Groovy provides a File.deleteDir() method that deletes a complete tree of 
directories AND files.  But what if I just want to delete empty directories?
It would be useful if this method could take an optional parameter (e.g. 
Boolean  -  onlyEmpty = if true only delete if empty) - or perhaps even a 
closure returning true/false to determine the criteria on which deletion should 
occur - e.g. delete folder and content unless the folder contains a particular 

This simple method below will delete any empty folders below the provided File 
path.  For performance, it is over simple, as it could skip deletes of parent 
folders where a child folder is not empty (hence not deleted).

  void clearEmptyDirectories(File aDir) {
      def emptyDirs = []

      aDir.eachDirRecurse { testDir ->
        emptyDirs << testDir
      // reverse so that we do the deepest folders first
      // but do not delete a folder if it is not empty
      emptyDirs.reverseEach { it.delete() }

Merlin Beedell

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