval does not gets the script file
> name from context. It creates a unique file name through
> 'generateScriptName'.
> Is this a bug or do I need to deal with it differently ?
> Please guide.
> Thanks
> Harish

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