On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 22:43, ChadDavis <chadmichaelda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In 1.6, the JCR-RMI has been moved to the Jackrabbit Commons.  I
> couldn't find any reference to the commons on the main jackrabbit
> site.  I was able to find it via an internet search, but it seems like
> it should be easier to find.  Shouldn't there be a link to the commons
> on the right hand navigation?

This is mainly an internal organization for managing the components
better in JIRA and to more easily maintain separate release cycles.
This also means that jcr-rmi is independently developed & released
from jackrabbit-core and that's why the latest version is 1.5. There
is no 1.6 or 2.0 yet.

The description is still here:

And the new svn location is now below

> Also, what exactly is a "commons"?  What are the characteristics that
> distinguish these components from the ones in the main project itself?

In Apache, "commons" means something that was written/started by a
project, but is actually independent from the (core) project itself.
In Jackrabbit's case, all (jcr) commons modules work based on the JCR
API itself and are not tied to the Jackrabbit core implementation. You
can use the JCR RMI client with any JCR-complient repository that
exposes itself over rmi.


Alexander Klimetschek
  • Commons Page ChadDavis
    • Re: Commons Page Alexander Klimetschek

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