 I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this
Please go through the question if you have any
suggestion let me know .

I have multiple streaming servers(Red5)
 running on some machines internally on LAN.
For different subdomains.
Server is Ubuntu 10.04

The front end to the world is apache2 on a Bastion Host.

To be able to reach the streaming server I
embed a javascript in HTML pages
as follows

<embed .....
var="rtmp://site1.m <http://ocw.openitup.in/>y_domain.com"


the problem is the website are many


each on a separate physical server.
Each of these four have their own Red5
<http://code.google.com/p/red5/>installations the front end to each of
these four is a common Bastion Host.

If I run rtmp on each of the subdomains at a different port

how will I make sure
a request such as

goes to their respective servers.
from the front end server.
What do I need to handle in this case ?

IPTABLES came to mind instantly but from the client browser on internet when
some one requests

how will I make sure this rtmp request is mapped to a port different than
1935 as there are three other streaming servers which are also to respond to
their respective requests

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