
newbie at apache, lamp and generally linux stuff here.
I have 2 problem:

first one:
.i would like to be able to run dialup_admin 2.0.5 on apache2.
like indicated at: 
i did the following:
ln -s /usr/share/dialup_admin /srv/www/htdocs/dialup

but when i try to open it with firefox, all i obtain is that error message:

    - You don't have permissionto access the requested object. It is either 
read protected or not readableby the server.
    - if you think that is a server error, please contactc your webmaster.
    - error 40.3.

i tried "chmod 777 -R /usr/share/dialup_admin"with no result (same issue)

could someone help me to fix it, please?

second one:
.php files works fine, but i would like to be able to run .php3 extension files 
too. how could i do that!

my config:
-opensuse 10.3
-apache version is 2.2.9
my webroot is located at /etc/www/htdocs.


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