I think you are on the wrong mailing list. The code below is the OWL API, not Jena.


On 8/15/2014 11:49, Deyan Chen wrote:
Hi all,

When I try to open an example.ttl ontology using Protege, the protege's TurtleOntologyParser reports the following error:

uk.ac.manchester.cs.owl.owlapi.turtle.parser.ParseException: Encountered " <FULLIRI> "<http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#medicine.drug_strength.strength_value> "" at line 5950904, column 65.
Was expecting:
    "." ...

Then I find the triple at line 5950904:

<http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#m.0hycptl> <http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#medicine.drug_strength.strength_value> 8e-05 .

But I can't find any problems in this triple. And TurtleOntologyParser can parse the following similar triples successfully:

<http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#m.0hyckjg> <http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#medicine.drug_strength.strength_value> 0.03 . <http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#m.0hyckjg> <http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#medicine.drug_strength.strength_value> 20.0 . <http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#m.0hyckjg> <http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#medicine.drug_strength.strength_value> 30.0 . <http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#m.0hyckjg> <http://www.example.com/ontologies/2014/6/medicine#medicine.drug_strength.strength_value> 3.5 .

When I change '8e-05' to '8.05', it can parse it successfully. But when I change to '8e.05' or '8-05', it reports the same error.

Can anyone tell me why?

Thank you very much.

Deyan Chen
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