Just read my own post. Sorry those chevrons were meant to be double, and they are only indicating color modelling "archetypes"[1] - force of habit - helps me conceptualize problem domains.

[1] http://www.nebulon.com/articles/fdd/download/adspostera3.pdf

On 24-Sep-16 3:59 PM, David Tildesley wrote:
Hi Martin,

You haven't described a tenancy problem so I wouldn't necessarily try and bend that to your problem. I would model it in the domain and use domain behavior. The behaviour checks if the user is a member of a committee (<ppt>Committee) in the role of managing (<role>ConcertManager) the concert (<moment-interval>Concert) before allowing operations on the concert component.



On 23-Sep-16 6:07 PM, Martin wrote:

We want to give ownership of specific objects in the domain model to a
subset of users.

Example: an application to manage concerts, and a subset of the users is
the concert organization committee. The members of
the organization committee can be added and removed at runtime or defined when creating a new concert object. A user can be assigned to be a member
of multiple committees, and the members of a concerts organization
committee should be granted permissions to manipulate the concert and its
associated objects.

I looked at the isis-security-module (
https://github.com/isisaddons/isis-module-security) and also at the
tenancy, but I had trouble figuring out if this could actually serve our

How would one go about this with apache isis?

Thanks and regards,

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