
during some investigation we found, that there is currently different behavior in logging and writing IPv6 addresses in SMTP.

RFC2821 tells to use a token like [IPv6:3ffe:ffff::1] instead of widly used [3ffe:ffff::1]

Currently following different behaviours are known:

Prefix token "IPv6:" used by

Header Log

Sendmail 8.12                           yes             yes
Sendmail 8.11                           no              no
Current IPv6 patch for postfix  no              no
exim                                    ?               ?
zmailer                                 ?               ?
IPv6 patch for qmail                    ?               ?
courier-smtp                            ?               ?
courier-imap                            -               no

Sure there some on the list who can replace the "?".

BTW: what should be preferred in log?

Thank you very much, Peter -- Dr. Peter Bieringer http://www.bieringer.de/pb/ GPG/PGP Key 0x958F422D mailto: pb at bieringer dot de Deep Space 6 Co-Founder and Core Member http://www.deepspace6.net/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- The IPv6 Users Mailing List Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe users" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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